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张紫琪 闫顺成 陶琛玉 余璇 张少锋 马新文



张紫琪, 闫顺成, 陶琛玉, 余璇, 张少锋, 马新文

Investigating dissociation mechanism of ethane dication via three-body fragmentation

ZHANG Ziqi, YAN Shuncheng, TAO Chenyu, YU Xuan, ZHANG Shaofeng, MA Xinwen
科大讯飞翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 分子离子广泛存在于行星大气的电离层中,其碎裂可以产生多个离子和中性碎片。研究末态产物的动能分布和生成机理,可以促进理解行星大气的逃逸等天文现象。本文开展了电子碰撞乙烷的双电离碎裂实验,重点研究了C2H62+离子C-C键断裂后形成CH3+/CH2+/H的三体解离通道。我们直接测量了CH3+和CH2+离子的三维动量,然后利用动量守恒重构了H的动量。通过动能释放谱、Dalitz图、牛顿图分析了三体碎裂的解离机制。发现协同解离是产生该通道的主要机制,另有部分次序解离的贡献,其第一步是C2H62+解离生成H和亚稳态C2H52+,第二步是C2H52+碎裂生成CH3+和CH2+。实验发现H原子动能分布较广,最高能量甚至达到10 eV,远高于土卫六大气的逃逸能量,因而该解离路径对H逃逸过程有贡献。
    Molecular ions are widely distributed in the ionosphere of planetary atmospheres, and their fragmentations can generate different ions and neutral fragments. Studying the kinetic energy distribution and generation mechanism of the final products is helpful in understanding fundamental phenomena in astrophysics and plasma physics. In particular, ethane is an important molecule found in Titan and comet, its fragmentation may be involved in the generation of complex hydrocarbons, as well as the atmospheric escape processes on Titan.
    In this paper, we carried out the experiment on ethane fragmentation by electron impact, focusing on the three-body fragmentation channel from C2H62+ to CH3+/CH2+/H. We directly measured the three-dimensional momenta of CH3+ and CH2+ ions, and then reconstructed the momentum of the H atom using momentum conservation law. Based on these analyses, we investigated the kinetic energy release (KER) spectrum and the fragmentation mechanisms.
    In the TOF coincidence map of the ions, we observed two channels: channel (1) represents the two-body dissociation generating CH3+/CH3+, and channel (2) represents the three-body dissociation generating CH3+/CH2+/H, which is mentioned above. It is found that the neutral H from channel (2) has a wide kinetic energy distribution, ranging from 0 eV up to more than 10 eV. This feature indicates the dissociation of the C-H bond is from multiple electronic states. Since the escape threshold of H in Titan's ionosphere is 0.02 eV, the vast majority of the H atoms produced in channel (2) can escape into outer space. In addition, the kinetic energy sum of CH3+ and CH2+in channel (2) is found to be similar to the KER of channel (1), indicating that the C-H dissociation presents limited influence on the energy sum of the CH2+ and CH3+.
    The corresponding fragmentation mechanism of channel (2) was also analyzed in this paper. We divided the overall KER spectrum into three parts, 0-6 eV, 6-9 eV, and 9-11 eV, and reconstructed the respective Dalitz plots and Newton diagrams under different KER conditions. In all Dalitz plots, there is a bright spot representing the concerted dissociation and a horizontal belt representing the sequential dissociation. The concerted dissociation is concluded as the main mechanism, while the sequential dissociation plays a minor role.
    The bright spot in the Dalitz plot shifts from the center to the left as the KER increases. This feature arises from the following fact, the CH2+lies between the H and the CH3+ in the concerted dissociation, and it feels the recoil both from H and CH3+. Considering the Coulomb potential from CH3+ is constant, enhancing the C-H dissociation energy will decrease the CH2+ kinetic energy. The belt in the Dalitz suggests the sequential dissociation as a two-step process, the first step is the dissociation of C2H62+ to generate H and metastable C2H52+, and the second step is the fragmentation from C2H52+ to CH3+ and CH2+.
    We also reconstructed the Newton diagrams under different KER conditions to give further evidence of the sequential dissociation from the metastable C2H52+, rather than from the metastable CH3+orCH4+. Indeed, for the former case, the center positions of the two half circles in Newton diagrams appear correctly. Oppositely, for the latter two cases, the center positions notably deviate from the expected values. This means the sequential dissociation from C2H52+ is dominant, which agrees excellently with the conclusion from the Dalitz plots.
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