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袁鹏举 杨蕴哲 董世杰 唐苗苗



袁鹏举, 杨蕴哲, 董世杰, 唐苗苗
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241023

Propagation properties of specular and antispecular twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams

Yuan Peng-Ju, Yang Yun-Zhe, Dong Shi-Jie, Tang Miao-Miao
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241023
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 通过将扭曲高斯谢尔模光束入射到波前折叠干涉仪(WFI), 构建了一类镜像与反镜像扭曲高斯谢尔模光束, 并研究了光束在传输过程中的二阶统计特性. 结果表明, 变换光场仍保持扭曲效应, 其光谱密度和光谱相干度在传输过程中绕轴旋转, 但二者的旋向相反. 值得注意的是, 扭曲相位不仅能控制光场的旋转速度, 还能有效调控光斑的整体轮廓分布, 而中心区域的光斑模式则由WFI的相位差调控主导, 具体表现为镜像扭曲光场在传输过程中始终表现为中央亮斑分布, 反镜像扭曲光场则表现为中央暗核分布. 此外, 本文证明了光场的光谱相干度可由光源相干性、扭曲相位和WFI相位差等参数灵活调制. 本研究结果对于自由空间光通信以及微粒捕获等领域有重要应用价值.
    We introduce a class of specular and antispecular twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams, which are generated by inserting a twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam into a wavefront folding interferometer (WFI). The analytical expression for the cross-spectral density function of the beam propagating in free space is derived, and the statistical properties of the optical field are investigated in detail. The results show that the twisted effect is still maintained after the transformation, and the spectral density of the light field always rotates to 90 degrees around the axis during propagation. Furthermore, with appropriate optical field adjustment, the twist effect of the spectral degree of coherence (DOC) can be observed, but in opposite directions to the irradiance profile. We also find that the twisted phase not only controls the rotation of the field, but also effectively modulates the overall spot contour. For the far-field spectral density distribution, a larger twist effect will induce a smaller ellipticity of the beam spot. However, the intensity pattern in the central area is mainly determined by the phase difference of WFI. To be specific, the specular twisted field always has a sharp central peak during propagation, and in the antispecular case it has a central dip. Besides, the DOC distribution can be flexibly adjusted by the source coherence, the twisted phase and the phase difference of the WFI. The results of our work have important applications in the fields of free-space beam communication and particle trapping.
      通信作者: 唐苗苗, tmiaomiao0371@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12174089)、河南省自然科学基金(批准号: 222300420042, 242300420635)和河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划(批准号: 2023GGJS047)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Tang Miao-Miao, tmiaomiao0371@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12174089), the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, China (Grant Nos. 222300420042, 242300420635), and the Cultivation Program for Young Backbone Teachers of Higher Education Institutions in Henan Province, China (Grant No. 2023GGJS047).

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    Santarsiero M, Gori F, Alonzo M 2019 Opt. Express 27 8554Google Scholar


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    Tian C, Zhu S J, Huang H K, Cai Y J, Li Z H 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 5880Google Scholar


    Wang H Y, Peng X F, Zhang H, Liu L, Chen Y H, Wang F, Cai Y J 2022 Nanophotonics-Berlin 11 689Google Scholar


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    Zhang C Y, Fu W Y 2024 Opt. Appl. 54 15Google Scholar


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    Gori F, Guattari G, Palma C, Padovani C 1988 Opt. Commun. 68 239Google Scholar


    Partanen H, Sharmin N, Tervo J, Turunen J 2015 Opt. Express 23 28718Google Scholar


    Guo M W, Zhao D M 2016 Opt. Express 24 6115Google Scholar


    Zhou Z T, Guo M W, Zhao D M 2016 Appl. Opt. 55 6757Google Scholar


    Zhou Z T, Guo M W, Zhao D M 2017 Opt. Commun. 383 287Google Scholar


    Das D, Halder A, Partanen H, Koivurova M, Turunen J 2022 Opt. Express 30 5709Google Scholar


    Tang M M, Dong S J, Yang Y Z, Zhou Y J, Guo M W, Li X Z 2024 J. Opt. 26 065601Google Scholar


    Guo M W, Zhao D M 2018 Opt. Express 26 8581Google Scholar


    Tang M M, Feng X X, Liu S Y, Li H H, Li X Z 2021 J. Opt. 23 045605Google Scholar


    Li C Q, Zhang H Y, Wang T F, Liu L S, Guo J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 224203Google Scholar


    徐华锋, 张兴宇, 王仁杰 2024 物理学报 73 034201Google Scholar

    Xu H F, Zhang X Y, Wang R J 2024 Acta Phys. Sin. 73 034201Google Scholar


    王飞, 余佳益, 刘显龙, 蔡阳健 2018 物理学报 67 184203Google Scholar

    Wang F, Yu J Y, Liu X L, Cai Y J 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 184203Google Scholar


    Liu Y L, Dong Z, Zhu Y M, Wang H Y, Wang F, Chen Y H, Cai Y J 2024 PhotoniX 5 8Google Scholar


    Yu J Y, Zhu X L, Wang F, Chen Y H, Cai Y J 2023 Prog. Quant. Electron. 91-92 100486Google Scholar


    Chen Y H, Wang F, Cai Y J 2022 Adv. Phys-X 7 2009742Google Scholar


    Peng D M, Huang Z F, Liu Y L, Chen Y H, Wang F, Ponomarenko S A, Cai Y J 2021 PhotoniX 2 6Google Scholar

  • 图 1  波前折叠干涉仪(WFI), 其中S为光源, BS为非偏振分束器, P1和P2为直角棱镜, D为探测器

    Fig. 1.  Wavefront-folding interferometer (WFI). S is the source, BS is a non-polarizing beam splitter, P1 and P2 are right-angle prisms, and D is a detector.

    图 2  WFI输出平面上的归一化光谱密度$ {{S\left( {x', y'} \right)} {/ } {{S_{\max }}}} $ (a) $\phi = 0$; (b) $ \phi = {{\text{π}} {/ } {2}} $; (c) $\phi = {\text{π}}$

    Fig. 2.  Normalized spectral density $ {{S\left( {x', y'} \right)} {/ } {{S_{\max }}}} $ in the WFI output plane: (a) $\phi = 0$; (b) $ \phi = {{\text{π}} {/ } {2}} $; (c) $\phi = {\text{π}}$.

    图 3  WFI输出平面上的归一化光谱相干度$ \mu \left( {{x'_1}, {0}, {x'_2}, {0}} \right) $

    Fig. 3.  Spectral degree of coherence $ \mu \left( {{x'_1}, {0}, {x'_2}, {0}} \right) $ in the WFI output plane.

    图 4  变换扭曲光场在自由空间传输过程中的归一化光谱密度$S\left( {x, y, z} \right)/{S_{\max }}$的演变规律

    Fig. 4.  Evolution of the normalized spectral density $S\left( {x, y, z} \right)/{S_{\max }}$ of the transformed twisted field on propagation.

    图 5  扭曲因子对镜像扭曲光场的归一化光谱密度$S\left( {x, y, z} \right)/{S_{\max }}$的影响 (a) z = 0 mm; (b) z = 200 mm; (c) z = 4000 mm

    Fig. 5.  Influence of the twist factor on the normalized spectral density $S\left( {x, y, z} \right)/{S_{\max }}$ of the specular twisted field: (a) z = 0 mm; (b) z = 200 mm; (c) z = 4000 mm.

    图 6  两个对称点之间的光谱相干度$\mu \left( {x/2, y/2, - x/2, - y/2, z} \right)$在传输距离z = 400 mm处沿$ x $轴的二维分布 (a) wx = 0.5 mm, $ {\delta _x} = {\delta _y} = 0.2 {\text{ mm}} $; (b) $\phi = {{\text{π}} {/ } {4}}$, $ {\delta _x} = {\delta _y} = 0.2 {\text{ mm}} $; (c) $\phi = {{\text{π}} {/ } {4}}$, wx = 0.5 mm

    Fig. 6.  Spectral degree of coherence $\mu \left( {x/2, y/2, - x/2, - y/2, z} \right)$ between two symmetrical points at the propagation distance z = 400 mm along $ x $ axis: (a) wx = 0.5 mm, $ {\delta _x} = {\delta _y} = 0.2 {\text{ mm}} $; (b) $\phi = {{\text{π}} {/ } {4}}$, $ {\delta _x} = {\delta _y} = 0.2 {\text{ mm}} $; (c) $\phi = {{\text{π}} {/ } {4}}$, wx = 0.5 mm.

    图 7  两个对称点之间的光谱相干度$\mu \left( {x/2, y/2, - x/2, - y/2, z} \right)$随干涉仪两光路相位差$ \phi $的分布情况 (a) wx = 0.5 mm, $ {\delta _x} = {\delta _y} = 0.2 {\text{ mm}} $; (b) z = 400 mm, $ {\delta _x} = {\delta _y} = 0.2 {\text{ mm}} $

    Fig. 7.  Spectral degree of coherence $\mu \left( {x/2, y/2, - x/2, - y/2, z} \right)$ along $ \phi $: (a) wx = 0.5 mm, $ {\delta _x} = {\delta _y} = 0.2 {\text{ mm}} $; (b) z = 400 mm, $ {\delta _x} = {\delta _y} = 0.2 {\text{ mm}} $.

    图 8  两个对称点之间的光谱相干度$\mu ( {x/2, y/2, - x/2, - y/2, z} )$在传输过程中的演化规律, 其中$ \phi = {\text{π}}/4 $

    Fig. 8.  Evolution of the spectral degree of coherence $\mu ( {x/2, y/2, - x/2, - y/2, z} )$ between two symmetrical points on propagation, and $ \phi = {\text{π}}/4 $.

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