在皮秒短脉冲泵浦的光参量啁啾脉冲放大(ps-OPCPA)系统中, 泵浦光与信号光之间的高精度时间同步是需要解决的关键问题之一. 本文基于中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心的全OPCPA激光装置, 对用于前端ps-OPCPA中泵浦光与信号光的高精度同步主动控制技术进行了详细研究. 采用大啁啾信号光窄光谱光参量放大的主动反馈方式, 通过合理设计反馈光路信号光的时域展宽啁啾系数, 将泵浦光与信号光的同步时间抖动从ps量级降低至百fs量级的时间范围, 从而极大地改善了前端ps-OPCPA的能量和光谱不稳定性: 7 min测试时间内泵浦光与信号光相对同步时间抖动的均方根值(RMS)从458 fs改善至93 fs, 输出能量RMS不稳定性从30.3%改善至3.15%, 且维持光谱宽度大于100 nm的稳定宽光谱输出.High-precision synchronization between pump and signal is one of the key issues that should be solved in picosecond short pulse pumped optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (ps-OPCPA). Based on the all-OPCPA laser facility in Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, the high-precision active pump-signal synchronization technique used in its ps-OPCPA frontend is studied in detail in this paper. The synchronization is actively controlled by an amplified narrowband spectrum from the short ps-pulse pumped optical parametric amplification of a large chirped signal. By reasonably designing the time-domain broadening chirped coefficient of the signal in the feedback optical path, relative timing jitter between pump and signal of the ps-OPCPA frontend decreases from ps to one hundred fs, which greatly improves its energy and spectral stability. The root mean square (RMS) value of the relative timing jitter decreases from 458 to 93 fs, which improves the RMS instability of the output energy from 30.3% to 3.15%, and a stable wide spectrum with width greater than 100 nm is obtained in 7-min measurement.
- optical parametric chirped pulse amplification /
- picosecond pump pulse /
- high-precision synchronization
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[3] Archipovaite G, Galletti M, Oliveira P, Galimberti M, Frackiewicz A, Musgrave I, Hernandez-Gomez C 2020 Opt. Commun. 474 126072
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[19] Andrianov A, Szabo A, Sergeev A, Kim A, Chvykov V, Kalashnikov M 2016 Opt. Express 24 25974
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[23] Galletti M, Oliveira P, Galimberti M, Ahmad M, Archipovaite G, Booth N, Dilworth E, Frackiewicz A, Winstone T, Musgrave I, Hernandez-Gomez C 2020 High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 8 e31
Google Scholar
图 6 同步主动控制回路不工作时 (a)主光路ps-OPCPA输出能量与反馈光路峰值波长之间的对应关系; (b)主光路泵浦光与信号光相对同步时间抖动
Fig. 6. (a) Relationship between the output energy of the main ps-OPCPA and the peak wavelength of the feedback OPCPA, and (b) relative time jitter between pump and signal when the active pump-signal synchronization is not working.
[1] Papadopoulos D N, Pamirez P, Genevrier K, Ranc L, Lebas N, Pellegrina A, Le Blanc C, Monot P, Martin L, Zou J P, Mathieu F, Audebert P, Georges P, Druon F 2017 Opt. Lett. 42 3530
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[2] Lureau F, Matras G, Chalus O, Derycke C, Morbieu T, Radier C, Casagrande O, Laux S, Ricaud S, Rey G, Pellegrina A, Richard C, Boudjemaa L, Simon-Boisson C, Baleanu A, Banici R, Gradinariu A, Caldararu C, De Boisdeffre B, Ghenuche P, Naziru A, Kolliopoulos G, Neagu L, Dabu R, Dancus I, Ursescu D 2020 High Power laser Sci. Eng. 8 e43
Google Scholar
[3] Archipovaite G, Galletti M, Oliveira P, Galimberti M, Frackiewicz A, Musgrave I, Hernandez-Gomez C 2020 Opt. Commun. 474 126072
Google Scholar
[4] Bromage J, Bahk S-W, Begishev I A, Dorrer C, Guardalben M J, Hoffman B N, Oliver J B, Roides R G, Schiesser E M, Shoup III M J, Spilatro M, Webb B, Weiner D, Zuegel J D 2019 High Power laser Sci. Eng. 7 e43
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[5] Zeng X M, Zhou K N, Zuo Y L, Zhu Q H, Su J Q, Wang X, Wang X D, Huang X J, Jiang X J, Jiang D B, Guo Y, Xie N, Zhou S, Wu Z H, Mu J, Peng H, Jin F 2017 Opt. Lett. 42 2014
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[6] Xiao Q, Pan X, Jiang Y E, Wang J F, Du L F, Guo J T, Huang D J, Lu X H, Cui Z J, Yang S S, Wei H, Wang X C, Xiao Z L, Li G Y, Wang X Q, Yang X P O, Fan W, Li X C, Zhu J Q 2021 Opt. Express 29 15980
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[7] Ishii N, Teisset C Y, Fuji T, Köhler S, Schmid K, Veisz L, Baltuska A, Krausz F 2006 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 12 173
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[8] Teisset C Y, Ishii N, Fuji T, Metzger T, Köhler S, Holzwarth R, Baltuška A, Zheltikov A M, Krausz F 2005 Opt. Express 13 6550
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[9] Wandt C, Klingebiel S, Keppler S, Hornung M, Loeser M, Siebold M, Skrobol C, Kessel A, Trushin S A, Major Z, Hein J, Kaluza M C, Krausz F, Karsch S 2014 Laser Photonics Rev. 8 875
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[10] Riedel R, Schulz M, Prandolini M J, Hage A, Höppner H, Gottschall T, J. Limpert, Drescher M, Tavella F 2013 Opt. Express 21 28987
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[11] Wagner F, João C P, Fils J, Gottschall T, Hein J, Körner J, Limpert J, Roth M, Stöhlker T, Bagnoud V 2014 Appl. Phys. B. 116 429
Google Scholar
[12] 杨超, 顾澄琳, 刘洋, 王超, 李江, 李文雪 2018 物理学报 67 094206
Google Scholar
Yang C, Gu C L, Liu Y, Wang C, Li J, Li W X 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 094206
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[13] Schwarz A, Ueffing M, Deng Y P, Gu X, Fattahi H, Metzger T, Ossiander M, Krausz F, Kienberger R 2012 Opt. Express 20 5557
Google Scholar
[14] Prinz S, Häfner M, Schultze M, Teisset C Y, Bessing R, Michel K, Kienberger R, T Metzger 2014 Opt. Express 22 31050
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[15] Batysta F, Antipenkov R, Green J T, Naylon J A, Novák J, Mazanec T, Hříbek P, Zervos C, Bakule P, Rus B 2014 Opt. Express 22 30281
Google Scholar
[16] Bromage J, Rothhardt J, Hädrich S, Dorrer C, Jocher C, Demmler S, Limpert J, Tünnermann A, Zuegel J D 2011 Opt. Express 19 16797
Google Scholar
[17] 李纲, 刘红杰, 卢峰, 温贤伦, 何颖玲, 张发强, 戴增海 2015 物理学报 64 020602
Google Scholar
Li G, Liu H J, Lu F, Wen X L, He Y L, Zhang F Q, Dai Z H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 020602
Google Scholar
[18] Witte S, Zinkstok R T, Hogervorst W, Eikema K S E 2007 Appl. Phys. B 87 677
Google Scholar
[19] Andrianov A, Szabo A, Sergeev A, Kim A, Chvykov V, Kalashnikov M 2016 Opt. Express 24 25974
Google Scholar
[20] Klingebiel S 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
[21] Ross I N, Matousek P, New G H C, Osvay K 2002 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: 19 2945
Google Scholar
[22] Trebino R 2002 Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating: The measurement of Ultrashort Laser Pulses (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers)
[23] Galletti M, Oliveira P, Galimberti M, Ahmad M, Archipovaite G, Booth N, Dilworth E, Frackiewicz A, Winstone T, Musgrave I, Hernandez-Gomez C 2020 High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 8 e31
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