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高飞 冯琦 王霆 张建军



高飞, 冯琦, 王霆, 张建军

Controllable growth of GeSi nanowires on trench patterned Si(001) substrate

Gao Fei, Feng Qi, Wang Ting, Zhang Jian-Jun
  • 纳米线的定位生长是实现纳米线量子器件寻址和集成的前提. 结合自上而下的纳米加工和自下而上的自组装技术, 通过分子束外延生长方法, 在具有周期性凹槽结构的硅(001)图形衬底上首先低温生长硅锗薄膜然后升温退火, 实现了有序锗硅纳米线在凹槽中的定位生长, 锗硅纳米线的表面晶面为(105)晶面. 详细研究了退火温度、硅锗的比例及图形周期对纳米线形成与否, 以及纳米线尺寸的影响.
    Controllable growth of nanowires is a prerequisite for addressability and scalability of nanowire quantum devices. By combining top-down nanofabrication and bottom-up self-assembly, site-controlled GeSi nanowires with two (105) facets can be grown on Si (001) substrate with pre-patterned trenches. Trenches along the [100] or [010] crystallographic direction with 60 nm in width and 6 nm in height are fabricated on Si substrate by electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching. Subsequently, a 60-nm-thick Si buffer layer is grown at 330–400 ℃ on the patterned substrate to improve the surface quality. The facets at the tip of the trenches transform into (11n) after depositing the Si buffer layer. Self-organized GeSi nanowires form inside the trenches by depositing the 6-nm-thick Si67Ge33 film at 450 ℃ followed by 1 h annealing at 510 ℃. The GeSi nanowires are (105)-faceted with an average height of approximately 7 nm. Furthermore, we systematically study the influence of annealing temperature, Ge concentration and pattern period on the formation of site-controllable GeSi nanowire on a patterned Si (001) substrate. The GeSi nanowires can be formed only inside the trenches within a specific annealing temperature ranging from 500 ℃ to 520 ℃. It is also discovered that GeSi nanowires are very sensitive to Ge concentration, as they cannot form at lower Ge concentration due to a large nucleation energy barrier. In contrast, high Ge concentration will lead to the discontinuity of nanowires caused by higher atomic diffusion barrier. The generated GeSi nanowires in the trenches exhibit similar dimensions at different pattern periods, which indicates that the growth process is thermodynamically determined. Overall, we realize the controllable growth of the GeSi nanowires, while the length of nanowires can reach the millimeter even centimeter scales, replying on the patterned trench length. The above results offer a controllable growth method of the Ge nanowires, which could potentially lead to the scalability of the Ge quantum devices on Si substrates.
      通信作者: 张建军, jjzhang@iphy.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2016YFA0301701)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11574356, 11434010)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Zhang Jian-Jun, jjzhang@iphy.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0301701) and the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11574356, 11434010)

    Loss D, diVincenzo D P 1998 Phys. Rev. A 57 120Google Scholar


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    Elzerman J M, Hanson R, Greidanus J S, Willems van Beveren L H, de Franceschi S, Vandersypen L M K, Tarucha S, Kouwenhoven L P 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 161308Google Scholar


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    Wang J Y, Huang S Y, Huang G Y, Pan D, Zhao J H, Xu H Q 2017 Nano Lett. 17 4158Google Scholar


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    Hanson R, Kouwenhoven L P, Petta J R, Tarucha S, Vandersypen L M K 2007 Rev. Mod. Phys. 79 1217Google Scholar


    Khaetskii A V, Loss D, Glazman L 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 186802Google Scholar


    Zhong Z, Fang Y, Lu W, Lieber C M 2005 Nano Lett. 5 1143Google Scholar


    Katsaros G, Spathis P, Stoffel M, Fournel F, Mongillo M, Bouchiat V, Lefloch F, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G, de Franceschi S 2010 Nat. Nanotech. 5 458Google Scholar


    Hu Y J, Churchill H O H, Reilly D J, Xiang J, Lieber C M, Marcus C M 2007 Nat. Nanotech. 2 622Google Scholar


    Higginbotham A P, Larsen T W, Yao J, Yan H, Lieber C M, Marcus C M, Kuemmeth F 2014 Nano Lett. 14 3582Google Scholar


    Li S X, Li Y, Gao F, Xu G, Li H O, Cao G, Xiao M, Wang T, Zhang J J, Guo G P 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 133105Google Scholar


    Kloeffel C, Trif M, Loss D 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 195314Google Scholar


    Maier F, Klinovaja J, Loss D 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 195421Google Scholar


    Watzinger H, Kukučka J, Vukušić L, Gao F, Wang T, Schäffler F, Zhang J J, Katsaros G 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 3902Google Scholar


    de Vries F K, Shen J, Skolasinski R J, Nowak M P, Varjas D, Wang L, Wimmer M, Ridderbos J, Zwanenburg F A, Li A, Koelling S, Verheijen M A, Bakkers E P A M, Kouwenhoven L P 2018 Nano Lett. 18 6483Google Scholar


    Li W D, Wu W, Williams R S 2012 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 30 06F304Google Scholar


    Wagner R S, Ellis W C 1964 Appl. Phys. Lett. 4 89Google Scholar


    Lauhon L J, Gudiksen M S, Wang D, Lieber C M 2002 Nature 420 57Google Scholar


    Zhang J J, Katsaros G, Montalenti F, Scopece D, Rezaev R O, Mickel C, Rellinghaus B, Miglio L, de Franceschi S, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 085502Google Scholar


    Li Y, Li S X, Gao F, Li H O, Xu G, Wang K, Liu D, Cao G, Xiao M, Wang T, Zhang J J, Guo G C, Guo G P 2018 Nano Lett. 18 2091Google Scholar


    Xu G, Li Y, Gao F, Li H O, Liu H, Wang K, Cao G, Xiao M, Wang T, Zhang J J, Guo G C, Guo G P 2019 arXiv: 1905.01586v1


    Zhang J J, Stoffel M, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G, Jovanović V, Nanver L K, Bauer G 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 173115Google Scholar


    Zhong Z Y, Halilovic A, Fromherz T, Schäffler F, Bauera G 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 4779Google Scholar


    Chen G, Springholz G, Jantsch W, Schäffler F 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 043103Google Scholar


    Du L, Scopece D, Springholz G, Schäffler F, Chen G 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 075308Google Scholar


    Kern W, Puotinen D A 1970 RCA Review 31 187


    Eaglesham D J, White A E, Feldman L C, Moriya N, Jacobson D C 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1643Google Scholar


    Gai Z, Yang W S, Sakurai T, Zhao R G 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 13009Google Scholar


    Zhong Z, Schwinger W, Schäffler F, Bauer G, Vastola G, Montalenti F, Miglio L 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 176102Google Scholar


    Vastola G, Grydlik M, Brehm M, Fromherz T, Bauer G, Boioli F, Miglio L, Montalenti F 2011 Phys. Rev. B. 84 155415Google Scholar


    Hu H, Gao H J, Liu F 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 216102Google Scholar


    Zhang J J, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G, Scopece D, Miglio L, Montalenti F 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 083109Google Scholar


    Chen G, Sanduijav B, Matei D, Springholz G, Scopece D, Beck M J, Montalenti F, Miglio L 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 055503Google Scholar


    Jesson D E, Chen K M, Pennycook S J, Thundat T, Warmack R J 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 1330Google Scholar


    Tersoff J, leGoues F K 1994 Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 3570Google Scholar


    Shu D J, Liu F, Gong X G 2001 Phys. Rev. B 64 245410Google Scholar


    Huang L, Liu F, Gong X G 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 155320Google Scholar

  • 图 1  生长硅缓冲层前(a)和生长硅缓冲层后(b)硅周期性凹槽结构的表面AFM图, 插图分别为生长硅缓冲层前后凹槽末端的放大图

    Fig. 1.  AFM image of the trench-patterned Si substrate before (a) and after (b) the growth of Si buffer layer, insets are the zoom-in images of one end of a trench before and after the Si buffer layer, respectively.

    图 2  (a)硅衬底上有序锗硅纳米线的AFM图; (b)单根锗硅纳米线的AFM图; (c)单根纳米线的表面线扫描图, 图中标尺均为500 nm

    Fig. 2.  (a) AFM image of ordered GeSi wires on trench patterned substrate; (b) AFM image of zoom-in individual GeSi nanowire; (c) AFM linescan along the cross-section of a GeSi nanowire. Inset scale bar: 500 nm.

    图 3  在硅凹槽结构图形衬底上沉积4 nm的Si67G33薄膜, 然后在不同温度退火后得到的样品表面AFM图 (a) 450 ℃; (b) 500 ℃; (c) 510 ℃; (d) 520 ℃; (e) 530 ℃; (f) 550 ℃

    Fig. 3.  AFM images of the trench-patterned samples with 4 nm Si67Ge33 film after 1 h annealing at different temperatures: (a) 450 ℃; (b) 500 ℃; (c) 510 ℃; (d) 520 ℃; (e) 530 ℃; (f) 550 ℃.

    图 4  固定薄膜厚度时, 锗的含量比例对纳米线结构的影响 (a) Si68G32; (b) Si66G34; (c) Si63G37

    Fig. 4.  The influence of Ge concentration on the formation of SiGe wires when the thickness of SiGe film is fixed: (a) Si68G32; (b) Si66G34; (c) Si63G37.

    图 5  不同周期图形衬底上锗硅纳米线的表面AFM图 (a)周期为2 µm; (b)周期为500 nm

    Fig. 5.  AFM images of GeSi wires on trench-patterned Si (001) with different pattern periods: (a) period of 2 µm; (b) period of 500 nm.

  • [1]

    Loss D, diVincenzo D P 1998 Phys. Rev. A 57 120Google Scholar


    Petta J R, Johnson A C, Taylor J M, Laird E A, Yacoby A, Lukin M D, Marcus C M, Hanson M P, Gossard A C 2005 Science 309 2180Google Scholar


    Nowack K C, Koppens F H L, Nazarov Y V, Vandersypen L M K 2007 Science 318 1430Google Scholar


    Elzerman J M, Hanson R, Greidanus J S, Willems van Beveren L H, de Franceschi S, Vandersypen L M K, Tarucha S, Kouwenhoven L P 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 161308Google Scholar


    Bluhm H, Foletti S, Neder I, Rudner M, Mahalu D, Umansky V, Yacoby A 2011 Nat. Phys. 7 109Google Scholar


    Wang J Y, Huang S Y, Huang G Y, Pan D, Zhao J H, Xu H Q 2017 Nano Lett. 17 4158Google Scholar


    Koppens F, Buizert C, Tielrooij K J, Vink I T, Nowack K C, Meunier T, Kouwenhoven L P, Vandersypen L 2006 Nature 442 766Google Scholar


    Hanson R, Kouwenhoven L P, Petta J R, Tarucha S, Vandersypen L M K 2007 Rev. Mod. Phys. 79 1217Google Scholar


    Khaetskii A V, Loss D, Glazman L 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 186802Google Scholar


    Zhong Z, Fang Y, Lu W, Lieber C M 2005 Nano Lett. 5 1143Google Scholar


    Katsaros G, Spathis P, Stoffel M, Fournel F, Mongillo M, Bouchiat V, Lefloch F, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G, de Franceschi S 2010 Nat. Nanotech. 5 458Google Scholar


    Hu Y J, Churchill H O H, Reilly D J, Xiang J, Lieber C M, Marcus C M 2007 Nat. Nanotech. 2 622Google Scholar


    Higginbotham A P, Larsen T W, Yao J, Yan H, Lieber C M, Marcus C M, Kuemmeth F 2014 Nano Lett. 14 3582Google Scholar


    Li S X, Li Y, Gao F, Xu G, Li H O, Cao G, Xiao M, Wang T, Zhang J J, Guo G P 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 133105Google Scholar


    Kloeffel C, Trif M, Loss D 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 195314Google Scholar


    Maier F, Klinovaja J, Loss D 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 195421Google Scholar


    Watzinger H, Kukučka J, Vukušić L, Gao F, Wang T, Schäffler F, Zhang J J, Katsaros G 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 3902Google Scholar


    de Vries F K, Shen J, Skolasinski R J, Nowak M P, Varjas D, Wang L, Wimmer M, Ridderbos J, Zwanenburg F A, Li A, Koelling S, Verheijen M A, Bakkers E P A M, Kouwenhoven L P 2018 Nano Lett. 18 6483Google Scholar


    Li W D, Wu W, Williams R S 2012 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 30 06F304Google Scholar


    Wagner R S, Ellis W C 1964 Appl. Phys. Lett. 4 89Google Scholar


    Lauhon L J, Gudiksen M S, Wang D, Lieber C M 2002 Nature 420 57Google Scholar


    Zhang J J, Katsaros G, Montalenti F, Scopece D, Rezaev R O, Mickel C, Rellinghaus B, Miglio L, de Franceschi S, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 085502Google Scholar


    Li Y, Li S X, Gao F, Li H O, Xu G, Wang K, Liu D, Cao G, Xiao M, Wang T, Zhang J J, Guo G C, Guo G P 2018 Nano Lett. 18 2091Google Scholar


    Xu G, Li Y, Gao F, Li H O, Liu H, Wang K, Cao G, Xiao M, Wang T, Zhang J J, Guo G C, Guo G P 2019 arXiv: 1905.01586v1


    Zhang J J, Stoffel M, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G, Jovanović V, Nanver L K, Bauer G 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 173115Google Scholar


    Zhong Z Y, Halilovic A, Fromherz T, Schäffler F, Bauera G 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 4779Google Scholar


    Chen G, Springholz G, Jantsch W, Schäffler F 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 043103Google Scholar


    Du L, Scopece D, Springholz G, Schäffler F, Chen G 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 075308Google Scholar


    Kern W, Puotinen D A 1970 RCA Review 31 187


    Eaglesham D J, White A E, Feldman L C, Moriya N, Jacobson D C 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1643Google Scholar


    Gai Z, Yang W S, Sakurai T, Zhao R G 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 13009Google Scholar


    Zhong Z, Schwinger W, Schäffler F, Bauer G, Vastola G, Montalenti F, Miglio L 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 176102Google Scholar


    Vastola G, Grydlik M, Brehm M, Fromherz T, Bauer G, Boioli F, Miglio L, Montalenti F 2011 Phys. Rev. B. 84 155415Google Scholar


    Hu H, Gao H J, Liu F 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 216102Google Scholar


    Zhang J J, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G, Scopece D, Miglio L, Montalenti F 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 083109Google Scholar


    Chen G, Sanduijav B, Matei D, Springholz G, Scopece D, Beck M J, Montalenti F, Miglio L 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 055503Google Scholar


    Jesson D E, Chen K M, Pennycook S J, Thundat T, Warmack R J 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 1330Google Scholar


    Tersoff J, leGoues F K 1994 Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 3570Google Scholar


    Shu D J, Liu F, Gong X G 2001 Phys. Rev. B 64 245410Google Scholar


    Huang L, Liu F, Gong X G 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 155320Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-09-16
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