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罗质华 梁国栋



罗质华, 梁国栋

Non-classical state effect on the persistent current in one-dimensional mesoscopic ring with electron-phonon interaction

Liang Guo-Dong, Luo Zhi-Hua
  • 基于声子相干态功效和计及声子压缩态非经典效应,研究了电子-磁振子和电子-声子相互作用对一维介观环持续电流的影响. 与自由环比较,由于电子-磁振子相互作用,持续电流的振幅呈现指数减小. 对于正常态电子,电子-声子相互作用导致持续电流以Debye-Waller(D-W)因子衰减.但是计入跳步电子-单声子相干态关联效应导致系统本征态能量大幅度下降,从而持续电流In有大幅度增加.另一方面计入双声子相干态行为,由于声子压缩态效应压缩电子-相干(态)声子弹性散射行为,导致电子绕环运
    Based on the efficacy of the phonon coherent state and with consideration of the non-classical effect of the squeezed state of phonon, the influence of the electron-magnon interaction and the electron-phonon interaction on the persistent current in one-dimensional mesoscopic ring is studied. Compared with the free ring, our study shows that in one-dimensional mesoscopic ring, the amplitude of the persistent current exponentially diminishes due to the electron-magnon interaction. For the normal state electron, the interaction of the electron-phonon causes the persistent current to weakendce to the Debye-Waller effect. However, taking the correlation between the hopping electron states and the one-phonon coherent states into the equation, the ground energy of the mesoscopic system is declined in a large scale. In result, the persistent current In is increased substantially. On the other hand, taking the behavior of the two-phonon coherent state into account, as the effect of the squeezed states of phonons maintains the phase coherence of electrons, so the Debye-Waller attenuation is weakened effectively. Especially, when the squeezed angle is larger, because of the non-adiabatic correlation between the squeezed-phonon states and the coherent states of phonon, it causes a significant decline in the ground state energy and a significant increase in the squeezed angle, thus persistent current has a even more significant increase. It should be pointed out, that the persistent current shows period oscillation as the external magnetic flux changes. Even the external magnetic flux Φem=0, still the persistent current of the intrinsic has I ~ n≠0. The system continuoues to support the equilibrium spin and charge flow, the external magnetic flux only plays the role of an adiabatic parameter.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 10574163)资助的课题.

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  • 收稿日期:  2010-05-31
  • 修回日期:  2010-06-28
  • 刊出日期:  2011-03-15

