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罗均文 吴德伟 苗强 魏天丽



罗均文, 吴德伟, 苗强, 魏天丽

Research progress in non-classical microwave states preparation based on cavity optomechanical system

Luo Jun-Wen, Wu De-Wei, Miao Qiang, Wei Tian-Li
  • 腔光力系统作为一种新型的混合量子系统, 因其超强耦合度、低温超导条件下极低的噪声、较长的相干时间等优势而成为被广受关注的量子实验平台. 本文简要介绍腔光力学及腔光力系统基本原理, 对常见腔光力系统进行分类, 详细介绍利用广义腔光力系统进行微波非经典量子态制备的相关进展, 对其性能优势和待解决问题进行分析, 最后总结相关应用场景并对未来的潜在应用领域进行了展望.
    As a novel hybrid quantum system, cavity optomechanical system shows super strong coupling strength, extremely low noise level and considerable coherent time under superconducting condition. In this paper, we briefly introduce basic principles of cavity optomechanics and cavity optomechanical systems. Meanwhile, we also classify the widely studied cavity optomechanical systems as five categories in their materials and structures. Significant parameters of these optomechanical systems, such as quality factor, mass and vibrating frequency of mechanical oscillator, are listed in detail. Technical merits and defects of these optomechanical systems are summarized. Furthermore, we introduce the research progress of non-classical microwave quantum states preparation by utilizing generalized cavity optomechanical systems, and we also analyze the performance advancements and remaining problems of this preparation method. In the end, we summarize the application cases at present and look forward to the potential application scenarios in the future. Our summary may be helpful for researchers who are focusing on quantum applications in sensing, radar, navigation, and communication in microwave domain.
      通信作者: 吴德伟, wudewei74609@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家级-国家自然科学基金(61603413,61573372)
      Corresponding author: Wu De-Wei, wudewei74609@126.com

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  • 图 1  法布里-珀罗型腔光力系统原理图[30]

    Fig. 1.  Schematic of Fabry-Perot cavity[30].

    图 2  各种不同质量和机械振动频率的腔光力系统[39]

    Fig. 2.  Cavity optomechanical systems with different mecha-nical vibration frequencies and masses[39].

    图 3  法布里-珀罗干涉仪原理图

    Fig. 3.  Schematic of Fabry-Perot interferometer.

    图 4  Vitali团队[43]方案原理图

    Fig. 4.  Schematic of proposal from Vitali’s group[43].

    图 5  Bitarafan[45]所提方案原理图

    Fig. 5.  Schematic of proposal from Bitarafan[45].

    图 6  悬浮式粒子型的法布里-珀罗腔实验结构图[47]

    Fig. 6.  Experimental setup of F-P cavity with levitated particle[47].

    图 7  回音壁模式示意图

    Fig. 7.  Illustration of whispering gallery mode.

    图 8  (a)首个回音壁腔光力系统构造[48]; (b)其改进型构造[49]

    Fig. 8.  (a) Structures of the first whispering gallery mode cavity[48]; (b) its enhanced version[49].

    图 9  光纤锥-聚合物线回音壁腔结构图[51]

    Fig. 9.  Schematic of whispering gallery mode cavity formed by fiber taper and polymer wire[51].

    图 10  金属掺杂材料回音壁腔[52]

    Fig. 10.  Schematic of whispering gallery mode cavity formed by metal-doped material[52].

    图 11  (a) Thompson团队[53]所提振动薄膜原理图; (b)实验结构图[53]

    Fig. 11.  Schematic[53](a) and experimental setup[53](b) of proposal from Thompson’s group.

    图 12  Sankey团队[54]的方案示意图

    Fig. 12.  Schematic of proposal from Sankey’s group[54].

    图 13  双抽运驱动的振动薄膜腔原理图[55]

    Fig. 13.  Schematic of vibrating membrane cavity with two pumps[55].

    图 14  拉链式光子晶体微腔结构图[57]

    Fig. 14.  Structure of zipper-like photonic crystal cavity[57]

    图 15  (a)雪花形光子晶体微腔结构图[58]; (b)金刚石NV色心光子晶体微腔结构图[59]; (c)六边形结构的光子晶体环状谐振腔结构图[61]

    Fig. 15.  Structures of (a) snowflake photonic crystal cavity[58], (b) diamond NV center photonic crystal cavity[59], and (c) hexagonal photonic crystal cavity[61].

    图 16  (a)分布式超导微波腔结构图[62]; (b)鼓膜状超导微波腔结构图[63]

    Fig. 16.  Structures of (a) distributed superconducting microwave cavity[62] and (b) drum-like superconducting microwave cavity[63].

    图 17  氮化硅纳米薄膜超导微波腔(a)原理图和(b)结构图[64]

    Fig. 17.  Schematic (a) and structure (b) of Si3N4 membrane superconducting microwave cavity[64].

    图 18  (a) Li等[65]设计的超导微波腔结构图; (b) Bienfait等设计的实验结构图图[66]

    Fig. 18.  (a) Structure of membrane superconducting microwave cavity designed by Li et al.[65]; (b) experimental setup designed by Bienfait et al.[66].

    图 19  (a)正交功分器结构图[73]; (b) 20 dB功分器结构图[73]; (c)微波EPR态制备方案示意图[74]

    Fig. 19.  (a) Structure of quadrature hybrid coupler[73]; (b) structure of 20 dB directional coupler[73]; (c) schematic of microwave EPR state preparation[74].

    图 20  Li等[75]提出的微波连续变量纠缠态制备方案原理图

    Fig. 20.  Schematic of microwave continuous-variable entanglement state preparation proposed by Li et al.[75].

    图 21  Palomaki等[76]设计的超导微波腔结构图

    Fig. 21.  Structure of superconducting microwave cavity designed by Palomaki et al.[76].

    图 22  Sete等[77]提出的微波压缩态及微波-机械振子谐振模式纠缠态制备方案示意图

    Fig. 22.  Schematic of microwave squeezed state preparation and microwave-mechanical vibration mode entanglement preparation proposed by Sete et al.[77].

    图 23  微波强压缩态制备方案示意图[78]

    Fig. 23.  Schematic of preparing highly squeezed state in microwave domain[78].

    图 24  腔电光力系统原理示意图[79]

    Fig. 24.  Schematic of cavity electro-opto-mechanical system[79].

    图 25  Tian[83]提出的腔电光力混合量子接口示意图

    Fig. 25.  Schematic of cavity electro-opto-mechanical hybrid quantum interface proposed by Tian[83].

    图 26  Andrews等[84]设计的腔电光力转换器原理图及器件结构示意图

    Fig. 26.  Schematic and structure of cavity electro-opto-mechanical converter designed by Andrews et al.[84].

    图 27  Abdi等[85]提出的远距离微波场纠缠态制备方案示意图

    Fig. 27.  Schematic of distant microwave fields entanglement preparation proposed by Abdi et al.[85].

    图 28  基于双电光力转换器的量子微波照明方案示意图[79]

    Fig. 28.  Schematic of microwave quantum illumination based on double cavity electro-opto-mechanical converters[79]

    图 29  基于电光力转换器的微波高斯、非高斯微波量子态制备方案示意图[86]

    Fig. 29.  Schematic of Gaussian and non-Gaussian microwave quantum states preparation based on cavity electro-opto-mechanical converter[86].

    图 30  引入光学参量放大器的电光力转换器示意图[87]

    Fig. 30.  Schematic of cavity electro-opto-mechanical converter introducing optical parametric amplifier[87].

    图 31  Regal团队[88]提出的量子态转移方案示意图

    Fig. 31.  Schematic of quantum state transferring proposed by Regal’sgroup[88].

    图 32  基于腔电光力系统的多通道量子路由器示意图[89]

    Fig. 32.  Schematic of multichannel quantum router based on cavity electro-opto-mechanical[89].

    图 33  基于电光力转换器的预报式微波-光纠缠态制备方案示意图[90]

    Fig. 33.  Schematic of heraldedmicrowave-optical entanglement preparation based on cavity electro-opto-mechanical system[90].

    表 1  5种主要腔光力系统的研究现状总结

    Table 1.  Summary for current research states of 5 main cavity optomechanical systems.

    法布里-珀罗腔104kg—pgkHz—MHz技术成熟, 应用广泛品质因数水平较低, 耗散较大、不易集成
    回音壁腔109 (微球腔)
    108 (微环腔)
    ng—fgMHz—GHz光力耦合度高, 构造灵活,
    光子晶体腔106fgGHz可利用自由度多, 片上可扩展
    性好, 精确的模式控制
    超导微波腔107pgMHz可高度集成, 与超导器件兼容,
    腔的稳定性好, 热噪声水平低
    超低温, 电磁噪声谱较宽
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  基于腔光力系统的微波非经典量子态制备

    Table 2.  Preparations of non-classical quantum statesof microwave based on cavity opto-mechanical system

    腔电力系统光子-声子2微波腔连续变量微波纠缠态, 微波压缩态, 微波-机械
    腔电光力系统光子-声子-光子3微波腔, 光腔连续、离散变量微波纠缠态, 微波单光子Fock态,
    微波-机械振子谐振模纠缠态, 微波-光纠缠态
    下载: 导出CSV
  • [1]

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-11-12
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