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侯佳佳 赵刚 谭巍 邱晓东 贾梦源 马维光 张雷 董磊 冯晓霞 尹王保 肖连团 贾锁堂



侯佳佳, 赵刚, 谭巍, 邱晓东, 贾梦源, 马维光, 张雷, 董磊, 冯晓霞, 尹王保, 肖连团, 贾锁堂

Experimental researches of laser phase lock with dual-servo feedbacks based on the piezoelectric transducer and fiber electrooptic phase modulator

Hou Jia-Jia, Zhao Gang, Tan Wei, Qiu Xiao-Dong, Jia Meng-Yuan, Ma Wei-Guang, Zhang Lei, Dong Lei, Feng Xiao-Xia, Yin Wang-Bao, Xiao Lian-Tuan, Jia Suo-Tang
  • 通过相干合束提高光纤激光源的输出功率是目前研究的一个热门领域,其中多束激光的相位控制是提高合束效率的关键技术之一.本文基于主动相位锁定技术对传统外差探测法进行了改进,基于压电陶瓷及光纤电光相位调制器双通道伺服反馈,实现了对同一激光源输出的两路相位独立变化的1531 nm激光长时间的相位锁定.通过选择合适的PID控制参数,将反馈带宽拓展到了220 kHz(受限于PID控制器自身带宽).最终的相位锁定控制在0.88°以内,即相位控制精度为λ/400,经过160 s平均后可得到相位锁定的最佳值为0.006°,整体实验装置结构简单、运行稳定.
    Fiber laser can be used for fiber optic communications,laser cutting,industrial manufacture,defense security and many other fields because of its advantages of narrow output linewidth,good reproducibility,etc.However,due to nonlinear and thermal effects,only a limited output power of a single fiber can be obtained with a sharp attenuation of the output beam quality,which obstructs the applications of fiber lasers.Therefore,the research of expanding the power of a fiber laser source while maintaining its beam quality by combining coherent beam has become a hot subject at present.In this field,the performance of phase control of coherent laser beams is a key factor to influence the efficiency of combination.The phase-controlling methods mainly include stochastic parallel gradient descent control algorithm, dithering,and heterodyne detection.In this paper,based on the active phase lock technology,the traditional heterodyne detection method is improved by the use of a fiber electro-optic phase modulator (EOM) rather than an acousto-optic frequency shifter (AOFS) to avoid the complex designs of the RF driver and circuit,which makes the overall experimental setup simple and stable.Moreover,in order to achieve a stable and wide correction range of phase locking,two servo paths are designed by use of piezoelectric transducer (PZT) and EOM1 to correct the optical phase differences.Firstly, a single-frequency narrow-width fiber laser with its central wavelength of 1531 nm is split by a beam splitter to generate a signal and a reference beam,respectively.The reference beam is phase modulated by another EOM2 with a 15 MHz signal.The phase error signal is obtained by demodulating the detected heterodyne signal at the modulation frequency. After that the error signal is divided into two parts,and sent to two PID servos to control PZT and EOM1,respectively. The PZT,used in the slow feedback loop,eliminates the laser phase error induced by the ambient temperature drift, while the EOM1,in the quick feedback loop,can eliminate the influence of high frequency noise.Two PID servos are carefully designed according to the measurements of the dynamic response of the PZT and EOM1.A stable feedback loop with a bandwidth of 220 kHz (limited by the bandwidth of PID controller) is obtained according to the measurement of its phase error signal spectrum,thus a tight lock is expected.As a consequence,the error of phase locking is less than 0.88°,which indicates that the phase control accuracy is λ/400.The long-term stability of the system is assessed by a 2 hour monitoring of the lock error signal.According to the analysis of Allan deviation,the best phase lock value of 0.006° can be obtained for an integration time of 160 s.The overall phase lock experimental setup is simple and easy to operate;moreover the phase lock can be further improved by optimizing the parameters of the PID controller.
      通信作者: 马维光, mwg@sxu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2012CB921603)、教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划(批准号:IRT13076)、国家自然科学基金(批准号:11434007,61475093,61378047,61275213,61475093)、国家科技支撑计划(批准号:2013BAC14B01)、山西省青年科学基金(批准号:2013021004-1,2012021022-1)、山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(批准号:2013-011,2013-01)和山西省高等学校创新人才支持计划资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Ma Wei-Guang, mwg@sxu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB921603), the Program for Changjiang Scholar and Innovative Research Team in University of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. IRT13076), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11434007, 61475093, 61378047, 61275213, 61475093), the National Key Technologies Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos. 2013BAC14B01), the Foundation for Young Scholars of Shanxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 2013021004-1, 2012021022-1), the Shanxi Scholarship Council of China (Grant Nos. 2013-011, 2013-01), and the Program for the Outstanding Innovative Teams of Higher Learning Institutions of Shanxi, China.

    He B, Lou Q H, Zhou J, Zheng Y H, Xue D, Dong J X, Wei Y R, Zhang F P, Qi Y F, Zhu J Q, Li J Y, Li S Y, Wang Z J 2007 Chin. Opt. Lett. 5 412


    Zhou P 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha:National University of Defense Technology) (in Chinese)[周朴2009博士学位论文(长沙:国防科学技术大学)]


    Wang X L, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Ma H T, Li X, Xu X J, Zhao Y J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 084203 (in Chinese)[王小林, 周朴, 马阎星, 马浩统, 李霄, 许晓军, 赵伊君2011物理学报60 084203]


    Fan T Y 2005 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 11 567


    Jolivet V, Bourdon P, Bennai B, Lombard L, Goular D, Pourtal E, Canat G, Jaouen Y, Moreau B, Vasseur O 2009 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15 257


    Ma Y X, Liu Z J, Zhou P, Wang X L, Ma H T, Li X, Si L, Xu X J 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 44204


    Ma P F, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Su R T, Liu Z J 2012 Chinese J. Lasers 39 0402009 (in Chinese)[马鹏飞, 周朴, 马阎星, 粟荣涛, 刘泽金2012中国激光39 0402009]


    Ma Y X, Si L, Zhou P, Wang X L, Zhang K, Zhao H C, Xu X J, Zhao Y J 2012 Journal of National University of Defense Technology 34 38 (in Chinese)[马阎星, 司磊, 周朴, 王小林, 张侃, 赵海川, 许晓军, 赵伊君2012国防科技大学学报34 38]


    Wang X L, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Ma H T, Li X, Xu X J, Zhao Y J 2012 Journal of National University of Defense Technology 34 33 (in Chinese)[王小林, 周朴, 马阎星, 马浩统, 李霄, 许晓军, 赵伊君2012国防科技大学学报34 33]


    Zhou P, Liu Z J, Xu X J 2009 Chinese Journal of Laser 36 276 (in Chinese)[周朴, 刘泽金, 许晓军2009中国激光36 276]


    Liu Z J, Zhou P, Wang X L, Ma Y X, Xu X J, Hou J 2010 Chinese Journal of Laser 37 2221 (in Chinese)[刘泽金, 周朴, 王小林, 马阎星, 许晓军, 侯静2010中国激光37 2221]


    Enloe L H, Rodda J L 1965 Proc. IEEE 53 165


    Stover H L, Steier W H, 1966 Appl. Phys. Lett. 8 91


    Hall J L, Sheng L, Kramer G 1987 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 23 427


    Vorontsov M A, Weyrauch T, Beresnev L A, Carhart G W, Liu L, Aschenbach K 2009 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15 269


    Wang X L, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Ma H T, Xu X J, Liu Z J, Zhao Y J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 973 (in Chinese)[王小林, 周朴, 马阎星, 马浩统, 许晓军, 刘泽金, 赵伊君2010物理学报59 973]


    Goodno G D, Asman C P, Anderegg J, Brosnan S, Cheung E C, Hammo D, Injeyan H, Komine H, Long W H, Mcclellan M Jr, Mcnau S J, Redmond S, Simpson R, Sollee J, Weber M, Weiss S B, Wickham M 2007 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 13 460


    Xiao R, Hou J, Jiang Z F, Liu M 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6464 (in Chinese)[肖瑞, 侯静, 姜宗福, 刘明2006物理学报55 6464]


    Yu C X, Augst S J, Redmond S M, Goldizen K C, Murphy D V, Sanchez A, Fan Y 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 2686


    Ma Y X, Zhou P, Wang X L, Ma H T, Xu X J, Si L, Liu Z J, Zhao Y J 2010 Opt. Lett. 35 1308


    Goodno G D, Komine H, McNaught S J, Weiss S B, Redmond S, Long W, Simpson R, Cheung E C, Howland D, Epp P, Weber M, McClellan M, Sollee J, Injeyan H 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 1247


    Wang Y X, Qiu Q, Shi S J, Su J, Liao Y, Xiong C D 2014 COL 12 021402


    Vornehm J E, Schweinsberg A, Shi Z, Gauthier D J, Boyd R W 2013 Opt. Express 21 13094


    Mller H, Chiow S, Long Q, Chu S 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 202


    Patrick E 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Sweden:Ume university)


    Skř'inský J, Janeč ková R, Grigorová E, Střižík M, Kubát P, Herecová L, Nevrlý V, Zelinger Z, Civiš S 2009 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 256 99

  • [1]

    He B, Lou Q H, Zhou J, Zheng Y H, Xue D, Dong J X, Wei Y R, Zhang F P, Qi Y F, Zhu J Q, Li J Y, Li S Y, Wang Z J 2007 Chin. Opt. Lett. 5 412


    Zhou P 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha:National University of Defense Technology) (in Chinese)[周朴2009博士学位论文(长沙:国防科学技术大学)]


    Wang X L, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Ma H T, Li X, Xu X J, Zhao Y J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 084203 (in Chinese)[王小林, 周朴, 马阎星, 马浩统, 李霄, 许晓军, 赵伊君2011物理学报60 084203]


    Fan T Y 2005 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 11 567


    Jolivet V, Bourdon P, Bennai B, Lombard L, Goular D, Pourtal E, Canat G, Jaouen Y, Moreau B, Vasseur O 2009 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15 257


    Ma Y X, Liu Z J, Zhou P, Wang X L, Ma H T, Li X, Si L, Xu X J 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 44204


    Ma P F, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Su R T, Liu Z J 2012 Chinese J. Lasers 39 0402009 (in Chinese)[马鹏飞, 周朴, 马阎星, 粟荣涛, 刘泽金2012中国激光39 0402009]


    Ma Y X, Si L, Zhou P, Wang X L, Zhang K, Zhao H C, Xu X J, Zhao Y J 2012 Journal of National University of Defense Technology 34 38 (in Chinese)[马阎星, 司磊, 周朴, 王小林, 张侃, 赵海川, 许晓军, 赵伊君2012国防科技大学学报34 38]


    Wang X L, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Ma H T, Li X, Xu X J, Zhao Y J 2012 Journal of National University of Defense Technology 34 33 (in Chinese)[王小林, 周朴, 马阎星, 马浩统, 李霄, 许晓军, 赵伊君2012国防科技大学学报34 33]


    Zhou P, Liu Z J, Xu X J 2009 Chinese Journal of Laser 36 276 (in Chinese)[周朴, 刘泽金, 许晓军2009中国激光36 276]


    Liu Z J, Zhou P, Wang X L, Ma Y X, Xu X J, Hou J 2010 Chinese Journal of Laser 37 2221 (in Chinese)[刘泽金, 周朴, 王小林, 马阎星, 许晓军, 侯静2010中国激光37 2221]


    Enloe L H, Rodda J L 1965 Proc. IEEE 53 165


    Stover H L, Steier W H, 1966 Appl. Phys. Lett. 8 91


    Hall J L, Sheng L, Kramer G 1987 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 23 427


    Vorontsov M A, Weyrauch T, Beresnev L A, Carhart G W, Liu L, Aschenbach K 2009 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15 269


    Wang X L, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Ma H T, Xu X J, Liu Z J, Zhao Y J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 973 (in Chinese)[王小林, 周朴, 马阎星, 马浩统, 许晓军, 刘泽金, 赵伊君2010物理学报59 973]


    Goodno G D, Asman C P, Anderegg J, Brosnan S, Cheung E C, Hammo D, Injeyan H, Komine H, Long W H, Mcclellan M Jr, Mcnau S J, Redmond S, Simpson R, Sollee J, Weber M, Weiss S B, Wickham M 2007 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 13 460


    Xiao R, Hou J, Jiang Z F, Liu M 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6464 (in Chinese)[肖瑞, 侯静, 姜宗福, 刘明2006物理学报55 6464]


    Yu C X, Augst S J, Redmond S M, Goldizen K C, Murphy D V, Sanchez A, Fan Y 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 2686


    Ma Y X, Zhou P, Wang X L, Ma H T, Xu X J, Si L, Liu Z J, Zhao Y J 2010 Opt. Lett. 35 1308


    Goodno G D, Komine H, McNaught S J, Weiss S B, Redmond S, Long W, Simpson R, Cheung E C, Howland D, Epp P, Weber M, McClellan M, Sollee J, Injeyan H 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 1247


    Wang Y X, Qiu Q, Shi S J, Su J, Liao Y, Xiong C D 2014 COL 12 021402


    Vornehm J E, Schweinsberg A, Shi Z, Gauthier D J, Boyd R W 2013 Opt. Express 21 13094


    Mller H, Chiow S, Long Q, Chu S 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 202


    Patrick E 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Sweden:Ume university)


    Skř'inský J, Janeč ková R, Grigorová E, Střižík M, Kubát P, Herecová L, Nevrlý V, Zelinger Z, Civiš S 2009 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 256 99

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-04-07
  • 修回日期:  2016-08-29
  • 刊出日期:  2016-12-05

