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于欣淼 杨舒媛 贺衎



于欣淼, 杨舒媛, 贺衎

Sharing entanglement of the Werner state by arbitrarily many independent observers

Yu Xin-Miao, Yang Shu-Yuan, He Kan
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 量子关联共享问题是量子信息理论研究中一个有趣的课题. 最近, Srivastava等在[Phys. Rev. A 2022 105 062413]中证明了存在一类T态, 其纠缠可以被任意多个独立观察者共享. 通过选择合适的纠缠见证算子和Bob的非锐化测量, 本文证明了存在两量子比特纠缠的初始共享Werner态, 其纠缠可以被任意多个观察者Bobs和单个观察者Alice共享.
    The problem of sharing quantum correlations is an interesting problem in the study of quantum information theory. Silva et al. proposed the study of sharing quantum nonlocality at first. They studied the fundamental limits on nonlocality, asking whether a single pair of entangled qubits could generate a long sequence of nonlocal correlations. At the same time, the sequential scenario was also introduced first, in which Alice and Bob each have half of a pair of entangled qubit states. The first Bob measures his half and then passes his part to a second Bob who measures again and so on. Obviously, even partial preservation of entanglement in a shared state in spite of a few sequences of local operations performed by the sharing parties can be important for information processing schemes in which entanglement is utilized as a resource. Thus, the problem of sharing quantum entanglement has also been extensively investigated. Recently, Srivastava et al. proved that there exist a class of T-states whose entanglement can be shared by arbitrarily many independent observers in [Phys. Rev. A 2022 105 062413]. Here, we want to find whether there are other entangled states that can be shared entanglement arbitrarily many times. In this paper, we consider the problem of sharing quantum entanglement when the initial shared state is a two-qubit entangled Werner state. The goal is to maximize the number of Bobs that can share entanglement with a single Alice. By suitably choosing the entanglement witness operator and the unsharp measurement settings by the Bobs, we prove that there exist two-qubit entangled initial shared Werner states whose entanglement can be detected by arbitrarily many sequential observers Bobs with a single Alice. Then, we also consider the special case of the Werner state, that is, the maximally entangled state as the initial shared state. In this case, its entanglement can also be witnessed arbitrarily many times, and the number of Bobs increases with the decrease of parameter.
      通信作者: 贺衎, hekanquantum@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12271394)和山西省重点研发计划(批准号: 202102010101004)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: He Kan, hekanquantum@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12271394) and the Key R&D Program of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 202102010101004)

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  • 图 1  Alice和第一个Bob, 即${\rm{B}}_{1}$, 共享一个两体纠缠态$\rho_{{\rm{AB}}_{1}}$. ${\rm{B}}_{1}$对他所拥有的部分共享态进行测量, 然后将其传递给第二个Bob, 即${\rm{B}}_{2}$. 测量后的状态是$\rho_{{\rm{AB}}_{2}}$. 之后, ${\rm{B}}_{2}$测量$\rho_{{\rm{AB}}_{2}}$, 然后再传递给${\rm{B}}_{3}$, 以此类推

    Fig. 1.  A bipartite entangled quantum state $\rho_{{\rm{AB}}_{1}}$ is initially shared by Alice and the first Bob (${\rm{B}}_{1}$). ${\rm{B}}_{1}$ performs his measurement on his part and then passes it to the second Bob (${\rm{B}}_{2}$). The post-measurement state is $\rho_{{\rm{AB}}_{2}}$. Then, ${\rm{B}}_{2}$ measures $\rho_{{\rm{AB}}_{2}}$ on his part and passes it to ${\rm{B}}_{3}$ and so on

    图 2  $t = - 1$时初始共享态是最大纠缠态. 这里绘制了相对于参数$\epsilon$, 可以与单个Alice见证纠缠的Bobs的数量. 横轴表示参数$\epsilon $的取值, 图中将(0, 1)按长度0.01均匀分段, $\epsilon $取值为每段的右端点. 纵轴表示能成功检测到与单个Alice纠缠的Bobs的个数, 用k表示

    Fig. 2.  When $t = -1$, the initial shared state is the maximally entangled state. We plot here the number of Bobs who can witness entanglement with Alice, with respect to $\epsilon$. The horizontal axis represents the value of parameter $\epsilon$ which belongs to 100 uniformly distributed points in (0, 1). The vertical axis counts the number of Bobs k who can succeed in detecting entanglement with Alice

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  • 收稿日期:  2022-10-25
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