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王林 李淑贤 李军伟 焦月春 杨勇刚 赵建明 李昌勇



王林, 李淑贤, 李军伟, 焦月春, 杨勇刚, 赵建明, 李昌勇

One-color resonance enhanced two-photon ionization spectroscopy of phenylacetonitrile and its Franck-Condon simulation

Wang Lin, Li Shu-Xian, Li Jun-Wei, Jiao Yue-Chun, Yang Yong-Gang, Zhao Jian-Ming, Li Chang-Yong
  • 苯乙腈广泛应用于医药、农药、染料、光电材料和喹啉衍生物的合成, 在相关领域备受关注. 本文采用超声分子束技术获得了苯乙腈的单色共振双光子电离光谱, 确定了该分子的激发能为(37646 ± 2) cm–1. 结合密度泛函理论计算和Franck-Condon模拟, 详细分析了测量的振动频率, 给出了尽可能准确的光谱归属. 理论和实验结果都表明, 光谱的低频区域信号强、背景低、分辨率好, 而高频范围表现出相反特征. 许多谱带被确认, 大部分属于芳香环平面内的振动, 理论计算表明这与跃迁过程中芳香环的扩张有关.
    Phenylacetonitrile (PAN) is widely used in the synthesis of medicines, pesticides, dyes, optoelectronic materials and quinoline derivatives, and has attracted much attention in related fields. In this paper, we report the one-color resonance enhanced two-photon ionization spectra of PAN obtained with ultrasonic molecular beam technique for the first time. The band origin of the S1 ← S0 electronic transition is determined to be (37646 ± 2) cm–1. Density functional theory B3LYP/6-311G++(d, p) and B3LYP/aug-cc-pvtz are used to calculate the structures, energy and vibrational frequencies of the molecule. Based on these calculations Franck-Condon spectral simulations are performed. The measured vibrational frequencies are analyzed in detail. Combined with theoretical calculation, the spectral assignments are given as accurately as possible. Theoretical and experimental results are in good agreement with each other, and show that the spectrum in the low frequency region has a great signal-noise ratio and resolution, while in the high frequency region the spectrum shows opposite characteristics, revealing that the high background in high frequency region originates from dense and weak overtone and combined vibrations. Many spectral bands are found, and most of them may be assigned to the in-plane ring deformation, and theoretical calculations suggest that this is related to the expansion of the aromatic ring during the transition.
      通信作者: 李昌勇, lichyong@sxu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 61835007, 12241408, 61575115)、长江学者和创新团队发展计划(批准号: IRT_17R70)、高等学校学科创新引智基地(111计划)(批准号: D18001)和山西省“1331工程”重点学科建设计划经费资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Chang-Yong, lichyong@sxu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61835007, 12241408, 61575115), the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (Grant No. IRT_17R70), the 111 Project (Grant No. D18001), and the Fund for Shanxi ‘‘1331 Project” Key Subjects Construction, China.

    王璇 2016 硕士学位论文 (北京: 中国矿业大学)

    Wang X 2016 M. S. Thesis (Beijing: China University of Mining and Technology) (in Chinese)


    温俏冬 2015 博士学位论文 (杭州: 浙江工业大学)

    Wen Q D 2015 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hanzhou: Zhejiang University of Technology) (in Chinese)


    Huang L C L, Lin J L, Tzeng W B 2000 Chem. Phys. 261 449Google Scholar


    Li C Y, Pradhan M, Tzeng W B 2005 Chem. Phys. Lett. 411 506Google Scholar


    李鑫, 赵岩, 靳颖辉, 王晓锐, 余谢秋, 武媚, 韩昱行, 杨勇刚, 李昌勇, 贾锁堂 2017 物理学报 66 093301Google Scholar

    Li X, Zhao Y, Jin Y H, Wang X R, Yu X Q, Wu M, Han Y X, Yang Y G, Li C Y, Jia S T 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 093301Google Scholar


    李娜, 李淑贤, 王林, 王慧慧, 杨勇刚, 赵建明, 李昌勇 2022 物理学报 71 023301Google Scholar

    Li Na, Li S X, Wang L, Wang H H, Yang Y G, Zhao J M, Li C Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 023301Google Scholar


    Juchnovski I N, Binev I G 1975 J. Organomet. Chem. 99 1Google Scholar


    Croisat D, Seyden-Penne J, Strzalko T, Wartaki L, Corset J, Froment F 1992 J. Org. Chem. 57 6435Google Scholar


    Binev I G, Tsenov J A, Velcheva E A, Juchnovski 1995 J. Mol. Struct. 344 205Google Scholar


    Corset J, Castellà-Ventura M, Froment F, Strzalko T, Wartski L 2002 Spectrochim. Acta A 58 1971Google Scholar


    Liu H, Li M, Xie X G, Wu C, Deng Y K, Wu C Y, Gong Q H, Liu Y Q 2015 Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 063301Google Scholar


    Zhang J F, Lu H, Zuo W L, Xu H F, Jin M X, Ding D J 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 113301Google Scholar


    Chen Z, Tong Q N, Zhang C C, Hu Z 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 043303Google Scholar


    Kroto H W, Heath J R, O’Brien S C, Curl R F, Smalley R E 1985 Nature 318 162Google Scholar


    Posthumus J 2001 Molecules and Clusters in Intense Laser Fields (New York: Cabridge University Press) p84


    姚关心, 王小丽, 杜传梅, 李慧敏, 张先燚, 郑贤锋, 季学韩, 崔执凤 2006 物理学报 55 2210Google Scholar

    Yao G X, Wang X L, Du C M, Li H M, Zhang X Y, Zheng X F, Ji X H, Cui Z F 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2210Google Scholar


    Sang T P, Sang K K, Kim M S 2001 J. Chem. Phys. 114 5568Google Scholar


    Zhao Y, Jin Y H, Li C Y, Jia S T 2019 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 363 111182Google Scholar


    Hao J, Duan C, Yang Y, Li C Y, Jia S 2020 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 369 111258Google Scholar


    段春泱, 李娜, 赵岩, 李昌勇 2021 物理学报 70 053301Google Scholar

    Duan C Y, Li N, Zhao Y, Li C Y 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 053301Google Scholar


    Frisch M J, Trucks G W, Schlegel H B, et al. 2019 Gaussian 16 (Wallingford CT: Gaussian Inc.)


    Bloino J, Biczysko M, Crescenzi O, Barone V 2008 J. Chem. Phys. 128 244105Google Scholar


    Wilson E B 1934 Phys. Rev. 45 706Google Scholar


    Varsanyi G, Hilger A 1974 Assignments of Vibrational Spectra of Seven Hundred Benzene Derivatives (New York: Wiley) p57


    Kemp D J, Whalley L E, Gardner A M, Tuttle W D, Warner L G, Wright T G 2019 J. Chem. Phys. 150 064306Google Scholar


    Kemp D J, Whalley L E, Tuttle W D, Gardner A M, Speake B T, Wright T G 2018 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 12503Google Scholar


    Helm R M, Vogel H P, Neusser H J 1997 Chem. Phys. Lett. 270 285Google Scholar


    Peng W C, Wu P Y, Tzeng S Y, Tzeng W B 2018 Chem. Phys. Lett. 700 145Google Scholar


    赵岩 2019 博士学位论文 (太原: 山西大学)

    Zhao Y 2019 Ph. D. Dissertation (Taiyuan: Shanxi University) (in Chinese)


    Yang S C, Huang S W, Tzeng W B 2010 J. Phys. Chem. A 114 1114Google Scholar


    Neuhauser R G, Siglow K, Neusser H J 1997 J. Chem. Phys. 106 896Google Scholar


    Lu K T, Eiden G C, Weisshaar J C 1992 J. Phys. Chem. 96 9742Google Scholar


    Wang J, Qiu X J, Wang Y M, Zhang S, Zhang B 2012 Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 25 526Google Scholar

  • 图 1  实验系统原理图 MCP, 微通道板; PV, 脉冲阀; HV, 脉冲高压电源; SR430, 计数器; DG645, 数字脉冲延时发生器; 2f和3f, 2倍频和3倍频; NF, 中性密度衰减片; FL, 聚焦镜

    Fig. 1.  Experimental setup. MCP, microchannel plate; PV, pulse valve; HV, high voltage pulse power supply; SR430, counter; DG645, versatile digital delay/pulse generator; 2f and 3f, doubled and tripled frequency; NF, neutral density attenuators; FL, focusing lens.

    图 2  PAN分子的稳定构型

    Fig. 2.  Stable configuration of PAN.

    图 3  (a) PAN的单色共振多光子电离光谱; (b), (c) 分别为B3LYP/aug-cc-pvtz理论和B3LYP/6-311++G(d, p)理论的Franck-Condon模拟

    Fig. 3.  (a) One-color resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectrum of PAN; (b), (c) Franck-Condon simulations based on theoretical calculations of B3LYP/aug-cc-pvtz and B3LYP/6-311++G(d, p), respectively.

    图 4  实验发现的激发态S1较强的振动模及其频率, 括号内数字是理论计算的频率. 实心黑色圆点代表各原子振动到达的最远点位, 空心圆圈代表C原子平衡点位, H原子用小点表示, 平衡点的N原子用粉色表示

    Fig. 4.  Strong vibration modes of the excited state S1 and their vibration frequencies found in the experiment. The numbers in parentheses are the theoretically calculated frequencies. The solid black dot represents the biggest displacement, the open circle represents the equilibrium point of the C atom. The H atom is represented by a small dot, and the N atom of the equilibrium point is represented by pink dot.

    表 1  单色REMPI测量的电子振动跃迁能、振动频率和相对强度、密度泛函理论计算的激发态振动频率、光谱归属及文献[8]报道的电子基态振动频率(单位: cm–1)

    Table 1.  Measured electronic vibration transition energies, vibration frequencies, and relative intensities by one-color REMPI, excited state vibration frequencies calculated by density functional theories, spectral assignments and the frequencies of the S0 state measured by infrared spectroscopy[8] (unit: cm–1).

    跃迁能实验 a)相对强度振动频率 b)振动频率c)模式归属d)Ire)
    376460100$ {0}_{0}^{0} $, band origin
    376904422939γ$ {{\text{CH}}_{2}}_{0}^{1} $
    3777012419125125$ {\beta {\rm{C}}{{\rm{H}}}_{2}\text{CN}}_{0}^{1}{\text{CN}}_{0}^{1} $
    379202471239249$ {\beta {\rm{C}}{{\rm{H}}}_{2}\text{CN}}_{0}^{2}{\text{CN}}_{0}^{2} $
    3797139829393392$ 6{a}_{0}^{1} $
    381114652454460$ 16{a}_{0}^{1} $
    3817552973527526$ 6{b}_{0}^{1} $
    3820756122562563β$ {\text{CN}}_{0}^{1} $
    382986525652651$ 6{b}_{0}^{1}{\beta {\rm{C}}{{\rm{H}}}_{2}\text{CN}}_{0}^{1} $
    3840275646757758$ {1}_{0}^{1} $
    384778313840836$ {1}_{0}^{1}{\gamma {\rm{C}}{{\rm{H}}}_{2}}_{0}^{2} $
    3852587911882883$ {1}_{0}^{1}{\beta {\rm{C}}{{\rm{H}}}_{2}{\rm{C}}{\rm{N}}}_{0}^{1}{1}_{0}^{1}{\gamma {\rm{C}}{{\rm{H}}}_{2}{\rm{C}}{\rm{N}}}_{0}^{1} $
    3856892266922921${\nu \text{C-CN} }_{0}^{1}$940
    3859895229947948$ 18{a}_{0}^{1} $969
    3860495830946955β$ {\text{CN}}_{0}^{1}6{a}_{0}^{1} $988
    3861797118962966$ {12}_{0}^{1} $1003
    386901044410471044$ {12}_{0}^{1}{\gamma {\rm{C}}{{\rm{H}}}_{2}}_{0}^{2} $1029
    3880011542411541156$ {13}_{0}^{1} $1076
    388121166511551170$ {11}_{0}^{2} $1157
    388561210312011215$ {12}_{0}^{1}{10 b}_{0}^{2} $1184
    388781232812331234$ {13}_{0}^{1}\text{g}{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{H}}}_{2}}_{0}^{2}{13}_{0}^{1}\text{g}{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{H}}}_{2}}_{0}^{1} $1203
    3891312671812541255${\nu \text{C-C}{\text{H} }_{2}\text{CN} }_{0}^{1}$
    3893412881712841285$ {\text{1}}_{0}^{1}6{b}_{0}^{1} $
    3896313171213151313${\nu \text{C-CN} }_{0}^{1}6{a}_{0}^{1}$
    3896913231313191321$ {1}_{0}^{1} $β$ {\text{CN}}_{0}^{1} $1336
    389981352513471353$ {1}_{0}^{1}16{b}_{0}^{2} $
    390041358913551358$ {12}_{0}^{1}6{a}_{0}^{1} $
    390651419614171418$ {18 a}_{0}^{1}6{a}_{0}^{1}\text{g}{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{H}}}_{2}}_{0}^{2} $1415
    3909614502114481447${\nu \text{C-CN} }_{0}^{1}6{b}_{0}^{1}$1454
    3910014543414531452$ 9{b}_{0}^{1}{\text{15}}_{0}^{1} $
    3910814621214661465$ 18{a}_{0}^{1}6{a}_{0}^{1}{\beta \text{C}{\text{H}}_{2}\text{CN}}_{0}^{1} $
    3912914831714741474$ {18 a}_{0}^{1}6{b}_{0}^{1} $1495
    3914615001415071504$ 8{b}_{0}^{1} $
    391541508715091511$ {18 a}_{0}^{1}\text{b}{{\rm{C}}{\rm{N}}}_{0}^{1} $
    391621516715141518$ {1}_{0}^{2} $
    391821536415361542$ 8{a}_{0}^{1}16{b}_{0}^{2} $
    392001554615471549$ {13}_{0}^{1}6{a}_{0}^{1} $1586
    392171571515461569$ {12}_{0}^{1}6{b}_{0}^{1}\text{g}{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{H}}}_{2}}_{0}^{2} $1602
    3932816822316801682$ {13}_{0}^{1}6{b}_{0}^{1} $
    3934717011117041707$ {18 a}_{0}^{1}{1}_{0}^{1} $
    393601714317161719$ {13}_{0}^{1}\text{b}{{\rm{C}}{\rm{N}}}_{0}^{1} $
    393761730517191725$ {12}_{0}^{1}{1}_{0}^{1} $
    注: a) 实验振动频率是相对PAN分子的激发能(37646 cm–1)的偏移;
    b) 理论计算的振动频率来自于B3 LYP/6-311++G(d, p)方法, 修正因子为0.9726;
    c) 理论计算的振动频率来自于B3 LYP/aug-cc-pvtz方法, 修正因子为0.9719;
    d) β, 平面内的摇摆; γ, 垂直于环平面的振动; ν, 伸缩振动;
    e) 文献[8]采用红外光谱技术测量的电子基态的振动频率.
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    表 2  B3LYP/6-311++G(d, p)理论计算的PAN分子电子基态S0和第一电子激发态S1的结构参数

    Table 2.  Structural parameters of the electronic ground state S0 and the first electronic excited state S1 of the PAN molecule calculated at the level of B3LYP/6-311++G(d, p).

    Δ (S1—S0)
     键长/Å (1 Å = 10–10 m)
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  • [1]

    王璇 2016 硕士学位论文 (北京: 中国矿业大学)

    Wang X 2016 M. S. Thesis (Beijing: China University of Mining and Technology) (in Chinese)


    温俏冬 2015 博士学位论文 (杭州: 浙江工业大学)

    Wen Q D 2015 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hanzhou: Zhejiang University of Technology) (in Chinese)


    Huang L C L, Lin J L, Tzeng W B 2000 Chem. Phys. 261 449Google Scholar


    Li C Y, Pradhan M, Tzeng W B 2005 Chem. Phys. Lett. 411 506Google Scholar


    李鑫, 赵岩, 靳颖辉, 王晓锐, 余谢秋, 武媚, 韩昱行, 杨勇刚, 李昌勇, 贾锁堂 2017 物理学报 66 093301Google Scholar

    Li X, Zhao Y, Jin Y H, Wang X R, Yu X Q, Wu M, Han Y X, Yang Y G, Li C Y, Jia S T 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 093301Google Scholar


    李娜, 李淑贤, 王林, 王慧慧, 杨勇刚, 赵建明, 李昌勇 2022 物理学报 71 023301Google Scholar

    Li Na, Li S X, Wang L, Wang H H, Yang Y G, Zhao J M, Li C Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 023301Google Scholar


    Juchnovski I N, Binev I G 1975 J. Organomet. Chem. 99 1Google Scholar


    Croisat D, Seyden-Penne J, Strzalko T, Wartaki L, Corset J, Froment F 1992 J. Org. Chem. 57 6435Google Scholar


    Binev I G, Tsenov J A, Velcheva E A, Juchnovski 1995 J. Mol. Struct. 344 205Google Scholar


    Corset J, Castellà-Ventura M, Froment F, Strzalko T, Wartski L 2002 Spectrochim. Acta A 58 1971Google Scholar


    Liu H, Li M, Xie X G, Wu C, Deng Y K, Wu C Y, Gong Q H, Liu Y Q 2015 Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 063301Google Scholar


    Zhang J F, Lu H, Zuo W L, Xu H F, Jin M X, Ding D J 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 113301Google Scholar


    Chen Z, Tong Q N, Zhang C C, Hu Z 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 043303Google Scholar


    Kroto H W, Heath J R, O’Brien S C, Curl R F, Smalley R E 1985 Nature 318 162Google Scholar


    Posthumus J 2001 Molecules and Clusters in Intense Laser Fields (New York: Cabridge University Press) p84


    姚关心, 王小丽, 杜传梅, 李慧敏, 张先燚, 郑贤锋, 季学韩, 崔执凤 2006 物理学报 55 2210Google Scholar

    Yao G X, Wang X L, Du C M, Li H M, Zhang X Y, Zheng X F, Ji X H, Cui Z F 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2210Google Scholar


    Sang T P, Sang K K, Kim M S 2001 J. Chem. Phys. 114 5568Google Scholar


    Zhao Y, Jin Y H, Li C Y, Jia S T 2019 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 363 111182Google Scholar


    Hao J, Duan C, Yang Y, Li C Y, Jia S 2020 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 369 111258Google Scholar


    段春泱, 李娜, 赵岩, 李昌勇 2021 物理学报 70 053301Google Scholar

    Duan C Y, Li N, Zhao Y, Li C Y 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 053301Google Scholar


    Frisch M J, Trucks G W, Schlegel H B, et al. 2019 Gaussian 16 (Wallingford CT: Gaussian Inc.)


    Bloino J, Biczysko M, Crescenzi O, Barone V 2008 J. Chem. Phys. 128 244105Google Scholar


    Wilson E B 1934 Phys. Rev. 45 706Google Scholar


    Varsanyi G, Hilger A 1974 Assignments of Vibrational Spectra of Seven Hundred Benzene Derivatives (New York: Wiley) p57


    Kemp D J, Whalley L E, Gardner A M, Tuttle W D, Warner L G, Wright T G 2019 J. Chem. Phys. 150 064306Google Scholar


    Kemp D J, Whalley L E, Tuttle W D, Gardner A M, Speake B T, Wright T G 2018 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 12503Google Scholar


    Helm R M, Vogel H P, Neusser H J 1997 Chem. Phys. Lett. 270 285Google Scholar


    Peng W C, Wu P Y, Tzeng S Y, Tzeng W B 2018 Chem. Phys. Lett. 700 145Google Scholar


    赵岩 2019 博士学位论文 (太原: 山西大学)

    Zhao Y 2019 Ph. D. Dissertation (Taiyuan: Shanxi University) (in Chinese)


    Yang S C, Huang S W, Tzeng W B 2010 J. Phys. Chem. A 114 1114Google Scholar


    Neuhauser R G, Siglow K, Neusser H J 1997 J. Chem. Phys. 106 896Google Scholar


    Lu K T, Eiden G C, Weisshaar J C 1992 J. Phys. Chem. 96 9742Google Scholar


    Wang J, Qiu X J, Wang Y M, Zhang S, Zhang B 2012 Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 25 526Google Scholar

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