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崔健 罗积润 朱敏 郭炜



崔健, 罗积润, 朱敏, 郭炜

Beam-wave synchronization and coupling in a multi-gap coupled cavity

Cui Jian, Luo Ji-Run, Zhu Min, Guo Wei
  • 本文基于空间电荷波理论,导出了N间隙耦合腔中注-波耦合系数和电子注电导计算公式.通过计算分析多间隙耦合腔中工作模式(2π模)耦合系数和归一化电子注电导随间隙数目N、直流电压和导流系数的变化,研究多间隙耦合腔中注-波耦合和同步关系,对分布互作用速调管的理论研究有指导意义.
    The analytical expressions of the beam-wave coupling coefficients and the beam-loaded conductance in an N-gap coupled cavity are derived based on space-charge wave theory. Through calculating the relations of the beam-wave coupling coefficient and the normalized beam-loaded conductance to the gap number, beam voltage and perveance for 2π mode, the mechanism of the beam-wave synchronization and coupling in the multi-gap coupled cavity are discussed. The results show that, with the increase of N(≥2), the beam-wave coupling efficiency and the normalized beam-loaded conductance vary with beam voltage more rapidly and there is a maximum value for the absolute squared value of the coupling coefficient |MN|2 and a maximum value and a minimum value for the normalized beam-loaded conductance gb. The magnitudes of these extrema increase with the increase of gap number N, and the corresponding voltage is close to the synchronization voltage. The increase of the perveance could make the voltage difference between two extremums of gb increase, the magnitudes of these extrema decrease, and the beam-wave coupling efficiency fall.

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    Chodorow M, Susskind C 1964 Fundamentals of Microwave Electronics (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. ) p158


    Kantrowitz F, Tammaru I 1988 IEEE Trans. ED 35 2018


    Haikov A Z (translated by Huang G N) 1980 Klystron Amplifiers (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p93 (in Chinese) [哈依柯夫 А З 著 黄高年译 1980速调管放大器(北京:国防工业出版社)第93页]


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  • [1]

    Wessel-Berg T 1957 Microwave Lab Stanford Univ. Tech. Rep. 376


    Chodorow M, Wessel-Berg T 1961 IRE Trans. ED 8 44




    Shin Y M, Park G S 2004 J. Korean Phys. Soc. 44 1239


    Roitman A, Horoyski P, Hyttinen M, Berry D, Steer B 2006 Proc. IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference 191


    Roitman A, Berry D, Steer B 2005 IEEE Trans. ED 52 895


    Huang H, Luo X, Lei L R, Luo G Y, Zhang B Z, Jin X, Tan J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 1907 (in Chinese) [黄 华、 罗 雄、 雷禄容、 罗光耀、 张北镇、 金 晓、 谭 杰 2010 物理学报 59 1907] [7] Zhang K C, Wu Z H,Liu S G 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3402


    Nguyen K T, Pershing D E, Abe D K, Levush B 2006 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34 576


    Quan Y, Ding Y, Wang S 2009 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 137


    Chodorow M, Susskind C 1964 Fundamentals of Microwave Electronics (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. ) p158


    Kantrowitz F, Tammaru I 1988 IEEE Trans. ED 35 2018


    Haikov A Z (translated by Huang G N) 1980 Klystron Amplifiers (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p93 (in Chinese) [哈依柯夫 А З 著 黄高年译 1980速调管放大器(北京:国防工业出版社)第93页]


    Pierce J R, Shepherd W G 1947 J. Bell System Tech. 26 663


    Branch G M 1961 IRE Trans. ED 8 193


    Xie J L, Zhao Y X 1966 Bunching Theory of Klystrons (Beijing: Science Press) p31 (in Chinese) [谢家麐、赵永翔 1966速调管群聚理论(北京:科学出版杜)第31页]


    Branch G M, Mihran T G 1955 IRE Trans. ED 2 3


    Chodorow M, Kulke B 1966 IEEE Trans. ED 13 439

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  • 收稿日期:  2010-05-20
  • 修回日期:  2010-06-22
  • 刊出日期:  2011-05-15

