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徐攀攀 韩培德 张竹霞 张彩丽 董楠 王剑



徐攀攀, 韩培德, 张竹霞, 张彩丽, 董楠, 王剑

First-principles study of boron segregation in fcc-Fe grain boundaries and its influence on interface adhesive strength

Xu Pan-Pan, Han Pei-De, Zhang Zhu-Xia, Zhang Cai-Li, Dong Nan, Wang Jian
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 基于第一性原理的密度泛函理论计算了B在fcc-Fe的Σ3(112), Σ5(210), Σ5(310), Σ9(114), Σ9(221)和Σ11(113)六种对称倾斜晶界的偏析行为, 从原子和电子层次揭示了B的偏析机制. 结果表明: B更易偏析于Σ5(210), Σ5(310)和Σ9(114)晶界, 而在Σ9(221), Σ3(112) 和Σ11(113)晶界偏析的倾向较弱; B优先占据配位数最大、五面体或六面体构型的位置; 拉伸实验和Rice-Wang热力学模型计算表明, B在晶界的偏析可提高界面的结合能力; B在Σ9(114)晶界偏析后电子结构引起局部电荷密度增加导致的化学效应优于结构变化带来的不利影响, B-p电子与Fe-s电子间的强相互作用提高了界面的结合能力. 本研究结果对B优化奥氏体不锈钢界面结构具有一定指导作用.
    Boron, a commonly used microalloying element in steel, is distributed mainly at the grain boundary of stainless steel and plays an important role in regulating the mechanical, corrosion resistance and grain boundary structure of stainless steel. Owing to the small amount of boron added into the steel, it is difficult experimentally to detect the traces of boron segregation at the grain boundary, not to mention analyzing the structural characteristics of the boron segregation grain boundary. First-principles density functional theory (DFT) provides convenience in analyzing the existence mode and mechanism of boron in austenitic steel from the atomic level. Combining with the actual grain boundary structure types in austenitic stainless steel, Fcc-Fe Σ3(112), Σ5(210), Σ5(310), Σ9(114), Σ9(221) and Σ11(113) symmetric tilt grain boundaries are constructed based on DFT, and the segregation behaviors of boron atoms at the six grain boundaries are studied to reveal the segregation mechanism from the atomic and electronic level. The results show that boron segregation occurs mostly at Σ5(210), Σ5(310) and Σ9(114) grain boundaries, while a relatively weak segregation tendency is observed at Σ9(221), Σ3(112) and Σ11(113) grain boundaries; boron atom preferentially occupies the pentahedral or hexahedral segregation position with the largest coordination number; the interface adhesive strength at grain boundaries is improved by the segregation of boron according to the tensile test, which complies with the calculation results of Rice-Wang thermodynamic model; the chemical effect caused by the increase of local charge density after boron segregation at Σ9(114) grain boundary outstrips the adverse effect of structural changes, and the strong interaction between B-p electrons and Fe-s electrons improves the interface adhesive strength. The results provide a reference for using boron to optimize the interface structure of austenitic stainless-steel.
      通信作者: 韩培德, hanpeide@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51871159, U1860204)和山西省自然科学基金(批准号: 201801D221125)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Han Pei-De, hanpeide@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51871159, U1860204) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 201801D221125)

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    Zhou H, Jin S, Zhang Y, Lu G 2011 Prog. Nat. Sci. 21 240Google Scholar


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    Tian Z X, Yan J X, Xiao W, et al. 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 144114Google Scholar


    Yamaguchi M, Shiga M, Kaburaki H 2005 Science 307 393Google Scholar


    Rose J H, Smith J R, Ferrante J 1983 Phys. Rev. B 28 1835


    Warrington D H 1975 J. Phys. Colloques 36 C4-87


    Brokman A, Balluffi R W 1981 Acta Metall. 29 1703Google Scholar


    Scholz F 1997 J Solid State Electrochem 1 117Google Scholar


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    Hatcher N, Madsen G K H, Drautz R 2014 J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 26 145502Google Scholar


    Rhodes N R, Tschopp M A, Solanki K N 2013 Model. Simul. Mater. Sc. 21 035009Google Scholar


    Bai J, Cui Y, Wang J, et al. 2018 Metals 8 497Google Scholar

  • 图 1  fcc-Fe的 (a) Σ3(112), (b) Σ5(210), (c) Σ5(310), (d) Σ9(114), (e) Σ9(221), (f) Σ11(113)晶界和(g) B所处间隙位的模型图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic illustration showing (a) Σ3(112), (b) Σ5(210), (c) Σ5(310), (d) Σ9(114), (e) Σ9(221), (f) Σ11(113) grain boundaries and (g) polyhedron interstices where B located.

    图 2  B在6个晶界中不同间隙位置的溶解能

    Fig. 2.  The solution energies for B at different interstitial sites in the six studied grain boundaries.

    图 3  B原子在6个晶界中最稳定的偏析位点上的偏析能

    Fig. 3.  The segregation energies for B at the most stable segregation sites of the six studied grain boundaries.

    图 4  B原子在6个晶界稳定偏析位的强化能

    Fig. 4.  The strengthening energies for B at the stable segregation sites of the six studied grain boundaries.

    图 5  添加B原子前后6个晶界的抗拉强度曲线

    Fig. 5.  Tensile strength curves of the six studied grain boundaries without and with B.

    图 6  添加B原子前后, Σ9(114)晶界体系(a)未形变及(b)均匀拉伸12%变形量后的电荷密度图

    Fig. 6.  The charge density of (a) undeformed and (b) 12% tensile deformed Σ9(114) grain boundary without and with B

    图 7  (a)未添加B原子和(b)添加B原子Σ9(114)晶界的总态密度图, 以及B原子附近Fe1, Fe2和B原子的分波态密度图

    Fig. 7.  The total density of states (TDOS) of Σ9(114) grain boundary without and with B atom, correspond to (a) and (b) respectively, and the projected density of states (PDOS) of Fe atoms in the vicinity of B atom (Fe1 and Fe2)and B atom.

    表 1  fcc-Fe的CSL晶界的结构特性

    Table 1.  Structural characteristics of calculated grain boundaries

    Grain boundariesγGB/(J·m–2)ΔV/(Å3·Å–2)Angle/(°)Numbers of atomesSupercell dimensions/(Å × Å × Å)S2
    ∑3(112)[110]0.3410.207109.47484.86 × 5.955 × 17.03728.94
    ∑5(210)[001]1.6610.76253.13766.873 × 7.685 × 15.3752.82
    ∑5(310)[001]1.9250.54336.87785.434 × 6.873 × 21.73637.35
    ∑9(114)[110]1.5460.771141.06684.86 × 10.31 × 14.5852.54
    ∑9(221)[110]1.7161.14338.94684.86 × 7.29 × 20.6235.43
    ∑11(113)[110]0.5590.499129.52884.86 × 8.06 × 23.29639.17
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  B原子在各晶界最佳偏析位的多面体结构模型、添加B原子前后的多面体的体积和体积增量、B原子与近邻Fe原子的键长, 以及引起晶界能的变化量

    Table 2.  The local atomic configurations of the stable segregation sites, the volume and volume increment of the polyhedron without and with B, the bond length between B and neighboring Fe atoms, and the change of grain boundary energy caused by B segregation when B at the stable segregation sites.

    Polyhedron of favorable interstitial sites
    Volume of polyhedron/Å3

    Vpure Fe5.804.735.415.0313.906.01
    Vwith B7.674.915.755.1615.096.06
    Vwith B-Vpure Fe1.880.180.340.131.200.04
    Bond length of
    The change of grain boundary energy /(mJ·m–2)–14.90–8.72–11.50–31.10–25.00–5.02
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