The Monte Carlo method has been used to simulate the process of electron transport and acceleration in a nano-dimensional unit when irradiated by laser pulse of wavelength 1064 nm and power density of GW/cm2 level. When electrons transport in laser field, the scattering of electron-phonon and electron-surface are considered. The results show that: when the size of simulation unit is small to a degree, electron-surface scattering will dominate the scattering process and the small size effect becomes obvious. As a result, the electron is difficult to absorb laser energy. Based on the results, we can design new kind of films with nanostructure and improve the laser induced damage threshold of optical films.
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[1] Zhang L D, Mou J M 2001 Nanomaterials and Nanostructures (Beijing: Science Press) p1—20 (in Chinese) [张立德、牟季美 2001纳米材料和纳米结构(北京:科学出版社)第1—20页]
[2] Cao G Z 2004 Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications (London: Imperial College Press) p10—15
[3] Ferry D K, Goodnick S M 1997 Transport in Nanostructure (New York: Cambridge University Press) p1—30
[4] Zhang Y B, Tan Y W, Stormer H L, Kim P 2005 Nature 438 201
[5] Novoselov K S, Jiang Z, Zhang Y, Morozov S V, Stormer H L, Zeitler U, Maan J C, Boebinger G S, Kim P, Geim A K 2007 Science 315 1379
[6] Cheianov V V, Falko V, Altshuler B L 2007 Science 315 1252
[7] Xia Z L, Guo P T, Xue Y Y, Huang C H, ans Li Z W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3523 (in Chinese) [夏志林、郭培涛、薛亦渝、黄才华、李展望 2010 物理学报 59 3523]
[8] Wang W 2006 PH. D. dissertation (Shanghai: Fudan University) (in Chinese) [王 伟 2006 博士学位论文 (上海:复旦大学) Arnold D, Cartier E, DiMaria D J 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49 10278 [10] Ghillino E, Garetto C, Goano M, Ghione G, Bellotti E, Brennan K F 2001 VLSI Design 13 63
[9] Nilsson H E, Englund U, Hjelm M 2002 Materials Science Forum 537 389
[10] Scozzoli L, Regglani S, Rudan M 2000 IEICE Trans. Electron E 83 C 1183
[11] Xia Z L, Fan Z X, Shao J D 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3007 (in Chinese) [夏志林、范正修、邵建达 2006 物理学报 55 3007]
[12] Ye L X 1997 Monte Carlo Simulation of Small Size Semiconductor Device (Beijing: Science Press) p318—460 (in Chinese)[叶良修 1997 小尺寸半导体器件的蒙特卡罗模拟 (北京:科学出版社)第318—460页]
[13] Zhou S, Yuan X, Hua D, Zhong X, Yu W 2010 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 22 379 (in Chinese) [周素云、袁 孝、华 丹、张 翔、余 玮 2010 强激光与粒子束 22 379]
[14] Kortov V S, Zvonarev S V, Schreiber E, and Fitting H J 2009 Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 173 79
[15] Pop E 2010 Nano Res. 3 147
[16] Fischetti M V, DiMaria D J, Bronson S D, Theid T N, and Kirtley J R 1985 Physical Review B 31 8124
[17] Fischetti M V, Laux S E 1988 Physical Review B 38 9721
[18] Kosina H 2000 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 47 1898
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