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严雪过 沈毅 潘聪 李鹏 丁志华



严雪过, 沈毅, 潘聪, 李鹏, 丁志华

Tapered structure based all-fiber probe for endoscopic optical coherence tomography

Yan Xue-Guo, Shen Yi, Pan Cong, Li Peng, Ding Zhi-Hua
  • 本文报道了一种基于拉锥结构的全光纤型内窥光学相干层析成像探针. 基于大纤芯多模光纤的低光束发散特性, 使用大纤芯多模光纤代替透镜作为成像元件, 并在单模光纤与大纤芯多模光纤之间引入过渡拉锥段以减少插入损耗. 首先利用光学仿真软件(Rsoft)确定探针的最佳结构, 然后通过拉锥、切割以及熔接工艺实现探针制作, 并对探针的出射光束特性与插入损耗进行测量, 最后将该探针与扫频光学相干层析成像主系统联机, 对人体指尖皮肤及鸡气管壁组织进行成像. 该探针直径为250 m, 不锈钢保护管外径为325 m, 硬端长度1 cm, 插入损耗约为0.3 dB, 空气中有效成像范围达800 m. 该探针为内窥光学相干层析成像技术在心血管疾病的应用提供了高紧凑度、高传输效率与高灵活性的选择.
    A tapered structure based all-fiber endoscopic probe for endoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT) is presented in this paper. The designation and fabrication of a miniaturized high-performance probe are critical in endoscopic OCT. Compared to the conventional fiber-lens structure based endoscopic probe, the all-fiber probe has a prominent edge in size and flexibility. Due to its lower beam-divergence, the large core multi-mode fiber makes a better fit than a general single mode fiber does when utilized to replace the micro lens in a conventional endoscopic probe as the imaging component. Furthermore, a tapered fiber is introduced as a transition section between the single mode fiber and the large core multi-mode fiber in order to enhance the light transmission efficiency and reduce the rigid length of the probe simultaneously. First, in order to obtain an optimal performance, optical simulation software(Rsoft) is adopted to determine the probe's proper lengths of the tapered section and the large core multi-mode fiber. Second, the all-fiber structure based endoscopic probe is fabricated by means of large core multi-mode fiber tapering, cutting and fusing processes. The beam characterization and insertion loss of the fabricated probe are measured experimentally The probe itself is 250 m, and after covering with a stainless steel protective tube, its outer diameter becomes 325 m. The rigid length of the probe is about 1 cm, which is more flexible and easier for inserting into curved blood vessels. The insertion loss of the probe is measured to be about 0.3 dB. To the best of our knowledge, it is the lowest among all of the all-fiber endoscopic probes. Finally, the probe is integrated with a custom-built swept-source optical coherence tomography system. Imaging of human fingertip and ex-vivo chicken trachea is conducted to demonstrate the key performance parameters of our probe. The effective imaging range of the probe is up to 800 microns in air without the help of any extra mechanism to expand its depth of focus. The probe offers a compact, efficient and flexible candidate for endoscopic optical coherence tomography, which is promising in cardiovascular investigations.
      通信作者: 丁志华, zh_ding@zju.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61335003, 61327007, 61275196, 11404285, 61475143)、 国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号: 2015AA020515)、浙江省自然科学基金 (批准号: LY14F050007)、 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号: 2014QNA5017)和教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Ding Zhi-Hua, zh_ding@zju.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61335003, 61327007, 61275196, 11404285, 61475143), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2015AA020515), the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No. LY14F050007), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Ministry of Education, China (Grant No. 2014QNA5017), and the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry.

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    Tsai T H, Fujimoto J G, Mashimo H 2014 Diagn. 4 57


    Tearney G J, Brezinski M E, Boppart S A, Bouma B E, Weissman N, Southern J F, Swanson E A, Fujimoto J G 1996 Circulation. 94 3013


    Escobar P F, Belinson J L, White A, Shakhova N M, Feldchtein F I, Kareta M V, Gladkova N D 2004 Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer. 14 470


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    Xu Y, Singh J, Siang T H, Ramakrishna K, Premchandran C S, Sheng C W, Kuan C T, Chen N, Olivo M C, Sheppard C J 2007 Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques III Munich, Germany, June 17, 2007, p662715


    Tsai T H, Potsaid B, Kraus M F, Zhou C, Tao Y K, Hornegger J, Fujimoto J G 2011 Biomed. Opt. Express. 2 2438


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    Lorenser D, Yang X, Kirk R W, Quirk B C, McLaughlin R A, Sampson D D 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 3894


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    Yin J, Li X, Jing J, Li J, Mukai D, Mahon S, Edris A, Hoang K, Shung K K, Brenner M, Narula J, Zhou Q, Chen Z 2011 J. Biomed. Opt. 16 060505


    Li X, Yin J, Hu C, Zhou Q, Shung K K, Chen Z 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 133702


    Li J, Ma T, Jing J, Zhang J, Patel P M, Shung K K, Zhou Q, Chen Z 2013 J. Biomed. Opt. 18 100502


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    Saleh B E, Teich M C, Saleh B E 1991 Fundamentals of Photonics (New York: Wiley) pp81-92


    Mynbaev D K, Scheiner L L 2002 Fiber-Optics Communications Technology (Beijing: Science Press) pp57-59


    Okamoto K 2010 Fundamentals of Optical Waveguides 2 (Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic press) pp78-83


    van Roey J, van der Donk J, Lagasse P E 1981 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 71 803


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    Chung Y, Dagli N 1990 Quantum. Electron. 26 1335


    Scarmozzino R, Osgood R M 1991 J. Opt. Soc. Am.A 8 724


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    Wojtkowski M, Srinivasan V, Ko T, Fujimoto J, Kowalczyk A, Duker J 2004 Opt. Express. 12 2404


    Lee K S, Rolland J P 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 1696


    Li J, de Groot M, Helderman F, Mo J, Daniels J M, Grnberg K, Sutedja TG, de Boer J F 2012 Opt. Express. 20 24132

  • [1]

    Huang D, Swanson E A, Lin C P, Schuman J S, Stinson W G, ChangW, Hee M R, Flotte T, Gregory K, Puliafito C A, Fujimoto J G 1991 Science. 254 1178


    Liang Y M, Zhou D C, Meng F Y, Wang M W 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3246 (in Chinese) [梁艳梅, 周大川, 孟凡勇, 王明伟 2007 物理学报 56 3246]


    Huang L M, Ding Z H, Hong W, Wang C 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 023401 (in Chinese) [黄良敏, 丁志华, 洪威, 王川 2012 物理学报 61 023401]


    Foster F S, Pavlin C J, Harasiewicz K A, Christopher D A, Turnbull D H 2000 Ultrasound. Med. Biol. 26 1


    Drexler W, Morgner U, Ghanta R K, Krtner F X, Schuman J S, Fujimoto J G 2001 Nat. Med. 7 502


    Welzel J, Lankenau E, Birngruber R, Engelhardt R 1997 J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 37 958


    Welzel J 2001 Skin. Res. Technol. 7 1


    Wu T 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University) (in Chinese) [吴彤 2011 博士学位论文 (杭州: 浙江大学)]


    Tearney G J, Brezinski M E, Fujimoto J G, Weissman N J, Boppart S A, Bouma B E, Southern J F 1996 Opt. Lett. 21 543


    Tsai T H, Fujimoto J G, Mashimo H 2014 Diagn. 4 57


    Tearney G J, Brezinski M E, Boppart S A, Bouma B E, Weissman N, Southern J F, Swanson E A, Fujimoto J G 1996 Circulation. 94 3013


    Escobar P F, Belinson J L, White A, Shakhova N M, Feldchtein F I, Kareta M V, Gladkova N D 2004 Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer. 14 470


    Tearney G J, Brezinski M E, Southern J F, Bouma B E, Boppart S A, Fujimoto J G 1997 J. Urology. 157 1915


    Seibel E J, Smithwick Q Y 2002 Laser. Surg. Med. 30 177


    Tran P H, Mukai D S, Brenner M, Chen Z 2004 Opt. Lett. 29 1236


    Herz P R, Chen Y, Aguirre A D, Schneider K, Hsiung P, Fujimoto J G, Madden K, Schmitt J, Goodnow J, Petersen C 2004 Opt. Lett. 29 2261


    Xu Y, Singh J, Siang T H, Ramakrishna K, Premchandran C S, Sheng C W, Kuan C T, Chen N, Olivo M C, Sheppard C J 2007 Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques III Munich, Germany, June 17, 2007, p662715


    Tsai T H, Potsaid B, Kraus M F, Zhou C, Tao Y K, Hornegger J, Fujimoto J G 2011 Biomed. Opt. Express. 2 2438


    Zhang N 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Tsinghua University) (in Chinese) [张宁 2014 博士学位论文 (北京: 清华大学)]


    Lorenser D, Yang X, Kirk R W, Quirk B C, McLaughlin R A, Sampson D D 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 3894


    Lorenser D, Yang X, Sampson D D 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 1616


    Wang C, Bi S B, Ding W, Yu Y J, Ouyang H K 2012 Chinese J. Lasers 39 71 (in Chinese) [王驰, 毕书博, 丁卫, 于瀛洁, 欧阳航空 2012 中国激光 39 71]


    Wang C, Bi S B, Wang L, Xia X Q, Ding W, Yu Y J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 24217 (in Chinese) [王驰, 毕书博, 王利, 夏学勤, 丁卫, 于瀛洁 2013 物理学报 62 24217]


    Moon S, Piao Z, Kim C S, Chen Z 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 2014


    Lee J, Chae Y, Ahn Y C, Moon S 2015 Biomed. Opt. Express. 6 1782


    Wang C, Mao Y, Fang C, Tang Z, Yu Y, Qi B 2011 Opt. Eng. 50 094202


    Yin J, Yang H C, Li X, Zhang J, Zhou Q, Hu C, Shung K K, Chen Z 2010 J. Biomed. Opt. 15 010512


    Yin J, Li X, Jing J, Li J, Mukai D, Mahon S, Edris A, Hoang K, Shung K K, Brenner M, Narula J, Zhou Q, Chen Z 2011 J. Biomed. Opt. 16 060505


    Li X, Yin J, Hu C, Zhou Q, Shung K K, Chen Z 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 133702


    Li J, Ma T, Jing J, Zhang J, Patel P M, Shung K K, Zhou Q, Chen Z 2013 J. Biomed. Opt. 18 100502


    Sharma U, Kang J U 2007 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78 113102


    Moon S, Liu G, Chen Z 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 3362


    Moon S, Chen Z 2012 Appl. Optics. 51 8262


    Saleh B E, Teich M C, Saleh B E 1991 Fundamentals of Photonics (New York: Wiley) pp81-92


    Mynbaev D K, Scheiner L L 2002 Fiber-Optics Communications Technology (Beijing: Science Press) pp57-59


    Okamoto K 2010 Fundamentals of Optical Waveguides 2 (Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic press) pp78-83


    van Roey J, van der Donk J, Lagasse P E 1981 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 71 803


    Yevick D, Hermansson B 1990 Quantum. Electron. 26 109


    Chung Y, Dagli N 1990 Quantum. Electron. 26 1335


    Scarmozzino R, Osgood R M 1991 J. Opt. Soc. Am.A 8 724


    Wang Y M, Pang X F, Wang H Z, Qin J 2008 Chem Bull. Sin. 71 71 (in Chinese) [王以明, 庞小峰, 王洪志, 秦杰 2008 化学通报 71 71]


    Wojtkowski M, Srinivasan V, Ko T, Fujimoto J, Kowalczyk A, Duker J 2004 Opt. Express. 12 2404


    Lee K S, Rolland J P 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 1696


    Li J, de Groot M, Helderman F, Mo J, Daniels J M, Grnberg K, Sutedja TG, de Boer J F 2012 Opt. Express. 20 24132

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-08-27
  • 修回日期:  2015-10-07
  • 刊出日期:  2016-01-20

