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刘晓航 王逸宁 曲滋民 狄增如



刘晓航, 王逸宁, 曲滋民, 狄增如

Opinion formation model with co-evolution of individual behavior and social environment

Liu Xiao-Hang, Wang Yi-Ning, Qu Zi-Min, Di Zeng-Ru
科大讯飞全文翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 社会舆论的形成是个体行为及其关联与社会环境影响共同作用的结果. 在受到环境因素影响的同时, 个体行为也反过来影响社会环境, 从而呈现出耦合演化的特点. 本文在Ising模型的基础上, 建立了一个包含社会张力累积和消解过程的舆论形成模型, 研究了个体行为和社会环境的耦合演化行为. 利用朗道的平均场理论, 重点分析了在不同舆论疏解系数下系统演化的定态解及其稳定性, 以及系统定态解随参数变化的分支行为. 同时使用计算机模拟方法对平均场理论的结果进行了印证. 研究结果表明, 将系统与环境的耦合演化机制加入Ising模型后, 系统会展现出一定的自组织特性. 当疏解系数较小时, 系统会出现不同程度上的整体一致舆论, 产生宏观有序状态; 当疏解系数较大时, 系统则稳定在无序状态. 同时, 存在一个临界参数, 使系统从任何初始状态出发均自发演化到临界的分支点状态.
    Entering the information era, the formation of public opinion is largely associated with the complex system constructed by the Internet, thereby possessing new characteristics. The formation of public opinion is the result of the interaction of individual behavior with social environment. In reality, the environmental factor and the individual behavior are usually related to each other and co-evolve with time. Based on the Ising model, in this paper established is an opinion formation model that includes the process of the accumulation and digestion of the social tension. In the model, a parameter named effective dissolving factor c is designed to represent the extent of the interaction between the system and the social environment. A two-dimensional dynamical system is involved in the model to describe the dynamics of individual behavior and social tension. The co-evolution behavior of the system is studied. Based on the Landau mean field theory, the stationary states of the dynamical system under different parameter values, i.e. the value of effective dissolving factor c, their stability and bifurcation of the system, are analyzed. Finally, the computer simulation method is used to verify the results. The research shows that with the co-evolution mechanism of the system, our model exhibits certain self-organization characteristics. When the effective dissolving factor c is smaller than the threshold value, the system will reach final consensus opinion, resulting in a macroscopically ordered state. Otherwise, when the dissolving factor c exceeds a threshold value, the system is stable in the disordered state. It is interesting to find that there is such a critical value of the parameter that it leads the system to be self-organized into a critical state from any initial state. The future detailed investigation on the criticality of the co-evolving system is also suggested, such as testing whether the system has evolved into the critical state according to the finite-sized scaling theory and calculating the critical exponent of the system. In addition, in this paper provided is a new perspective to tackle practical problems in public opinion. Based on the mechanism of the formation of public opinion revealed by our model, researchers are encouraged to conduct studies on how to monitor the state of public opinion more precisely and to predict the tipping point of the system evolution.
      通信作者: 狄增如, zdi@bnu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 71731002, 61573065)和国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2017YFC0804000)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Di Zeng-Ru, zdi@bnu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 71731002, 61573065) and the National Key Research and Development Plan, China (Grant No. 2017YFC0804000).

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  • 图 1  不同温度下的热力学势

    Fig. 1.  The Landau potential under different temperatures.

    图 2  M-c 定态解分支图

    Fig. 2.  The bifurcation solutions of M-c function.

    图 3  T-c 定态解函数图像

    Fig. 3.  The function of stationary solutions.

    图 4  c = 2.5时系统状态演化行为

    Fig. 4.  Evolution of the system state given c = 2.5.

    图 5  c = 2.5时系统定态时磁矩M的统计分布

    Fig. 5.  Distribution of the magnetic moments (M) after system evolved to the stationary state, given c = 2.5.

    图 6  c = 1.3时系统状态演化行为

    Fig. 6.  The evolution of system state given c = 1.3.

    图 7  c = 1.3时系统定态时磁矩M的统计分布

    Fig. 7.  Distribution of the magnetic moments (M) after system evolved to the stationary state, given c = 1.3.

    图 8  c = 0.8时系统状态演化行为

    Fig. 8.  The evolution of system state given c = 0.8.

    图 9  c = 0.8时系统磁矩M的统计分布随时间的变化 (a) t = 100; (b) t = 300; (c) t = 500; (d) t = 600—700

    Fig. 9.  Distribution of the magnetic moments (M) when the system is evolving to the stationary state, given c = 0.8: (a) t = 100; (b) t = 300; (c) t = 500; (d) t = 600−700.

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-12-23
  • 修回日期:  2019-03-20
  • 上网日期:  2019-06-01
  • 刊出日期:  2019-06-05

