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董刚 刘荡 石涛 杨银堂



董刚, 刘荡, 石涛, 杨银堂

Effects of thermal stress induced by mulitiple through silicon vias on mobility and keep out zone

Dong Gang, Liu Dang, Shi Tao, Yang Yin-Tang
  • 本文主要讨论了多个硅通孔引起的热应力对迁移率和阻止区的影响, 得到了器件沟道沿[100]方向时, 硅通孔之间的角度和间距对电子迁移率和阻止区的影响. 设定两种阻止区区域, 即迁移率变化分别为5%和10%的区域, 且主要考虑相邻TSV之间的区域. 仿真结果表明: 当硅通孔和X轴所成角度为π/4时, 电子迁移率变化和阻止区区域最小, 但是可布置器件区域不规则, 不易于布局. 随着间距的增加, 电子迁移率变化和阻止区区域逐渐增大, 趋向于单个TSV的情况; 当角度为0 时, 电子迁移率变化和阻止区区域变大, 可布置器件区域为硅通孔围成的中心小区域上, 形状比较规则, 便于布局. 而且随着间距的增加, 电子迁移率变化和阻止区区域越来越小, 趋向于单个硅通孔的情况.
    Effects of thermal stress induced by multiple through silicon vias (TSVs) on mobility and keep out zone (KOZ) are mainly discussed in this paper. It is found that the angle and pitch between TSVs have a great effect on the carrier mobility and KOZ. In this paper, the device channel direction is set along [100]. And two types of KOZ are presented, namely the variations of electron mobility are 5% and 10% respectively. As for the two TSVs, their KOZ sizes change significantly with the angles between TSVs which change from zero to π/4, and the area of a KOZ is the minimum when the angle is π/4. But the zone for device placement is irregular, which is difficult for agreement. The area of a KOZ is the maximum when the angle is zero, and it is easy to make arrangement as the space for device distribution is regular. Based on these analyses, the effects of pitch between TSVs are presented. When the angle is zero, the area of KOZ decreases as the pitch increases and tends to be the same as that of a single TSV. For example, the KOZ, in which the variations of electron mobility are 5% and 10%, will reduce to 8.4 μm and 5.1 μm as the pitch increases to 20 μm, which is close to that of the single TSV. But when the angle is π/4, the KOZ with an electron mobility 5% increases from 5.2 to 6.4 μm as the pitch increases and tends to be the same as that of a single TSV at last. The KOZ with an electron mobility 10% will increase from 4.2 to 4.5 μm. In addition, the above analyses can be extended to the KOE of four TSVs, a more representative pattern. And two kinds of TSV displacement style including “square” and "diamond" TSV patterns are also discussed, the impact of pitch for these two patterns are also given in this paper. For the “square” TSV pattern, the KOZ decreases as the pitch increases. Under this condition, the devices can only be placed in a small square region surrounded by TSVs, but the region is regular, which is beneficial for device arranging. While for the "diamond" TSV pattern, the KOZ increases as the pitch increases. Under this condition, the area for device placement is larger than the “square” TSV pattern, but the region is irregular as it is divided into long narrow parts, which is hard for device placement.
      通信作者: 董刚, gdong@mail.xidian.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61334003)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Dong Gang, gdong@mail.xidian.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61334003).

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    Qian L B, Zhu Z M, Xia Y S, Ding R X, Yang Y T 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 038402


    Wang F, Zhu Z, Yang Y, Liu X, Ding R 2013 IEICE Electron. Express 10 20130666


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    Chan Y S, Zhang X W 2014 IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manufact. Tech. 4 1010


    Kuo C W, Tsai H Y 2012 13th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic System San Diego, CA, May30-June1, 2012 p202


    Lee H M, Liu E X, Samudra G S, Li E P 2012 IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium Taipei, China, December 9-11, 2012 p189


    Zou Q, Zhang T, Kursun E, Xie Y 2013 Date conference and exhibition Grenoble, France, March 18-22, 2013 p1255


    Yang J S, Athikulwongse K, Lee Y J, Lim S K, Pan D Z 2010 47th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference(DAC), June 13-18, 2010 p803


    Mercha A, Van D P G, Moroz V, Wolf D 2010 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting(IEDM), San Francisco, CA, Dec 6-8, 2010 p2.2.1


    Chen C F 2014 IEEE 64th Electronic Components and Technology Conference(ECTC) Orlando, FL, May 27-30, 2014 p2020


    Van der P G, Limaye P, Mercha A, Oprins H, Torregiani C, Thijs S, Linten D, Stucchi M, Guruprasad K, Velenis D, Shinichi D, Cherman V, Vandevelde B, Simons V, De W I, Labie R, Perry D, Bronckers S, Minas N, Cupac M, Ruythooren W, Van O J, Phommahaxay A, de Potter de ten Broeck M, Opdebeeck A, Rakowski M, De W B, Dehan M, Nelis M, Agarwal R, Dehaene W, Travaly Y, Marchal P, Beyne E 2010 Dig Tech Pap IEEE Int Solid State Circuits Conf (ISSCC) San Francisco, CA, Feb 1-7, 2010 p148


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    Li Y, Chang W Y, Zuo K W, Wang J, Yu D, Boning D 2012 13th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, Santa Clara, CA, March 19-21, 2012 p216


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    Jung M, Pan D M, Lim S K 2013 IEEE Trans. Comput. -Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. 32 1694


    Lim D F, Leong K C 2012 IEEE International 3D Systems Intergration Conference, Osaka, Jan 31-Feb 2, 2012 p1


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  • [1]

    Sai M P D, Shang Y H, Tan C S, Lim S K 2013 IEEE Trans. Comput. -Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. 32 1734


    Dong G, Yang Y, Chai C C, Yang Y T 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 110202


    Lee Y J, Lim S K 2011 IEEE Trans. Comput. -Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. 30 1635


    Qian L B, Zhu Z M, Xia Y S, Ding R X, Yang Y T 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 038402


    Wang F, Zhu Z, Yang Y, Liu X, Ding R 2013 IEICE Electron. Express 10 20130666


    Qian L B, Zhu Z M, Yang Y T 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 068001 (in Chinese) [钱利波, 朱樟明, 杨银堂 2012 物理学报 61 068001]


    Weerasekera R, Li H Y, Yi L W, Sanming H, Shi J, Minkyu J, Teo K H 2013 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 34 18


    Che F X, Li H Y, Zhang X W, Gao S, Teo K H 2012 IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manufact. Tech. 2 944


    Jung M, Mitra J, Pan D Z, Lim S K 2011 IEEE Design Automation Conference New York, USA, June 5-9, 2011 p188


    Udupa A, Subbarayan G, Koh C K 2012 Microelectron. Reliab. 53 63


    Ryu S K, Lu K H, Zhang X, Im J H, Ho P S, Huang R 2011 IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Rel. 11 35


    Tsai M Y, Huang P S, Huang C Y, Jao H, Huang B, Wu B, Lin Y Y, Liao W, Huang L, Shih S, Lin J P 2013 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 60 2331


    Selvanayagam C, Zhang X W, Rajoo R, Pinjala D 2011 IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manufact. Tech. 1 1328


    Marella S K, Kumar S K, Sapatnekar S S 2012 IEEE ACM Int Conf Comput Aided Des (ICCAD), Nov 5-8, 2012 p317


    Chan Y S, Zhang X W 2014 IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manufact. Tech. 4 1010


    Kuo C W, Tsai H Y 2012 13th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic System San Diego, CA, May30-June1, 2012 p202


    Lee H M, Liu E X, Samudra G S, Li E P 2012 IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium Taipei, China, December 9-11, 2012 p189


    Zou Q, Zhang T, Kursun E, Xie Y 2013 Date conference and exhibition Grenoble, France, March 18-22, 2013 p1255


    Yang J S, Athikulwongse K, Lee Y J, Lim S K, Pan D Z 2010 47th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference(DAC), June 13-18, 2010 p803


    Mercha A, Van D P G, Moroz V, Wolf D 2010 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting(IEDM), San Francisco, CA, Dec 6-8, 2010 p2.2.1


    Chen C F 2014 IEEE 64th Electronic Components and Technology Conference(ECTC) Orlando, FL, May 27-30, 2014 p2020


    Van der P G, Limaye P, Mercha A, Oprins H, Torregiani C, Thijs S, Linten D, Stucchi M, Guruprasad K, Velenis D, Shinichi D, Cherman V, Vandevelde B, Simons V, De W I, Labie R, Perry D, Bronckers S, Minas N, Cupac M, Ruythooren W, Van O J, Phommahaxay A, de Potter de ten Broeck M, Opdebeeck A, Rakowski M, De W B, Dehan M, Nelis M, Agarwal R, Dehaene W, Travaly Y, Marchal P, Beyne E 2010 Dig Tech Pap IEEE Int Solid State Circuits Conf (ISSCC) San Francisco, CA, Feb 1-7, 2010 p148


    Sumi, Chikayoshi 2006 IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferro electr Freq Control 53 2416


    Li Y, Chang W Y, Zuo K W, Wang J, Yu D, Boning D 2012 13th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, Santa Clara, CA, March 19-21, 2012 p216


    Li Y, Pan D Z 2013 50th IEEE Design Automation Conference, Austin, USA, May 29-June 7, 2013 p1


    Jung M, Pan D M, Lim S K 2013 IEEE Trans. Comput. -Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. 32 1694


    Lim D F, Leong K C 2012 IEEE International 3D Systems Intergration Conference, Osaka, Jan 31-Feb 2, 2012 p1


    Ryu S K, Lu K H, Jiang T F, Im J H, Huang H, Ho P S 2012 IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Reliab. 12 255

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-03-15
  • 修回日期:  2015-04-13
  • 刊出日期:  2015-09-05

