针对传统穆勒矩阵成像测偏仪包含活动部件,需进行多次测量,容易产生测量误差,不能对运动目标或动态场景进行同时、实时测量等问题,提出了一种以改进型萨瓦偏光镜为核心分光器件的快拍Mueller矩阵成像测偏技术(MSP-SMMIP).它不含任何活动部件,能通过单次快拍测量获取目标强度图像和全部16个穆勒矩阵阵元图像.它主要由偏振态产生和偏振态分析两部分组成,偏振干涉条纹通过偏振态产生光路后定位于测试样品上,随后这些条纹通过空间载频将样品的Mueller矩阵分量编码,经偏振态分析光路成像于焦平面上.采用斯托克斯矢量-穆勒矩阵形式阐明了光场偏振态被MSP-SMMIP调制的过程,给出了其像面干涉图表达式,讨论了Mueller矩阵反演和系统定标的方法.基于CCD相机参数分析了系统的光学指标.通过数值模拟实验给出模拟测量结果,通过定性和定量评价测量结果表明该系统的可行性.MSP-SMMIP技术具有稳态、快拍、结构简洁、易定标、可同时实时获取目标强度图像和全部Mueller矩阵阵元图像的显著特点.Conventional Muller matrix imaging polarimeter (MMIP) with several rotating elements suffers mechanical complexity, vibration noise, heat generation, and other unwanted problems. To overcome those shortcomings, we present a snapshot Muller matrix imaging polarimeter (SMMIP) using a birefringent crystal with high extinction ratio. The snapshot imaging polarimeter allows a single image to be used to measure the polarization of a scene without electronic control units or moving mechanical components. This new polarimeter combines the technique of Muller matrix spectropolarimetry with a snapshot imaging polarimeter through using modified Savart polariscope (MSP-SMMIP). It contains both a generator and an analyzer module. Spatial polarization fringes are localized on a sample by incorporating modified Savart polariscope into a polarization generator module. These fringes modulate the Mueller matrix components of the sample, which are subsequently isolated with modified Savart polariscope in an analyzer module, and the analyzer and the imaging lens combine with 16 beams to create interference, resulting in spatial modulation on the two-dimensional CCD camera. Expressions for interference intensities, optical system analysis, theory of calibration and method of reconstruction are presented. Finally, the numerical simulation is used to demonstrate theoretical analysis and the feasibility of MSP-SMMIP. The layout is very easy to calibrate and the reference target is only a linear polarizer at 22.5°. Moreover, the remarkable advantages of the proposed instrument, compared with conventional Muller matrix imaging polarimeter, are that it is also simple, compact, snapshotted, and static (no moving parts). Therefore we believe that the proposed snapshot imaging polarimeter will be very useful in many applications, such as biomedical imaging and remote sensing.
- birefringent crystal /
- Mueller matrix /
- snapshot imaging polarimeter /
- optical system analysis
[1] Snik F, Craven-Jones J, Escuti M, Fineschid S, Harringtone D, Martinof A D, Mawetg D, Riedih J, Tyo J S 『2014Proc. SPIE 9099, Polarization:Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing XI Baltimore, Maryland, United States, March 24-28, 2014 p90990B』
[2] Tyo J, Goldstein L, Chenault B, Shaw A 2006 Appl. Opt. 45 5453
[3] Li S J, Jiang H L, Zhu J P, Duan J, Fu Q, Fu Y G, Dong K Y (in Chinese)[李淑军, 姜会林, 朱京平, 段锦, 付强, 付跃刚, 董科研 2013 中国光学 6 803]
[4] Bass M, Mahajan N 2010 Handbook of Optics, 3rd Edition, Volume I:Geometrical and Physical Optics, Polarized Light, Components and Instruments (New York:McGraw Hill) pp478-512
[5] Wang Y, He H, Zeng N, Xie J, Liao R, Chang J, Sun M, Ma H 2015 World J. Complex Med. 1 74 (in Chinese)[王晔, 何宏辉, 曾楠, 谢军, 廖然, 常金涛, 孙明皓, 马辉 2015 世界复合医学 1 74]
[6] Goldstein D H 2010 Polarized Light (3rd Ed.) (Boca Raton:CRC Press) pp628-631
[7] Lu S Y, Chipman R 1996 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 13 1106
[8] Guo Y H 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Shenzhen:Tsinghua University) pp10-30 (in Chinese)[郭亦鸿2014 博士学位论文 (深圳:清华大学) 第11–30页]
[9] He H, Zeng N, Du E, Guo Y, Li D, Liao R, Ma H 2013 Photon. Lasers Med. 2 129
[10] Alali S, Vitkin A 2015 J. Biomed. Opt. 20 611041
[11] Pierangelo A, Nazac A, Benali A, Validire P, Cohen H, Novikova T, Ibrahim B, Manhas S, Fallet C, Antonelli M, Martino A 2013 Opt. Express 21 14120
[12] Wang Y, Kudenov M, Kashani A, Kashani A, Schwiegerling J, Escuti M 『2015 Proc. SPIE 9613, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VⅡ San Diego, California, United States September 1, 2015 p96130A』
[13] Bueno M, Artal P 1999 Opt. Lett. 24 64
[14] Li Y N, Sun X B, Qiao Y L, Zhang Q, Hong J (in Chinese)[李雅男, 孙晓兵, 乔延利, 张荞, 洪津 2010 大气与环境光学学报 5 203]
[15] Qiao L F, Zhang Y M, Xie Q Y, Fang J, Wang J J, Zhang Q X 2009 J. Combust. Sci. Technol. 15 172 (in Chinese)[乔利锋, 张永明, 谢启源, 方俊, 王进军, 张启兴 2009 燃烧科学与技术 15 172]
[16] Wang Y, Wang H, Chen S, Qi Y, Liu H 2011 Proc. SPIE 8192, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011 Laser Sensing and Imaging; and Biological and Medical Applications of Photonics Sensing and Imaging Beijing, China, August 23, 2011 p81923U1
[17] Xiao S A, Li G H, Li J Z, Xue Q W 1991 J. Qufu Normal Univ. 18 44 (in Chinese)[肖胜安, 李国华, 李继仲, 薛庆文 1991 曲阜师范大学学报 18 44]
[18] Wang X, Zhang M Y, Chen Z Y, Bai X F, Jin W Q (in Chinese)[王霞, 张明阳, 陈振跃, 拜晓锋, 金伟其 2013 红外与激光工程 42 2244]
[19] Azzam A 1978 Opt. Lett. 2 148
[20] Collins W, Koh J 1999 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16 1997
[21] Gerligand Y, Smith M, Chipman R 1999 Opt. Express 4 420
[22] Laude-Boulesteix B, Martino A, Drévillon B, Schwartz L 2004 Appl. Opt. 43 2824
[23] Benkelfat E, Horache H, Zou Q, Vinouze B 2003 Opt. Commun. 221 271
[24] Jellison E, Modine A 1997 Appl. Opt. 36 8190
[25] Kudenov M, Escuti M, Hagen N, Dereniak E, Oka K 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 1367
[26] Goldstein D H 1992 Appl. Opt. 31 6676
[27] Pezzaniti L, Chipman R 1995 Opt. Eng. 34 1558
[28] Du E, He H, Zeng N, Sun M, Guo Y, Wu J, Ma H 2014 J. Biomed. Opt. 19 760131
[29] Sun M, He H, Zeng N, Du E, Guo Y, Liu S, Wu J, He R, Ma H 2014 Biomed. Opt. Express 5 4223
[30] Li J H, Zheng M, Zhang X B, Li Y Q 2016 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 53 212021 (in Chinese)[李建慧, 郑猛, 张雪冰, 李艳秋 2016 激光与光电子学进展 53 212021]
[31] Deng Y 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuhan:Huazhong University of Science and Technology) pp83-97 (in Chinese)[邓勇2005 博士学位论文 (武汉:华中科技大学) 第83-97页]
[32] Zhang X G, Jiang Y S, Lu X M 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 1191 (in Chinese)[张绪国, 江月松, 路小梅 2008 光学学报 28 1191]
[33] Chen X G, Liu S Y, Zhang C W, Wu Y P, Ma Z C, Sun T Y, Xu Z M (in Chinese)[陈修国, 刘世元, 张传维, 吴懿平, 马智超, 孙堂友, 徐智谋 2014 物理学报 63 180701]
[34] Li Y B, Li S B, Chen W J, Zeng Y X, Yang J Y (in Chinese)[李宇波, 李世博, 陈伟坚, 曾宇骁, 杨建义 2010 光电工程 37 41]
[35] Kudenov M, Escuti M, Dereniak E Oka K 2011 Appl. Opt. 50 2283
[36] Oka K, Kaneko T 2003 Opt. Express 11 1510
[37] Luo H, Oka K, DeHoog E, Schiewgerling J, Dereniak E L 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 4413
[38] Luo H T 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Arizona:Universityof Arizona) pp21-54
[39] Cao Q Z, Zhang C M, DeHoog E 2012 Appl. Opt. 51 5791
[40] Cao Q Z, Zhang J, DeHoog E, Zhang C M 2016 Appl. Opt. 55 954
[41] Cao Q Z, Zhang J, DeHoog E, Lu Y, Hu B Q, Li W G, Li J Y, Fan D X, Deng T, Yan Y (in Chinese)[曹奇志, 张晶, Edward DeHoog, 卢远, 胡宝清, 李武钢, 李建映, 樊东鑫, 邓婷, 阎妍 2016 物理学报 65 050702]
[1] Snik F, Craven-Jones J, Escuti M, Fineschid S, Harringtone D, Martinof A D, Mawetg D, Riedih J, Tyo J S 『2014Proc. SPIE 9099, Polarization:Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing XI Baltimore, Maryland, United States, March 24-28, 2014 p90990B』
[2] Tyo J, Goldstein L, Chenault B, Shaw A 2006 Appl. Opt. 45 5453
[3] Li S J, Jiang H L, Zhu J P, Duan J, Fu Q, Fu Y G, Dong K Y (in Chinese)[李淑军, 姜会林, 朱京平, 段锦, 付强, 付跃刚, 董科研 2013 中国光学 6 803]
[4] Bass M, Mahajan N 2010 Handbook of Optics, 3rd Edition, Volume I:Geometrical and Physical Optics, Polarized Light, Components and Instruments (New York:McGraw Hill) pp478-512
[5] Wang Y, He H, Zeng N, Xie J, Liao R, Chang J, Sun M, Ma H 2015 World J. Complex Med. 1 74 (in Chinese)[王晔, 何宏辉, 曾楠, 谢军, 廖然, 常金涛, 孙明皓, 马辉 2015 世界复合医学 1 74]
[6] Goldstein D H 2010 Polarized Light (3rd Ed.) (Boca Raton:CRC Press) pp628-631
[7] Lu S Y, Chipman R 1996 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 13 1106
[8] Guo Y H 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Shenzhen:Tsinghua University) pp10-30 (in Chinese)[郭亦鸿2014 博士学位论文 (深圳:清华大学) 第11–30页]
[9] He H, Zeng N, Du E, Guo Y, Li D, Liao R, Ma H 2013 Photon. Lasers Med. 2 129
[10] Alali S, Vitkin A 2015 J. Biomed. Opt. 20 611041
[11] Pierangelo A, Nazac A, Benali A, Validire P, Cohen H, Novikova T, Ibrahim B, Manhas S, Fallet C, Antonelli M, Martino A 2013 Opt. Express 21 14120
[12] Wang Y, Kudenov M, Kashani A, Kashani A, Schwiegerling J, Escuti M 『2015 Proc. SPIE 9613, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VⅡ San Diego, California, United States September 1, 2015 p96130A』
[13] Bueno M, Artal P 1999 Opt. Lett. 24 64
[14] Li Y N, Sun X B, Qiao Y L, Zhang Q, Hong J (in Chinese)[李雅男, 孙晓兵, 乔延利, 张荞, 洪津 2010 大气与环境光学学报 5 203]
[15] Qiao L F, Zhang Y M, Xie Q Y, Fang J, Wang J J, Zhang Q X 2009 J. Combust. Sci. Technol. 15 172 (in Chinese)[乔利锋, 张永明, 谢启源, 方俊, 王进军, 张启兴 2009 燃烧科学与技术 15 172]
[16] Wang Y, Wang H, Chen S, Qi Y, Liu H 2011 Proc. SPIE 8192, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011 Laser Sensing and Imaging; and Biological and Medical Applications of Photonics Sensing and Imaging Beijing, China, August 23, 2011 p81923U1
[17] Xiao S A, Li G H, Li J Z, Xue Q W 1991 J. Qufu Normal Univ. 18 44 (in Chinese)[肖胜安, 李国华, 李继仲, 薛庆文 1991 曲阜师范大学学报 18 44]
[18] Wang X, Zhang M Y, Chen Z Y, Bai X F, Jin W Q (in Chinese)[王霞, 张明阳, 陈振跃, 拜晓锋, 金伟其 2013 红外与激光工程 42 2244]
[19] Azzam A 1978 Opt. Lett. 2 148
[20] Collins W, Koh J 1999 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16 1997
[21] Gerligand Y, Smith M, Chipman R 1999 Opt. Express 4 420
[22] Laude-Boulesteix B, Martino A, Drévillon B, Schwartz L 2004 Appl. Opt. 43 2824
[23] Benkelfat E, Horache H, Zou Q, Vinouze B 2003 Opt. Commun. 221 271
[24] Jellison E, Modine A 1997 Appl. Opt. 36 8190
[25] Kudenov M, Escuti M, Hagen N, Dereniak E, Oka K 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 1367
[26] Goldstein D H 1992 Appl. Opt. 31 6676
[27] Pezzaniti L, Chipman R 1995 Opt. Eng. 34 1558
[28] Du E, He H, Zeng N, Sun M, Guo Y, Wu J, Ma H 2014 J. Biomed. Opt. 19 760131
[29] Sun M, He H, Zeng N, Du E, Guo Y, Liu S, Wu J, He R, Ma H 2014 Biomed. Opt. Express 5 4223
[30] Li J H, Zheng M, Zhang X B, Li Y Q 2016 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 53 212021 (in Chinese)[李建慧, 郑猛, 张雪冰, 李艳秋 2016 激光与光电子学进展 53 212021]
[31] Deng Y 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuhan:Huazhong University of Science and Technology) pp83-97 (in Chinese)[邓勇2005 博士学位论文 (武汉:华中科技大学) 第83-97页]
[32] Zhang X G, Jiang Y S, Lu X M 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 1191 (in Chinese)[张绪国, 江月松, 路小梅 2008 光学学报 28 1191]
[33] Chen X G, Liu S Y, Zhang C W, Wu Y P, Ma Z C, Sun T Y, Xu Z M (in Chinese)[陈修国, 刘世元, 张传维, 吴懿平, 马智超, 孙堂友, 徐智谋 2014 物理学报 63 180701]
[34] Li Y B, Li S B, Chen W J, Zeng Y X, Yang J Y (in Chinese)[李宇波, 李世博, 陈伟坚, 曾宇骁, 杨建义 2010 光电工程 37 41]
[35] Kudenov M, Escuti M, Dereniak E Oka K 2011 Appl. Opt. 50 2283
[36] Oka K, Kaneko T 2003 Opt. Express 11 1510
[37] Luo H, Oka K, DeHoog E, Schiewgerling J, Dereniak E L 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 4413
[38] Luo H T 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Arizona:Universityof Arizona) pp21-54
[39] Cao Q Z, Zhang C M, DeHoog E 2012 Appl. Opt. 51 5791
[40] Cao Q Z, Zhang J, DeHoog E, Zhang C M 2016 Appl. Opt. 55 954
[41] Cao Q Z, Zhang J, DeHoog E, Lu Y, Hu B Q, Li W G, Li J Y, Fan D X, Deng T, Yan Y (in Chinese)[曹奇志, 张晶, Edward DeHoog, 卢远, 胡宝清, 李武钢, 李建映, 樊东鑫, 邓婷, 阎妍 2016 物理学报 65 050702]
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