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马璐 刘凇佐 乔钢



马璐, 刘凇佐, 乔钢

Sparse channel estimation and pilot optimization for underwater acoustic orthogonal frequency division multiple access uplink communications

Ma Lu, Liu Song-Zuo, Qiao Gang
  • 针对水声正交频分多址(OFDMA)上行通信中用户导频数量少、分布不均匀, 导致传统内插信道估计方法产生误码平层的问题, 提出一种稀疏信道估计与导频优化方法. 基于压缩感知(CS)理论估计稀疏信道冲激响应, 并依据CS理论中测量矩阵互相关最小化原理, 提出基于随机搜索的导频图案和导频功率联合优化算法. 仿真结果表明, 所提方法在不同多径扩展信道下的性能均优于基于线性内插的最小二乘估计、未经导频优化的CS信道估计以及单纯基于导频图案优化的CS信道估计. 水池实验分别验证了交织式和广义式子载波分配的水声OFDMA上行通信性能, 在接收信噪比高于10 dB时利用所提方法实现了两用户接入的可靠通信.
    Considering that the conventional channel interpolation method with sparse and irregular spaced pilots will lead to an error floor in underwater acoustic (UWA) orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) uplink communications, a method for sparse channel estimation and pilot optimization is proposed in this paper. A compressed sensing (CS) algorithm is utilized for sparse channel impulse response estimation, which performs well in sparse and irregular spaced pilots and significantly decreases the channel estimation error. Besides, the pilots’ pattern and power joint optimization algorithm based on the random search technique is proposed for the minimum mutual coherence criterion in CS theory, which further improves the performance of CS estimation algorithm. During each iteration step, we randomly pick a pilots’ pattern from the subcarrier index set and a pilots’ power subset from the available power set. Then we perform this step iteratively within a certain searching time. Finally, the local optimal solution of the objective function for minimizing mutual coherence is considered as the feasible pilots’ pattern and power. Simulation results show that the convergence performance of the pilots’ pattern and power joint optimization algorithm is much better than that of the pilots’ pattern optimization algorithm. Furthermore, the channel estimation error of the proposed method is much lower than that of conventional least-squares channel estimator based on linear interpolation, CS channel estimator without pilot optimization, and CS channel estimator merely with pilots’ pattern optimization in channels of different multipath delay spreads. Finally, performance of the proposed method is demonstrated in the UWA uplink OFDMA systems with interleaved and generalized carrier assignment schemes respectively in the two-user case in a pool experiment. Experimental results show that the proposed method decreases dramatically the bit error rate in both carrier assignment schemes, and simultaneous reception for two users is achieved when signal noise ratio is larger than 10 dB.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11274079, 61431004, 61401114)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11274079, 61431004, 61401114).

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    Ying Y Z, Ma L, Guo S M 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 054301


    Yin J W, Yang S, Du P Y, Yu Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 064302 (in Chinese) [殷敬伟, 杨森, 杜鹏宇, 余赟, 陈阳 2012 物理学报 61 064302]


    Khalil I M, Gadallah Y, Hayajneh M, Khreishah A 2012 Sensors 12 8782


    Jabba D, Labrador M 2009 IEEE Conference Oceans 2009 Bremen, Germany, May 11-14 2009, p1


    Morelli M, Kuo C, Pun M-O 2007 Proceedings of the IEEE 95 1394


    Ma Y, Tafazolli R 2007 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 55 1568


    Fertl P, Matz G 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 15-20 2007, p297


    Raghavendra M R, Lior E, Bhashyam S, Giridhar K 2007 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 55 5370


    Huang W C, Pan C H, Li C P, Li H J 2010 IEEE Trans. Broadcasting 56 58


    Berger C R, Zhou S L, Preisig J C, Willett P 2010 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 58 1708


    Tu K, Duman TM, Stojanovic M, Proakis J G 2013 IEEE J. Ocean Eng. 38 333


    Huang Y, Wan L, Zhou S L, Wang Z H, Huang J Z 2014 Phys. Commun. 13 156


    Tu K, Duman T M, Stojanovic M, Proakis, J G 2011 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing University of Illinois Monticello, IL, USA, September 28-30, 2011, p633


    Candes E J, Wakin M B 2008 Signal Process. Mag. 25 21


    Kunis S, Rauhut H 2008 Foundations of Comput. Math. 8 737


    Candes E J 2008 Comptes Rendus Math. 346 589


    Tropp J A, Gilbert A C 2007 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 53 4655


    Liu S Z, Qiao G, Ismail A 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 300


    Liu S Z, Qiao G, Yin Y L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 144303 (in Chinese) [刘凇佐, 乔钢, 尹艳玲 2013 物理学报 62 144303]


    Donoho D L, Elad M, Temlyakov V N 2006 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 52 6


    He X Y, Song R F, Zhou K Q 2012 J. Commun. 32 85 (in Chinese) [何雪云, 宋荣方, 周克琴 2012 通信学报 32 85]


    Qi C H, Wu L N, Zhu P C 2014 J. Electronic & Information Technology 36 763 (in Chinese) [戚晨皓, 吴乐南, 朱鹏程 2014 电子与信息学报 36 763]

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