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贺文君 侯雅斐 闫嵩泉 吴泽鹏 刘毅 游亚军 何剑



贺文君, 侯雅斐, 闫嵩泉, 吴泽鹏, 刘毅, 游亚军, 何剑

Intra-Mode Backward Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Lithium Niobate Micron Fibers

He Wenjun, Hou Yafei, Yan Songquan, Wu Zepeng, Liu Yi, You Yajun, He Jian
  • 多模光纤的布里渊传感技术因其能够同时进行温度、应变等多参量的模态传输,具备更高的信息容量和传输效率而备受关注。此外,铌酸锂材料凭借其优异的电光特性,在传感领域展现出潜在应用价值,有望提供更高灵敏度和精度。然而,受工艺成熟度影响,目前光纤传感的研究多集中于硅基材料,以铌酸锂为纤芯材料的研究相对较少,其应用潜力被普遍低估。本文针对铌酸锂光纤中的布里渊散射效应的理论研究,通过有限元仿真技术,模拟微米量级铌酸锂光纤中各阶数模式的后向布里渊散射特性,分析光纤中前5个LP模(LP01、LP11、L P21、LP02和LP31)的模内受激布里渊散射特性,以探明铌酸锂微米光纤模态内后向布里渊散射特性。结果表明,铌酸锂光纤的有效折射率(2.1785~1.9797)、布里渊散射频移( 20.63~18.747 GHz )以及增益( 4.0115 m−1·W−1-13.503 m−1·W−1 )均随着模式阶数的增高而减小,模拟结果进一步表明,与普通硅结构光纤相比,铌酸锂光纤结构的布里渊增益有显著提高,预示其在传感方面的灵敏度也会更高。
    The Brillouin sensing technology in multimode optical fibers has garnered significant attention due to its capability for simultaneous modal transmission of multiple parameters, such as temperature and strain, which confer it higher information capacity and transmission efficiency. Additionally, lithium niobate, with their excellent electro-optical properties, show potential application value in the sensing field and are expected to provide higher sensitivity and precision. However, owing to the maturity of manufacturing processes, current research on fiber optic sensing predominantly focuses on silicon-based materials, with relatively fewer studies dedicated to fibers using lithium niobate as the core material, thus underestimating its application potential. This paper investigates the theoretical aspects of Brillouin scattering effects in lithium niobate optical fibers. We simulate the intra-mode backward Brillouin scattering characteristics of the first five orders of LP modes in micrometer-scale lithium niobate fibers by means of finite-element simulation, in order to explore its intrinsic law.
    First of all, the relationship between the Brillouin frequency shift and gain for the first five optical mode interactions is analyzed in detail. The results showed that in the case of intra mode BSBS, the peak of BFS would exhibit a significant redshift, ranging from 20.63 GHz to 18.747 GHz. The Brillouin gain coefficient would also decrease from 13.503 m−1·W−1 to 4.0115 m−1·W−1 with increasing mode order, in which mode LP01 having the strongest gain intra modal interaction means the best sensing sensitivity. In addition, compared with ordinary silica fiber, the Brillouin gain of lithium niobate fiber is increased by about 5 orders of magnitude, which means that fibers with lithium niobate as the core can have higher sensing sensitivity. In addition, we found that although there are significant differences in the Brillouin frequency shift values of each order of optical modes under intra modal interactions, the sound velocity of their corresponding acoustic modes is always consistent under the same acoustic mode. In data processing, we noticed that this is because as the mode order changes, the corresponding effective refractive index also decreases to ensure that each acoustic mode of the material always has the same sound velocity. These findings provide the basis for lithium niobate fiber sensors with electro-optic properties.
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