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方云团 王张鑫 范尔盼 李小雪 王洪金



方云团, 王张鑫, 范尔盼, 李小雪, 王洪金

Topological phase transition based on structure reversal of two-dimensional photonic crystals and construction of topological edge states

Fang Yun-Tuan, Wang Zhang-Xin, Fan Er-Pan, Li Xiao-Xue, Wang Hong-Jin
  • 构建了二维六角蜂窝晶格的两种结构, 让散射体和基体材料反转. 由于特有的点群对称, 该晶格在布里渊区中心具有类比电子体系的p轨道和d轨道. 在散射体和基体反转的两种结构中, p轨道和d轨道也直接实现了反转. 定量分析了产生轨道反转的原因来自于低频局域共振产生空气带和介质带的反转. 通过p轨道和d轨道的宇称特性, 构建了类比电子体系量子自旋霍尔效应的赝自旋态. 通过Γ点处有效哈密顿量的分析, 揭示轨道反转导致的拓扑相变. 通过结构的优化, 构建了基于赝自旋的拓扑边界态. 电磁波仿真模拟和能流矢量分析证明了结构具有电子体系量子自旋霍尔效应的特性, 即自旋与传播方向锁定和拓扑保护. 结果也证明经典波量子自旋霍尔效应的实现可以不经历带隙关闭的过程. 与同类型的研究相比较, 本文的结构不需要晶格的缩放, 具有设计简单、带隙宽和边界态局域性较强的特点.
    Two kinds of two-dimensional photonic crystal with hexagonal honeycomb lattices are constructed in which the scatterer and the matrix materials are reversed. Due to the symmetry of special point group, the lattices have p and d orbitals in the center of Brillouin region, which are similar to those in the electronic system. With the structure reversal, the p and d orbitals are also directly inverted. Quantitative analysis shows that the orbital inversion is due to the inversion of air band and medium band because of the local resonance effect in the low frequency bands. Based on the parity properties of p and d orbitals, the pseudo spin states are constructed by analogy to the quantum spin Hall effect in electronic systems. The analysis of the effective Hamiltonian at Γ point shows that the topological phase transition caused by orbital inversion is revealed. The pseudo spin edge states construct an optimal structure. The electromagnetic wave simulations and energy flow vector analysis show that the structure edge takes on the properties of quantum spin Hall effect, namely, the propagation direction is locked by the spin direction and the propagation is topologically protected. The results also show that the quantum spin Hall effect can be realized without undergoing the closing of gap. The comparison among similar researches indicates that the realization of the pseudo spin states does not need the deformation of lattice, and the structure proposed in this work possesses the characteristics of simple design, wide band gap and strong edge localization.
      通信作者: 方云团, fang_yt1965@sina.com
    • 基金项目: 江苏省工业网络安全技术重点实验室开放基金(批准号: STICB201906)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Fang Yun-Tuan, fang_yt1965@sina.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Open Fund of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Security Tech. for Industrial Cyberspace, China (Grant No. STICB201906)

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    Xia J P, Jia D, Sun H X, Yuan S Q, Ge Y, Si Q R, Liu X J 2018 Adv. Mater. 30 1805002Google Scholar


    Jiang Z, Gao Y F, He L, Sun J P, Song H, Wang Q 2019 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 11367Google Scholar


    Ji C Y, Liu G B, Zhang Y Y, Zou B S, Yao Y G 2019 Phys. Rev. A 99 043801Google Scholar

  • 图 1  六角蜂窝晶格结构模型(六边形是原胞, a1a2是晶格基矢) (a) A型结构, 散射体是空气柱, 基体是介质; (b) D型结构, 散射体是介质柱, 基体是空气; (c) 晶格第一布里渊区

    Fig. 1.  Schematic of hexagonal honeycomb lattice (the hexagon is the unit cell, and a1 and a2 are the basic vectors of lattice): (a) The scatterer and matrix are air rods and dielectric, respectively; (b) the scatterer and matrix are dielectric rods and air, respectively; (c) the first Brillouin zone.

    图 2  两种结构的能带和在Γ点的p轨道和d轨道 (a) A型结构; (b) D型结构

    Fig. 2.  Band structures of the hexagonal honeycomb lattices, and the orbitals of p and d: (a) Type A; (b) type D.

    图 3  p轨道和d轨道的频率随散射体材料介电常数$ {\varepsilon _{\rm{s}}} $和基体体材料介电常数$ {\varepsilon _{\rm{m}}} $之差的变化

    Fig. 3.  Frequency positions of p and d orbits with the differences of $ {\varepsilon _{\rm{s}}} $ and $ {\varepsilon _{\rm{m}}} $

    图 4  优化后两种结构的能带以及p轨道和d轨道的位置 (a) A型结构; (b) D型结构

    Fig. 4.  Band structures of the optimized lattices, and the orbitals of p and d: (a) Type A; (b) type D.

    图 5  边界态的构建与分析 (a) 超胞; (b) 超胞的带结构; (c) 模式分析; 图(c)给出图(b)边界态AB两点在拓扑非平庸层(中间层)左、右两侧边界激发的模场Ez和边界靠非平庸层一侧的能流矢量, 它们分别对应不同旋转方向的赝自旋, 分别用旋转箭头表示; 由于边界处能流矢量比涡旋处能流矢量大很多, 为了看清矢量旋转方向, 将矢量图的位置向非平庸层方向进行了适当的偏离

    Fig. 5.  Construction and analysis of the edge states: (a) Supercell; (b) bands of the supercell; (c) mode analysis. The mode field Ez of the energy flow vectors of points A and B in (c) reveal the pseudo spins at the two edges of the middle non-trivial layer in (a). Because the energy flow vectors at the edge are much larger than those in the vortex, we move the vector plots to the non-trivial layer for a proper distance.

    图 6  赝自旋源(白色六角星)激发的电磁波边界态传输 (a) 频率位置为AB, 逆时针自旋; (b) 频率位置为AB, 顺时针自旋; (c) 频率位置为CD, 逆时针自旋; (d) 频率位置为CD, 顺时针自旋

    Fig. 6.  Edge state transmission of electromagnetic wave excited by pseudospin source (white hexagon star): (a) Frequency position at AB and counterclockwise spin; (b) frequency position at AB and clockwise spin; (c) frequency position at CD and counterclockwise spin; (d) frequency position at CD and clockwise spin.

    图 7  拓扑边界态鲁棒性的验证, 白色六角星为赝自旋源位置 (a) 电场Ez幅度的分布, 障碍物(插图黑色区域)介电常数2.25; (b) 电场Ez幅度的分布, 障碍物介电常数11.7; (c) 边界态沿z型路线传输Ez场的分布, 插图为局部放大的能流矢量分布; (d) 边界态沿z型路线传输的能流矢量和Ez场的分布, 和图(c)比较, 源向右移动3个晶格常数距离

    Fig. 7.  Robust of the topological boundary states and the pseudo-spin source position represented by white hexagonal star: (a) The distribution of the Ez field amplitude with the obstacle (the black area in the illustration) permittivity 2.25; (b) the distribution of the Ez field amplitude with the obstacle permittivity 11.7; (c) the distribution of the Ez field from the edge state transmission along the z-type route (the inset shows a locally amplified Poynting vector distribution); (d) the distribution of the Ez field and the energy flow vectors from the edge state transmission along the z-type route with the source moved 3a to the right.

    表 1  电场能量密度在两种类型结构的分布

    Table 1.  Distribution of electric field energy density in two structures.

    p orbitd orbit
    Type A$\begin{array}{l}\dfrac{ { { {\bar w}_{ {\rm{air} } } } } }{ { { {\bar w}_{ {\rm{dielectric} } } } } } = \dfrac{ {9.8962 \times { {10}^{ - 13} }\, {\rm{J} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - 2} } } }{ {6.4143 \times { {10}^{ - 11} }\, {\rm{J} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - 2} } } } = 0.01542\end{array}$$\begin{array}{l}\dfrac{ { { {\bar w}_{ {\rm{air} } } } } }{ { { {\bar w}_{ {\rm{dielectric} } } } } } = \dfrac{ {2.834 \times { {10}^{ - 12} }\, {\rm{J} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - 2} } } }{ {5.9366 \times { {10}^{ - 11} }\, {\rm{J} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - 2} } } } = 0.04774\end{array}$
    Type D$\begin{array}{l}\dfrac{ { { {\bar w}_{ {\rm{air} } } } } }{ { { {\bar w}_{ {\rm{dielectric} } } } } } = \dfrac{ {3.2652 \times { {10}^{ - 12} }\, {\rm{J} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - 2} } } }{ {9.2058 \times { {10}^{ - 11} }\, {\rm{J} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - 2} } } } = 0.03574\end{array}$$\begin{array}{l}\dfrac{ { { {\bar w}_{ {\rm{air} } } } } }{ { { {\bar w}_{ {\rm{dielectric} } } } } } = \dfrac{ {3.603 \times { {10}^{ - 12} }\, {\rm{J} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - 2} } } }{ {8.5597 \times { {10}^{ - 11} }\, {\rm{J} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - 2} } } } = 0.042\end{array}$
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  • 文章访问数:  9286
  • PDF下载量:  372
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-03-19
  • 修回日期:  2020-05-09
  • 上网日期:  2020-06-07
  • 刊出日期:  2020-09-20

