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王英霞 姜文正 乔方利 陈思宇



王英霞, 姜文正, 乔方利, 陈思宇

A stereo photographic physical model for ocean wave measurement

Wang Ying-Xia, Jiang Wen-Zheng, Qiao Fang-Li, Chen Si-Yu
  • 由于在海面上布设控制点较为困难,本文发展了一种无需海面控制点的立体摄影物理模型.该模型依次通过相机固有参数标定、相对定向和基于平均海面的绝对定向三个环节实现,文中给出了各个环节的控制方程和具体算法.利用室内实验时拍摄的一个影像对,将共面方程和距离方程联立构成闭合方程组,实现相机固有参数的标定;利用外海测量时拍摄的一个影像对,采用共面方程实现相对定向参数的标定;利用外海测量时拍摄的一个影像对序列,在左相机坐标系中通过影像匹配确定平均海面,建立特定的物方坐标系,并实现绝对定向.室内实验检验了固有参数控制方程的收敛性并表明定标精度较高;外海实验成功地构建了海面高度场,这表明本文提出的相对定向和绝对定向方法是可行的.该模型只需将两个相机按一定方位架设在平台上即可进行海浪测量,免去了繁琐的海面控制点布设过程,降低了工作难度和成本,有利于立体摄影海浪测量技术的推广和应用.
    Unlike the traditional models, a new stereo photographic model requiring no sea control points that are difficult to lay on a sea surface is developed in this paper. It is realized according to the order of camera intrinsic parameters calibration, relative orientation and absolute orientation based on average sea surface, and we give the governing equations and its algorithms. First of all, in the paper we present an imaging model that adopts non-measurement camera with considering only the radial distortion coefficients, and then give the method that calculates the camera intrinsic parameters by combining the co-planar equations and the distance equations to form a closed system of equations. For verifying the convergence of the governing equations, we lay four parallel sand ridges on a level ground in laboratory, measure seven lines of different heights and take a pair of the images by two cameras. The intrinsic parameters are successfully calculated by using the method, and further analysis shows that the results are highly precise. When observing the ocean waves in offshore sea, we need to recalculate the relative orientation parameters. At this time the governing equations are the co-planar equations, but the accuracy of the image matching is seriously related to the accuracy of the relative orientation parameters. However, as the mirror reflection of the sea surface, the matching accuracy of the sea image is often low, so we select 407 optimal matching points from among 1600 conjugate points and calculate the parameters. It needs a sequence of sea image pairs to obtain the absolute orientation parameters, 256 pairs in the paper. For each pair, we select firstly 300300 feature points on the left image approximately evenly, then find the conjugate points on the right image by image matching, calculate the coordinates of the corresponding sea surface points in the left camera coordinate system, and then fit the points into a plane; thus a plane sequence can be obtained. We establish a special object coordinate system on the average sea surface that is obtained by summing the plane sequence, and calculate the absolute orientation parameters by the geometric relationship between the two coordinate systems. And it is proved that the methods of relative orientation and absolute orientation proposed in this paper are feasible by reconstructing sea surface height field. The model greatly reduces the difficulty in calibrating the stereoscopic photography for ocean wave measurement, which is beneficial to its popularization and application.
      通信作者: 乔方利, qiaofl@fio.org.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金委员会-山东省人民政府联合资助海洋科学研究中心项目(批准号:U1406404)、国家自然科学基金青年基金(批准号:41506041)和国家海洋局第一海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项基金(批准号:GY02-2012T01)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Qiao Fang-Li, qiaofl@fio.org.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the NSFC-Shandong Joint Fund for Marine Science Research Centers, China (Grant No. U1406404), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41506041), and the Basic Research Foundation of the First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China (Grant No. GY02-2012T01).

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    Melville W K 1996Annu.Rev.Fluid Mech. 28 279


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    Krogstad H E, Barstow S F 1999Proceedings of 9th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Brest, France, May 30-June 4, 1999 p19


    Fedele F, Benetazzo A, Gallego G, Shih P C, Yezzi A, Barbariol F, Ardhuin F 2013Ocean Mode. 70 103


    Wanek J M, Wu C H 2006Ocean Eng. 33 723


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    Benetazzo A, Fedele F, Gallego G, Shih P C, Yezzi A 2012Coastal.Eng. 64 127


    Benetazzo A, Barbariol F, Bergamasco F, Torsello A, Carniel S, Sclavo M 2016Coastal.Eng. 109 114


    Vries S, Hill D F, Schipper M, Stive M 2011Coastal.Eng. 58 239


    Vries S, Hill D, Schipper M, Stive M 2009J.Coastal.Res. 56 1484


    Gallego G, Yezzi A, Fedele F, Benetazzo A 2011IEEE Trans.Geosci.Remote Sens. 49 4445


    Kosnik M V, Dulov V A 2011Meas.Sci.Technol. 22 015504


    Liu P C 2013Int.J.Geosci. 4 229


    Banner M L, Barthelemy X, Fedele F, Allis M, Benetazzo A, Dias F, Peirson W L 2014Phys.Rev.Lett. 112 114502


    Benetazzo A, Barbariol F, Bergamasco F, Torsello A, Carniel S, Sclavo M 2015J.Phys.Oceanogr. 45 2261


    Leckler F, Ardhuin F, Peureux C, Benetazzo A, Bergamasco F, Vladimir D 2015J.Phys.Oceanogr. 45 2484


    Mironov A S, Yurovskaya M V, Dulov V A, Hauser D, Gurin C A 2012J.Geophys.Res. 117 C00J35


    Bergamasco F, Benetazzo A, Barbariol A, Carniel S, Sclavo M 2016Comput.Geosci. 95 105


    Abdel-Aziz Y I, Karara H M 1971Proceedings of the ASP/UI Symposium:Close-Range Photogrammetry Urbana, USA, January 26-29, 1971 p1


    Jiang W Z, Yuan Y L, Wang Y X 2012Acta Phys.Sin. 61 119101(in Chinese)[姜文正, 袁业立, 王英霞2012物理学报61 119101]


    Wang Z Z 1997Principle of Photogrammetry(Wuhan:Wuhan University Press) p235(in Chinese)[王之卓1997摄影测量原理(武汉:武汉大学出版社)第235页]


    Zhang Z X, Zhang Q J 1997Digital photogrammetry(Wuhan:Wuhan University Press) p103(in Chinese)[张祖勋, 张剑清1997数字摄影测量学(武汉:武汉大学出版社)第103页].


    Wang Y X 2015Ph.D.Dissertation(Qingdao:Ocean University of China)(in Chinese)[王英霞2015博士学位论文(青岛:中国海洋大学)]

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-10-17
  • 修回日期:  2016-11-25
  • 刊出日期:  2017-03-05

