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朱翰辰 周楚亮 李晓锋 田野 李儒新



朱翰辰, 周楚亮, 李晓锋, 田野, 李儒新

Research on Laser Locking Direct Electron Acceleration over 30 GeV

Han-Chen Zhu, Chu-Liang Zhou, Xiao-Feng Li, Ye Tian, and Ru-Xin Li
  • 当超强激光斜入射辐照固体时,预脉冲会先将固体表面等离子体化,随后主脉冲将与等离子体相互作用并最终被等离子体反射。同时,等离子体中的部分电子将锁定在激光场的加速位相,随后在激光场中获得有效加速,该过程被称为锁相电子加速。由于目前超强激光的电场强度已接近TV/m量级,因此如果电子在激光场加速位相中停留足够长的时间,便有可能获得百GeV甚至TeV量级的能量。本文针对现有的超强激光参数,通过单电子动力学模型,对锁相机制中电子在激光场的加速过程展开系统研究。研究结果表明,峰值功率为10PW量级的强激光可将电子直接加速至30GeV左右。另外,本研究给出了锁相加速机制中锁相电子的远场能量角分布以及最终能量等与激光场强度的定标关系。考虑到激光强度的不断提高并且激光锁相电子加速机制也适用于正电子加速,因此本研究将有望应用与小型化正负电子对撞机及高能伽马射线源等领域。
    When an intense laser obliquely irradiates a solid, a pre-pulse will first ionize the solid surface, followed by the main pulse interacting with the plasma and ultimately being reflected by it. Simultaneously, certain electrons within the plasma will become trapped in the accelerating phase of the laser field, subsequently gaining effective acceleration within the field, a phenomenon known as phase-locked electron acceleration. Given the current intense lasers' electric field intensity nearing the TV/m range, electrons have the potential to acquire energy levels on the order of hundreds of GeV or even TeV if they remain in the laser field's accelerating phase for a sufficient duration. Here, we initially use PIC(Particle-in-Cell) simulations to simulate the interaction process between laser pulses and plasma, thereby obtaining the properties of phase-locked electrons. In order to reduce computational demands, we turn to use a three-dimensional (3D) test particle model to calculate the subsequent interactions of these electrons with the reflected laser field. By this model, we obtain the data of the locked-phase electrons after interacting with the reflected laser (Figure a). Furthermore, we use this model to calculate the dynamical behavior of electrons with different initial conditions (Figure b). Under the laser intensity of a0=350(a0 is the normalized laser vector potential), the energy of the electrons directly accelerated by the laser was enhanced to 32 GeV. In contrast, under the same laser intensity, the energy of the electrons accelerated by ponderomotive was only 0.35 GeV. The research findings indicate that strong lasers with peak powers around 10PW can directly accelerate electrons to approximately 30 GeV. Additionally, this study outlines the optimal initial conditions for electron injection into the laser field and the final electron energy within the phase-locked acceleration mechanism, establishing a calibration relationship with the laser field intensity. Given the continual enhancement of laser intensity and the potential application of the laser phase-locked electron acceleration mechanism to positron acceleration, this research holds promise for implementation in fields such as miniaturized positron-electron colliders and high-energy gamma-ray sources.
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