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陈锋 郝建红 许海波



陈锋, 郝建红, 许海波

Optimization of proton imaging system including fringe field of magnetic lens

Chen Feng, Hao Jian-Hong, Xu Hai-Bo
  • 高能质子照相系统由四极磁透镜和准直器组成, 实际透镜的边缘场将影响成像系统的性能. 本文将含边缘场的磁场梯度用贝尔函数近似, 提出了一种含边缘场的成像系统优化方法. 通过Geant 4程序模拟了能量为1.6 GeV的质子成像系统, 并通过优化方法给出了考虑边缘场的优化后的系统参数. 研究了考虑边缘场时的成像系统参数对准直器孔径的影响. 通过对比理想成像系统和优化前后的成像系统在使用准直器时的客体通量分布, 研究了边缘场对质子通过客体的通量影响. 结果表明, 优化后的成像系统可以减小质子通过客体后的通量误差, 并且积分差值在10–2量级时, 准直器的孔径参数变化亦在10–2量级.
    The proton imaging system is composed of four quadrupole magnetic lenses and a collimator. The quadrupole magnetic lenses can realize point-to-point imaging, and the collimator can improve image quality by controlling proton flux and realize material diagnosis. The magnetic field gradient of an ideal quadrupole lens becomes zero at the edge. Inside the lens, the magnetic field gradient is constant along the axis, while the magnetic field boundary of the actual lens extends outward. In the proton imaging system, the fringing field will affect the proton transport state and the performance of the imaging system as well. In this paper, a method to optimize the system is presented when the fringe field is considered. A proton imaging system of 1.6 GeV is established with the Geant 4 program, in which the magnetic field gradient distribution of the actual lens is approximated by the Bell function. In an ideal imaging system, the external drift length is 1.2 m, the internal drift length is 0.5 m, the length of the magnet is 0.8 m, and the magnetic field gradient is 8.09 T/m. The parameters of the practical imaging system can be obtained by using the optimization method: when the integral difference in magnetic field gradient distribution between the actual lens and the ideal lens is equal to zero, the outer drift length of the imaging system is 1.203 m and the inner drift length is 0.506 m; when the integral difference in the magnetic field gradient distribution between the actual lens and the ideal lens is equal to 1%, the outer drift length is 1.208 m and the inner drift length is 0.516 m. In the numerical simulation, a 1mm-thick copper plate and a concentric ball are chosen as the objects, and the influence of the fringing field on the collimator aperture and that on the proton flux error are studied. The results show that the optimized imaging system can reduce the flux error of protons passing through the object, and the difference in the aperture of collimator is on the order of 10–2 when the integral difference is on the order of 10–2 in magnitude.
      通信作者: 许海波, xu_haibo@iapcm.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11675021)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Xu Hai-Bo, xu_haibo@iapcm.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11675021)

    Gavton A, Morris C L, Ziock H J, et al. 1996 Los Alamos National Report 96 420


    Mottershead C T, Zumbro J D 1997 Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference Vancouver B C, Canada, May 12–16, 1997 p1397


    Jason AJ, Barlow D B, Blind B, et al. 2001 Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference Chicago, USA, June 18–22, 2001 p3374


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    Yang J J, Zhen X, Wei S M, et al. 2016 CYC 2016 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications Zurich, Switzerland, September 11–16, 2016 p401


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    Aufderheide M B, ParkH, Hartouni E P1999 AIP Conference Proceedings Sydney, Australia, June 28–July 2, 1999 p497


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    Morris C L, Brown E N, Agee C, et al. 2016 Exp. Mech. 56 111Google Scholar


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    刘烈烽, 刘承俊, 章冠人 1991 强激光与粒子束 3 535

    Liu L F, Liu C J, Zhang G R, et al. 1991 High Power Laser Part. Beams 3 535


    Agostinelli S, Allison J, Amako K A, et al. 2003 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. A 506 250Google Scholar


    Allison J, Amako K, Apostolakis J, et al. 2006 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 270Google Scholar


    Schott W, Springer K, Winter H J, et al. 1973 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 111 541Google Scholar


    陈锋, 许海波, 郑娜, 贾清刚, 佘若谷, 李兴娥 2020 物理学报 69 032901Google Scholar

    Chen F, Xu H B, Zheng N, Jia Q G, She R G, Li X El 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 032901Google Scholar

  • 图 1  质子成像系统示意图

    Fig. 1.  Diagram of proton imaging system.

    图 2  磁透镜中磁场梯度分布

    Fig. 2.  Magnetic field distribution in the quadrupole lens.

    图 3  等效漂移距离随着初始位置的改变

    Fig. 3.  Equivalent drift distance varies with the initial position.

    图 4  质子成像系统参数示意图

    Fig. 4.  Diagram of parameters of proton imaging system

    图 5  等效漂移距离相对值的优化曲线 (a) 积分差值为0; (b) 积分差值为1%

    Fig. 5.  Optimized curves of relative value of the equivalent drift distance: (a) The difference of integral value is 0; (b) the difference of integral value is 1%.

    图 6  前端口传输矩阵元随磁场梯度积分差值的变化 (a) x方向; (b) y方向

    Fig. 6.  Transfer matrix elements of the front port varies with the gradient integral difference: (a) x direction; (b) y direction.

    图 7  后端口传输矩阵元随磁场梯度积分差值的变化 (a) x方向; (b) y方向

    Fig. 7.  Transfer matrix elements of the back port varies with the gradient integral difference: (a) x direction; (b) y direction.

    图 8  积分差值为0时质子通过铜板的通量分布 (a) 2.0 mrad; (b) 3.5 mrad

    Fig. 8.  Flux distribution after passing the round copper plate while the integral difference is 0: (a) 2.0 mrad; (b) 3.5 mrad

    图 9  积分差值等于0时质子通过同心球的通量分布 (a) 2.0 mrad; (b) 3.5 mrad

    Fig. 9.  Flux distribution after passing the concentric spheres while the integral difference is 0: (a) 2.0 mrad; (b) 3.5 mrad

    图 10  积分差值等于1%时质子通过铜板的通量分布 (a) 2.0 mrad; (b) 3.5 mrad

    Fig. 10.  Flux distribution after passing the round copper plate while the integral difference is 1%: (a) 2.0 mrad; (b) 3.5 mrad.

    图 11  积分差值等于1%时质子通过同心球的通量分布 (a) 2.0 mrad; (b) 3.5 mrad

    Fig. 11.  Flux distribution after passing the concentric spheres while the integral difference is 1%: (a) 2.0 mrad; (b) 3.5 mrad.

    表 1  优化前质子成像系统参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of the proton imaging system before optimization.

    类型积分差值/%$d/{\rm{m}}$Ds/m$l/{\rm{m}}$${G_{\rm{o} } }/({\rm{T} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - {\rm{1} } } })$Dt/m
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  优化后质子成像系统参数

    Table 2.  Parameters of proton imaging system after optimization.

    类型积分差值/%$d/{\rm{m}}$${D_{\rm{s}}}/{\rm{m}}$$l/{\rm{m}}$${G_{\rm{o} } }/({\rm{T} } \cdot { {\rm{m} }^{ - {\rm{1} } } })$${D_{\rm{t}}}/{\rm{m}}$
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 3  准直器孔径参数

    Table 3.  Aperture parameters of the angle-cut collimator.

    下载: 导出CSV
  • [1]

    Gavton A, Morris C L, Ziock H J, et al. 1996 Los Alamos National Report 96 420


    Mottershead C T, Zumbro J D 1997 Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference Vancouver B C, Canada, May 12–16, 1997 p1397


    Jason AJ, Barlow D B, Blind B, et al. 2001 Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference Chicago, USA, June 18–22, 2001 p3374


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    Matthew S. F, Jason A, Malcolm A, et al. 2017 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88 013709Google Scholar


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    Yang J J, Zhen X, Wei S M, et al. 2016 CYC 2016 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications Zurich, Switzerland, September 11–16, 2016 p401


    Sheng L N, Zhao Y T, Yang G J, et al. 2014 Laser Part. Beams 32 651Google Scholar


    Zhao Y, Zhang Z, Gai W, et al. 2016 Laser Part. Beams 16 1


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    Zhou Z, Fang Y, Chen H, et al. 2019 Matter Radiat. Extremes 4 065402Google Scholar


    Aufderheide M B, ParkH, Hartouni E P1999 AIP Conference Proceedings Sydney, Australia, June 28–July 2, 1999 p497


    Maksimov A V, Tyurin N E, Fedotov Y S 2014 Tech. Phys. 59 132


    Morris C L, Brown E N, Agee C, et al. 2016 Exp. Mech. 56 111Google Scholar


    Li Y D, Yang G J, Zhang X D, et al. 2016 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 814 104Google Scholar


    刘烈烽, 刘承俊, 章冠人 1991 强激光与粒子束 3 535

    Liu L F, Liu C J, Zhang G R, et al. 1991 High Power Laser Part. Beams 3 535


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    Allison J, Amako K, Apostolakis J, et al. 2006 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 270Google Scholar


    Schott W, Springer K, Winter H J, et al. 1973 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 111 541Google Scholar


    陈锋, 许海波, 郑娜, 贾清刚, 佘若谷, 李兴娥 2020 物理学报 69 032901Google Scholar

    Chen F, Xu H B, Zheng N, Jia Q G, She R G, Li X El 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 032901Google Scholar

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