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兰富洋 罗秀娟 樊学武 张羽 陈明徕 刘辉 贾辉



兰富洋, 罗秀娟, 樊学武, 张羽, 陈明徕, 刘辉, 贾辉

Effect of uplink atmospheric wavefront distortion on image quality of sheared-beam imaging

Lan Fu-Yang, Luo Xiu-Juan, Fan Xue-Wu, Zhang Yu, Chen Ming-Lai, Liu Hui, Jia Hui
  • 剪切光束成像(sheared-beam imaging,SBI)技术是一种利用三束剪切相干激光照明的非传统成像技术,该技术通过探测器阵列接收目标反射回波的散斑图进行计算成像,在对远距离暗弱目标高分辨率成像方面有着独特的优势.大气湍流引起的光束波前畸变是影响SBI成像质量的一个关键因素,因此本文从湍流引起的激光波前畸变对目标频谱信息提取的影响入手,建立了光束波前畸变对成像影响的理论模型.利用多层相位屏模型模拟了近地25 km大气对SBI光束传输的影响.通过计算机仿真,得到了不同激光发射孔径和不同成像距离时SBI的成像结果.仿真结果表明,选取合适的发射孔径尺寸可以有效缓解湍流对光束波前质量的影响,从而提升成像质量.在Hutchin的研究基础上,对孔径选择范围的已有研究成果进行了扩展与深化.给出了SBI系统发射孔径尺寸选取的建议,为SBI对不同高度目标成像的像质差异分析提供了参考.
    Sheared-beam imaging (SBI) is a non-traditional imaging technique in which utilized are three sheared coherent lasers for illumination, and detector array to receive the intensity of speckle pattern reflected from the target. Finally the image of target can be reconstructed by computer algorithm from the data collected before. The SBI has some advantages in high resolution imaging for long-distance space targets. However, the wavefront distortion caused by atmospheric turbulence is a key factor affecting the imaging quality of SBI. Therefore, this paper focuses on the influence of wavefront distortion caused by atmospheric turbulence on the extraction of target spectral information. Theoretical model of the influence of wavefront distortion on imaging is established. The effects of low-order and high-order atmosphere turbulence on SBI imaging quality are analysed respectively. It turns out that low-order atmosphere turbulence does not result in poor image quality nor low-resolution, and just change the position of target on the image plane. But the image quality can be degraded when the wavefront root mean square (RMS) value at the target plane, caused by high-order atmosphere turbulence, exceeds /20. Beam emitted from larger aperture becomes more susceptible to perturbing effect, thus forming lower-quality wavefront. Considering that after passing through the atmosphere, beam also travels a long distance to reach the target surface. Targets at different heights will obtain different wavefront quality due to the diffraction of light. Thus the final wavefront quality is determined by turbulence intensity, aperture size and target height. Multi-layer phase-screen model and Hufnagel-Valley model are used to simulate the influences of near-earth (25 km) atmosphere on wavefront distortion at target plane with different imaging distances. Simulation results show that the wavefront RMS value rises with the increase of transmitting aperture diameter, and decreases with the increase of imaging distance. Transmitting aperture sizes in a range from 0.2 times r0 to twice r0 have been recommended for effective imaging by Hutchin[Hutchin R A 1993 Proc. SPIE 2029 161]. However, we find in our simulations that beams on the order of 2 r0 may cause significant wavefront error at short range target, and under some circumstances the clear image of target cannot be reconstructed. The imaging results of SBI at different laser transmitting apertures and different imaging distances are obtained, and evaluated by Strehl ratio. Imaging results show that choosing appropriate transmitting aperture size can effectively improve the imaging quality. But for the short-range targets, aperture size selection range presented by Hutchin can be too broad to be practicable. This paper suggests some approaches to choosing suitable aperture size for SBI system, and also providing a reference for the difference analysis of imaging quality for targets in different heights.
      通信作者: 罗秀娟, xj_luo@opt.ac.cn
      Corresponding author: Luo Xiu-Juan, xj_luo@opt.ac.cn

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  • [1]

    Fienup J R 2010 Imaging Systems Tucson, Arizona, USA, June 7-8, 2010 IMD2


    Hutchin R A 2012 US Patent 20120162631[2012-6-28]


    Hutchin R A 2012 US Patent 20120292481[2012-11-22]


    Lan F Y, Luo X J, Chen M L, Zhang Y, Liu H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 204202 (in Chinese)[兰富洋, 罗秀娟, 陈明徕, 张羽, 刘辉 2017 物理学报 66 204202]


    Fairchild P, Payne I 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference Big Sky Montana, USA, March 2-9, 2013 p1


    Idell P S, Gonglewski J D 1990 Opt. Lett. 15 1309


    Chen M L, Luo X J, Zhang Y, Lan F Y, Liu H, Cao B, Xia A L 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 024203 (in Chinese)[陈明徕, 罗秀娟, 张羽, 兰富洋, 刘辉, 曹蓓, 夏爱利 2017 物理学报 66 024203]


    Bush K A, Barnard C C, Voelz D G 1996 Proc. SPIE 2828 362


    Si Q D, Luo X J, Zeng Z H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 104203 (in Chinese)[司庆丹, 罗秀娟, 曾志红 2014 物理学报 63 104203]


    Holmes R B, Ma S, Bhowmik A, Greninger C 1996 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 13 351


    Goodman J W (translated by Qin K C, Liu P S, Chen J B, Cao Q Z) 2013 Introduction to Fourier Optics (3rd Ed.) (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p6 (in Chinese)[古德曼 J W 著(秦克诚, 刘培森, 陈家碧, 曹其智 译) 2013 傅里叶光学导论 (3 版) (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第6页]


    Corser B A 1996 M. S. Thesis (Lubbock: Texas Tech University)


    Yang Y Q 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)[杨玉强 2009 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学)]


    Hutchin R A 1993 Proc. SPIE 2029 161


    Tyson R K 1996 Appl. Opt. 35 3640


    Qian X M, Zhu W Y, Rao R Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6639 (in Chinese)[钱仙妹, 朱文越, 饶瑞中 2009 物理学报 58 6639]


    Wang B F 2014 M. S. Thesis (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[王保峰 2014 硕士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院大学)]


    Nelson D H, Walters D L, MacKerrow E P, Schmitt M J 2000 Appl. Opt. 39 1857


    Schmidt J D 2010 Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation with Examples in Matlab (Washington: SPIE) p149

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-06-11
  • 修回日期:  2018-07-12
  • 刊出日期:  2019-10-20

