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王彦朝 许河秀 王朝辉 王明照 王少杰



王彦朝, 许河秀, 王朝辉, 王明照, 王少杰

Research progress of electromagnetic metamaterial absorbers

Wang Yan-Zhao, Xu He-Xiu, Wang Chao-Hui, Wang Ming-Zhao, Wang Shao-Jie
  • 电磁吸波技术在军用和民用领域得到了广泛应用, 但传统吸波技术不能满足现代吸波材料新的需求, 基于超材料的吸波体具有结构简单、轻薄、吸收率高等优点, 并可以实现对电磁波的灵活调控, 使得电磁吸波领域获得了飞速发展. 本文针对电磁超材料吸波研究进行了综述, 首先介绍了电磁超材料吸波方法与机理, 指出了研究中遇到的瓶颈问题. 其次针对吸波关键技术难题分别从多频及宽频带吸波、极化和角度不敏感吸波、动态可调吸波三个方面介绍了目前电磁超材料吸波体的研究进展. 尽管研究学者们在超材料吸波方向已做了很多工作, 仍面临着诸多问题和挑战. 为了更好地预示未来研究, 本文从高性能、多功能、新三维结构三个角度对超材料吸波体的研究方向进行了展望, 包括突破波长限制的低频超薄宽带超材料吸波体、能应对复杂环境的多功能集成超材料吸波体以及随3D打印技术而兴起的新型三维结构超材料吸波体. 最后结合超材料在隐身领域的应用进一步总结了超材料吸波应用研究的发展趋势.
    Electromagnetic absorbing technology can effectively suppress the radiation of electromagnetic waves, and has been widely used in military and civilian fields. However, traditional absorbing technology cannot meet the new requirements for modern absorbing materials. The advent of metamaterials provides a solution for this problem Metamaterial absorber has the advantages of simple structure, light weight, high absorption rate, and can realize the flexible control of electromagnetic waves, which has led the electromagnetic absorption research to rapidly develop. In this paper, the research and development of using metamaterials to absorb electromagnetic wave is reviewed. Firstly, the principle, implementation, and presently existing bottlenecks of electromagnetic wave absorption in using metamaterials are outlined. Secondly, recent progress of the aforementioned key issues in three aspects is introduced, including multi-band and broadband, polarization and angle independence, and dynamic tunability. Several typical methods of making metamaterial absorbers are illustrated here. Generally speaking, the prerequisite of broadband metamaterial absorbers is to provide multiple resonances that are close enough to each other. The structure with multiple rotationally symmetric geometry is helpful in achieving polarization- and angle-insensitive properties. The flexible control of absorption performance can be realized by introducing lumped elements such as resistances, capacitances, and diodes. In addition, by means of composite traditional materials or new materials and other methods the dynamic adjustment of the absorption performance can be achieved. Although researchers have done a lot of work on the metamaterial absorbers, there remain many problems and challenges. For the future design, several promising directions are suggested from three perspectives: high performance, multifunctionality, and new structures. In terms of high performance, it is still a challenge to achieve ultra-thin broadband metamaterial absorber for low-frequency which can break through the limitation of wavelength. Integrated multifunctional metamaterials can adapt to the increasingly complex application scenarios and should gradually become the focus of attention. Since three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has proved to be applicable to the preparation of complex metamaterial structures, the new 3D metamerial absorbers will bring more vitality to the development of metamaterials. Finally, as regards the application of metamaterials in stealth, the future development of metamaterial absorbers is further summarized.
      通信作者: 许河秀, hxxuellen@gmail.com
    • 基金项目: 国家级-中国科协军事青托计划(17-JCJQ-QT-003)
      Corresponding author: Xu He-Xiu, hxxuellen@gmail.com

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  • 图 1  超材料完美吸波体 (a) 单元结构示意图; (b) 吸波性能的仿真结果

    Fig. 1.  Perfect metamaterial absorber: (a) The schematic of a unit cell; (b) simulation results for the absorption.

    图 2  三频带超材料吸波体 (a) 单元拓扑结构; (b) 等效电路模型; (c) 横电波(transverse electric, TE)模式下在不同入射角下测得的吸收率与频率的关系; (d) 横磁波(transverse magnetic, TM)模式下在不同入射角下测得的吸收率与频率的关系[55]

    Fig. 2.  Triple-band metamaterial absorber: (a) Topology structure of the element; (b) equivalent circuit models; (c) measured absorption as a function of frequency for TE mode radiation at different angles of incidence; (d) measured absorption as a function of frequency for TM mode radiation at different angles of incidence[55].

    图 3  宽带太赫兹超材料吸波体 (a) 单元结构示意图; (b) 不同I型谐振器组合的吸收率[59]

    Fig. 3.  Terahertz metamaterial absorbers with broad band absorption: (a) Schematic of the whole unit cell; (b) simulation results of absorption for three different configurations of the I-shaped resonators[59].

    图 4  超宽带完美超材料吸波体单元原理图 (a) 单元三维示意图; (b) 带有开口谐振环II的底层结构; (c) 带有开口谐振环I的第三层结构; (d) 加载集总电阻的第二层结构[76]

    Fig. 4.  Schematic geometry of unit cell for the ultra-broadband perfect metamaterial absorber: (a) the 3 D schematic of a unit cell; (b) the bottom layer with the split ring resonator-II; (c) the third layer with the split ring resonator-I; (d) the third layer with lumped resistances[76].

    图 5  极化和角度不敏感超材料吸波体单元结构示意图 (a) 正交排布的极化不敏感单元[81]; (b) 单频带单元[84]; (c) 四个扇形为基础的角度不敏感单元; (d) 八个扇形为基础的角度不敏感单元[91]

    Fig. 5.  Schematic diagram of polarization and angle-independent metamaterial absorber unit cell: (a) Orthogonal polarization insensitive unit cell[81]; (b) single-band metamaterial absorber unit cell[84]; (c) four circular sector-based unit cell; (d) eight circular sector-based unit cell[91].

    图 6  动态可调超材料吸波体 (a) 加载变容二极管的超材料吸波体[103]; (b) 加载石墨烯的超材料吸波体单元结构[105]; (c) 液晶可调超材料完美吸波体[106]; (d) 基于机械可调谐的吸波体[107]

    Fig. 6.  Dynamically tunable metamaterial absorber: (a) Tunable metamaterial absorber using varactor diodes[103]; (b) schematic of the unit cell of the graphene based tunable metamaterial absorber[105]; (c) liquid crystal tunable metamaterial perfect absorber[106]; (d) mechanically stretchable and tunable metamaterial absorber[107].

    图 7  多功能可重构三维超材料[134]

    Fig. 7.  Multifunctional reconfigurable 3D metamaterial[134].

    表 1  用于实现多频/宽频吸波体的不同方法总结

    Table 1.  A summary of methods used to create multiple/broadband absorbers.

    平面排布30.6—37.5 THz20.26%≥ 80%0.041 λL10.8 µm“三明治”[61]
    多层堆叠24.8/25.5 THzN≥ 90%0.062 λL500 nm多层结构[62]
    多层堆叠7.8—14.7 GHz61.33%≥ 90%0.130 λL11 mm金字塔结构[63]
    集总元件5.3—11.2 GHz70.7%≥ 90%0.077 λL13.6 mm单层结构[68]
    用电阻膜7.0—27.5 GHz118.8%≥ 90%0.093 λL5.5 mm“三明治”[69]
    用电阻膜2.0—18.5 GHz160.97%N0.082 λL11 mm多层结构[72]
    基于SSPP7.6—14.7 GHz63.7%≥ 90%0.177 λL14 mm非平面结构[74]
    混合方法4.5—25.4 GHz139.6%≥ 80%0.075 λL8.4 mm多层结构[76]
    新型结构9.05—11.4 GHz23.0%≥ 80%0.060 λL5 mm分形结构[78]
    注: 相对带宽指10 dB吸收带宽, λL为最低工作频率所对应的工作波长, N代表没有提及.
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-03-10
  • 修回日期:  2020-04-01
  • 上网日期:  2020-05-09
  • 刊出日期:  2020-07-05

