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闫少渊 丁逸鸣 马国 付亚鹏 许凯亮 他得安



闫少渊, 丁逸鸣, 马国, 付亚鹏, 许凯亮, 他得安

Ultrafast ultrasound coded vector Doppler imaging of blood flow velocity and resistivity

Yan Shao-Yuan, Ding Yi-Ming, Ma Guo-Ao, Fu Ya-Peng, Xu Kai-Liang, Ta De-An
  • 血流速度的动态精确测量对血管疾病诊疗至关重要.传统超声彩色多普勒技术只能获取血流速度在声波传播方向的分量,无法获取准确的血流速度大小和方向.近期发展的超快矢量多普勒技术可用于小血流速度矢量测量,然而其测量精度对噪声较为敏感.本文提出了一种基于哈达玛矩阵的超快超声脉冲编码矢量多普勒流速测量方法.螺旋血流仿真实验和大鼠脑血流在体实验表明,与现有方法相比,所提出方法显著提升了低信噪比情况下的血流速度测量准确度.此外,本文实现了脑血流在单个心动周期内的速度矢量动态测量,并实现了脑血流网络阻抗特征分析,具有较高的成像信噪比和高时空分辨率.本文提出的超快脉冲编码矢量多普勒成像方法,可应用于复杂血流网络可视化和血流动力学参数动态评估,对发展基于超快超声的血流矢量化成像方法具有重要借鉴意义。
    Dynamic and precise measurement of cerebral blood flow velocity plays a critical role in neuroscience and the diagnosis of cerebrovascular diseases. Traditional color Doppler ultrasound can only measure the velocity component along the ultrasound beam, limiting its ability to accurately capture the full blood flow vector in complex environments. To address these limitations, we propose an ultrafast pulse-coded vector Doppler (PC-UVD) imaging method, leveraging Hadamard matrix pulse encoding to enhance velocity estimation accuracy in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. Our study includes both spiral flow simulations and in vivo rat brain experiments, demonstrating significant improvements in measurement precision compared to conventional ultrafast vector Doppler (UVD). This novel approach enables dynamic cerebral blood flow velocity measurement within a single cardiac cycle, offering insights into cerebrovascular resistivity characteristics.
    The proposed PC-UVD method encodes plane waves with Hadamard matrices, increasing SNR without sacrificing temporal or spatial resolution. Velocity vectors are then estimated using a weighted least squares (WLS) approach, where iterative residual-based weight optimization enhances robustness to noise and reduces outlier contributions. Simulations using a spiral blood flow phantom validate the effectiveness of this technique, showing a substantial improvement in velocity estimation accuracy, particularly in deep imaging regions with significant signal attenuation. In vivo experiments on rat brains further corroborate the enhanced accuracy of the proposed method over existing UVD approaches, particularly for small vessels. Notably, our approach can accurately differentiate arterial and venous flows by analyzing pulsatility and resistivity within the cerebral vascular network.
    This work demonstrates the potential of PC-UVD in complex vascular imaging, providing high SNR, high temporal and spatial resolution, and accurate vectorized flow measurements. Our results highlight its capability for non-invasive assessment of hemodynamic parameters and its potential application in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular diseases, particularly in small vessels.
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