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The effect of electromagnetic compound field on the solidified microstructure of Zn-10 wt%Bi hyper-monotectic alloy

Zheng Tian-Xiang Zhong Yun-Bo Sun Zong-Qian Wang Jiang Wu Qiu-Fang Feng Mei-Long Ren Zhong-Ming


The effect of electromagnetic compound field on the solidified microstructure of Zn-10 wt%Bi hyper-monotectic alloy

Zheng Tian-Xiang, Zhong Yun-Bo, Sun Zong-Qian, Wang Jiang, Wu Qiu-Fang, Feng Mei-Long, Ren Zhong-Ming
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  • The effects of different electro-magnetic body forces on the microstructure and solidifying process of Zn-10 wt%Bi hyper-monotectic alloy under the condition of high magnetic field are investigated in this paper. The result indicate, on the one hand, that the solidified structure is wanted most and the diameter of the second phase particle is minimum when the alternative current (50 Hz) increases to a certain value. On the other hand, the degree of segregation, dispersion and size of the second Bi phase particles in solidified structure of Zn-10 wt%Bi hyper-monotectic alloy are refined significantly with the increase of magnetic induction intensity under a fixed alternative current (50 Hz) value. The analysis result indicates that both the magnetic induction intensity and alternative current intensity have a significant effect on solidified structure so that we can obtain a more competitive solidified structure of monotectic alloy by controlling the intensity of magnetic induction and alternative current.
    • Funds: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50974085, 51034010), Development Foundation for Talents in Shanghai, China (Grant No. 2009046), National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2009AA03Z109), Key Research and Innovation Program from Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, China (Grant No. 09zz98), and Key Project from Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China (Grant Nos. 09dz1206401, 09dz1206402).

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  • [1]

    Jia J, Zhao J Z, Guo J J, Liu Y 2002 Immiscible Alloy and Its Processing Method (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology Press) pp1-2 (in Chinese) [贾均, 赵九洲, 郭景杰, 刘源 2002 难混溶合金及其制备技术(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社) 第1—2页]


    Song T, Wang T M, Zhao J Z, Xue G X, Li T J 2007 Foundry 56 1025 (in Chinese) [宋涛, 王同敏, 赵九洲, 薛冠霞, 李廷举 2007 铸造 56 1025]


    Inoue A,Yano N J 1987 Mater. Sci. 22 123


    Otto G H, Ratke L 1974 Proceedings of the Third Space Processing Symposium-Skylab Results Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, April 30-May 1, 1974, p1031


    Wecker J, Helmolt R V, Schultz L, Samwer K 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 52 1985


    Uenishi K, Kawaguchi H, Kobayashi K F 1994 J. Mater. Sci. 29 4860


    Walter H U 1986 Binary systems with miscibility gap in the liquid state In: Materials Science in Space, edited by Feuerbacher B, Hamacher H, Naumann R J Heidelberg Newyork: Sprinverlag Press pp343-378


    Mackay M L 1977 Met. Pro. 111 32


    Cahn J W 1979 Metall. Trans. 10A 119


    Derby B, Favier J J 1983 Acta Metal. 31 1123


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    Lacy L L, Otto G 1974 AIAA/ASME Paper. Boston 74


    Obramov P V, Semin S I, Sorkin M Z, Chashechkina D Y 1980 Phys. Chem. Mater. Process 1 47


    Pathak J P, Tiwari S N, Malhotra S L 1979 Metals Tech. 11 442


    Lee J C 1984 The Formation of Liquid-Liquid Dispersion-Chemical and Engineering Aspects (London: Chameleon Press Ltd.) p1


    Ashok S T, Rajan T V1996 Wear 197 105


    Xian A P, Zhang X M, Li Z Y 1996 Acta Mater. 12 345 (in Chinese) [冼爱平, 张修睦, 李忠玉 1996 金属学报 12 345]


    Duwez P, Willens R H, klement W 1960 J. Appl. Phys. 31 1136


    Hideyuki Yasuda, Itsudo Ohnaka, Osamu Kawakani, Kazuyuki Veno, Kohji Kishio 2003 ISTJ International 43 942


    Zhang L, Wang E G, Zuo X W, He J C 2008 Acta Mater. 2 165 (in Chinese) [张林, 王恩刚, 左小伟, 赫冀成 2008 金属学报 2 165]


    Shi J F, Zhong Y B, Ren Z M, Deng K, Xu K D 2006 Shanghai Metals 28 22 (in Chinese) [史俊芳,钟云波,任忠鸣,邓康,徐匡迪 2006上海金属 28 22]


    Vives C 1996 Journal of Crystal Growth 158 118


    Miwa K 2001 AIST Today Intl. Ed. 29


    Wang J, Zhong Y B, Ren W L, Lei Z S, Ren Z M, Xu K D 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 893 (in Chinese) [王江, 钟云波, 任维丽, 雷作胜, 任忠鸣, 徐匡迪 2009 物理学报 58 893]


    Wang J, Zhong Y B, Wang C, Wang Z Q, Ren Z M, Xu K D 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 076101 (in Chinese) [王江, 钟云波, 汪超, 王志强, 任忠鸣, 徐匡迪 2011 物理学报 60 076101]


    Zhuang L X, Yi X Y, Ma H Y 1991 Fluid dynamics (1st eds.) (Anhui: University of Science and Technology of China) pp163-168 (in Chinese) [庄礼贤, 尹协远, 马晖扬 1991 流体力学(第一版) (安徽: 中国科学技术大学) 第163—168页]


    Li C J 2010 Ph.D. Dissertation (Shanghai: Shanghai University) (in Chinese) [李传军 2010 博士学位论文 (上海:上海大学)]


    Zener C 1949 J. Appl. Phys. 20 950

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  • Received Date:  05 June 2012
  • Accepted Date:  19 June 2012
  • Published Online:  05 December 2012

