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王路阔 段芳莉



王路阔, 段芳莉

Self-repairing process of defect graphene under metal atom catalysis

Wang Lu-Kuo, Duan Fang-Li
  • 采用分子动力学方法, 模拟了金属原子存在条件下缺陷石墨烯的自修复过程. 模拟采用了Ni和Pt两种金属原子作为催化剂, 通过改变系统温度, 得到了多组模拟结果. 观察对比了模拟结束时获得的原子构型图, 并通过计算修复过程中石墨烯内5, 6, 7元环的数量变化, 研究了不同金属原子对缺陷石墨烯的催化修复效果, 发现在适当的温度(1600 K和2000 K)下, 与无金属原子条件下的修复结果相比, 两种金属原子都表现出了一定的催化修复能力, 且Ni表现出的催化修复能力要优于Pt. 为了探究其背后的机理, 我们模拟了部分典型的结构演变. 发现Ni和Pt原子分别会导致“环内跳出”和“断环”的局部结构转变, 并且在不同温度下均表现出不同程度捕获碳链的能力. 此外, 观察了两种金属原子在平面内外的不同迁移行为, 并通过绘制金属原子的迁移路线, 计算其迁移量, 进一步研究了两种金属原子不同的催化修复机理. 研究结果有利于认识不同金属原子具有的不同催化修复效果, 理解不同金属原子的催化作用机制, 有助于针对缺陷石墨烯的修复选择合适的催化剂.
    Single-atom catalysts play a crucial role in repairing defective graphene, but the existing research on the single-atom catalysts focuses on the reduction of energy barriers. The unique repairing behavior of the single-atom catalysts in the graphene-healing process and the different repair mechanisms between different catalyst atoms have not been studied in depth. In this paper, the molecular dynamics simulation is used to study the the self-repairing process of defective graphene in the presence of Ni and Pt atoms. By changing the system temperature, multiple sets of simulations are obtained. By observing the atomistic structure obtained at the end of the simulations, the different catalytic repair effects are studied. We calculate the variation of 5, 6 and 7-member rings of graphene in the repair process, it is found that at the appropriate temperatures (1600 K and 2000 K), Ni atom shows stronger catalytic repair capability than Pt atom, and as the temperature increases, the repair effect on defects is also improved. By comparing with the repair process without metal atoms, we find that the effect of metal atoms is significant especially in repairing the carbon chain. To figure out the reason, some typical structure evolutions are simulated. The simulations show that when Ni atom can capture carbon chains at 1600 K, Pt atom needs higher temperature at least 2000 K. Apart from that, Ni and Pt atoms respectively lead to local structural transformations of " jump from the ring” and " bond breakage”. This may be the reason why the 5, 6, and 7-membered rings in the final structure of Pt catalytic system are less than those of Ni catalytic system at 1600 K and 2000 K. In addition, we map the migration route of metal atoms and calculate the migration distance. By observing the different migration behaviors of the two metal atoms in and out of the plane, the different catalytic mechanisms are further studied. The research results in this paper conduce to understanding the catalytic mechanism of metal atoms in the repair of defective graphene. It is of theoretical significance for selecting the external conditions and catalysts for the repairing of defective graphene.
      通信作者: 段芳莉, flduan@cqu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51775066)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Duan Fang-Li, flduan@cqu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51775066)

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    Chen J, Shi T, Cai T, Xu T, Sun L, Wu X, Yu D 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 103107


    Zhu J, Shi D 2013 Comput. Mater. Sci. 68 391Google Scholar


    Patera L L, Bianchini F, Africh C, Dri C, Soldano G, Mariscal M M, Peressi M, Comelli G 2018 Science 359 1243Google Scholar


    Botari T, Paupitz R, Alves da Silva Autreto, Galvao D S 2016 Carbon 99 302Google Scholar


    Zakharchenko K V, Balatsky A V 2014 Carbon 80 12Google Scholar


    Tsetseris L, Pantelides S T 2009 Carbon 47 901Google Scholar


    Wang L, Duan F 2019 Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 27 247Google Scholar

  • 图 1  金属原子催化修复多空位缺陷石墨烯的示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic representation of catalytic repair of the multi-vacancy defective graphene.

    图 2  (a) 缺陷石墨烯添加8个C原子后的原子构型图; (b) ReaxFF和DFT计算添加C原子的形成能曲线

    Fig. 2.  (a) Atomistic configuration of the addition of 8 C atoms to the defective graphene; (b) the formation energies during the addition of 8 C atoms calculated by ReaxFF and DFT.

    图 3  不同温度下Ni和Pt催化修复后的缺陷石墨烯典型最终结构 (a) 1000 K; (b) 1600 K; (c) 2000 K; (d) 2500 K

    Fig. 3.  Typical final configurations of defective graphene after catalytic repair by Ni and Pt at different temperatures of (a) 1000 K, (b) 1600 K, (c) 2000 K and (d) 2500 K.

    图 4  温度和催化剂类型对石墨烯空洞处5—7元环数量的影响 (a) 5元环; (b) 6元环; (c) 7元环

    Fig. 4.  Effect of temperature and catalyst types on the number of (a) 5-membered rings, (b) 6-membered rings and (c) 7-membered rings at the region of graphene hole.

    图 5  不同温度时无催化原子条件下缺陷石墨烯最终修复结构 (a) 1600 K; (b) 2000 K

    Fig. 5.  Final repair structure of defective graphene without catalytic atoms at different temperatures of (a) 1600 K and (b) 2000 K.

    图 6  碳链在催化原子作用下的演变 (a) Ni原子; (b) Pt原子

    Fig. 6.  Evolution of carbon chains with catalytic atoms of (a) Ni atom and (b) Pt atom.

    图 7  (a) Ni原子的“环内跳出”行为; (b) Pt原子的“断环”行为

    Fig. 7.  (a) “Jump out from rings” behavior of Ni atom; (b) “break off rings”behavior of Pt atom.

    图 8  催化原子位于石墨烯面内时的典型迁移方式 (a) Ni原子主动迁移; (b) Pt原子被动迁移

    Fig. 8.  Typical migration patterns of catalytic atoms within the graphene plane: (a) Active migration of Ni atom; (b) passive migration of Pt atom.

    图 9  催化原子位于石墨烯面上时的典型迁移方式 (a) Ni原子; (b) Pt原子

    Fig. 9.  Typical migration patterns of (a) Ni atom and (b) Pt atom above the graphene surface.

    图 10  C-Ni/Pt-C三元环位于石墨烯面上时的典型迁移方式 (a) C-Ni-C三元环; (b) C-Pt-C三元环

    Fig. 10.  Typical migration patterns of (a) C-Ni-C and (b) C-Pt-C configurations above the graphene surface.

    图 11  在修复过程中催化原子的运动轨迹 (a) Ni原子; (b) Pt原子

    Fig. 11.  The motion trajectories of (a) Ni atoms and (b) Pt atoms during the repair process.

    图 12  (a) 催化剂种类和温度对单次位移量概率分布的影响; (b) 催化剂种类和温度对总位移量的影响

    Fig. 12.  (a) Effect of catalyst type and temperature on the probability distribution of single displacements; (b) effect of catalyst type and temperature on total displacement.

    表 1  不同修复条件下最终结构中典型缺陷结构的统计数据

    Table 1.  The statistics of the typical structures appeared on the final configurationsunder different repair conditions.

    催化剂类型Ni碳链 (5)空缺 (1)空缺 (0)空缺 (0)
    碳链 (1)
    Pt碳链 (5)空缺 (4)空缺 (4)空缺 (1)
    碳链 (4)
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  不同条件下两种局部结构转变出现次数

    Table 2.  Number of occurrences of two local structural evolutions under different conditions.

    Ni1600 K20
    2000 K40
    Pt1600 K03
    2000 K05
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    Kang C Y, Tang J, Li L M, Yan W S, Xu P S, Wei S Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 037302Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-06-28
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