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李凯辉 刘汉泽 辛祥鹏



李凯辉, 刘汉泽, 辛祥鹏

Lie symmetry analysis, optimal system, exact solutions and conservation laws of a class of high-order nonlinear wave equations

Li Kai-Hui, Liu Han-Ze, Xin Xiang-Peng
  • 本文运用李群分析的方法研究了一类高阶非线性波方程, 得到了五阶非线性波方程的对称以及方程的最优系统, 进而运用幂级数的方法, 求得了方程的精确幂级数解. 最后, 给出了五阶非线性波方程的一些守恒律.
    The symmetries, conservation laws and exact solutions to the nonlinear partial differential equations play a significant role in nonlinear science and mathematical physics. Symmetry is derived from physics, and it is a mathematical description for invariance. Symmetry group theory plays an important role in constructing explicit solutions, whether the equations are integrable or not. By using the symmetry method, an original nonlinear system can be reduced to a system with fewer independent variables through any given subgroup. But, since there are almost always an infinite number of such subgroups, it is usually not feasible to list all possible group invariant solutions to the system. It is anticipated to find all those equivalent group invariant solutions, that is to say, to construct the one-dimensional optimal system for the Lie algebra. Construction of explicit forms of conservation laws is meaningful, as they are used for developing the appropriate numerical methods and for making mathematical analyses, in particular, of existence, uniqueness and stability. In addition, the existence of a large number of conservation laws of a partial differential equation (system) is a strong indication of its integrability. The similarity solutions are of importance for investigating the long-time behavior, blow-up profile and asymptotic phenomena of a non-linear system. For instance, in some circumstance, the asymptotic behaviors of finite-mass solutions of non-linear diffusion equation with non-linear source term are described by an explicit self-similar solution, etc. However, how to tackle these matters is a complicated problem that challenges researchers to be solved. In this paper, by using the symmetry method, we obtain the symmetry reduction, optimal systems, and many new exact group invariant solution of a fifth-order nonlinear wave equation. By Lie symmetry analysis method, the point symmetries and an optimal system of the equation are obtained. The exact power series solutions to the equation are provided by the power series method, such solutions can be used for numerical computations in both theory and physical applications conveniently. Finally, a lot of conservation laws of the fifth-order nonlinear wave equation are presented by using the adjoint equation and symmetries of the equation.
      通信作者: 刘汉泽, hnz_liu@aliyun.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11171041,11505090)和山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(批准号:BS2015SF009)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liu Han-Ze, hnz_liu@aliyun.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11171041, 11505090) and the Research Award Foundation for Outstanding Young Scientists of Shandong Province, China (Grant No. BS2015SF009).

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-01-26
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