Sheet beam extended interaction klystron, which has both the advantages of sheet beam klystron and extended-interaction klystron (EIK), has become a key technique for developing high power microwave and millimeter-wave vacuum electron devices. An equivalent circuit of the five-gap output cavity for sheet beam EIK is proposed in this paper. The mode, resonant frequency, and the cavity impedance can be calculated by using the method of equivalent circuit efficiently. The bandwidth could be estimated by the curve of cavity impedance versus frequency. The influences of coupling coefficient (k) and external Q (Qe) on mode frequency interval and bandwidth are discussed. In order to test and verify the method of equivalent circuit, the 3D-PIC simulation of output cavity is conducted. The bandwidths under different values of external Q are calculated in two ways. The results accord well with each other. It is confirmed that the method of equivalent circuit for sheet beam EIK is accurate and credible. This is useful for the design of the whole tube.
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[1] Zhang X F, Ruan C J, Luo J R, Ruan W, Zhao D 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 068402 (in Chinese) [张小锋, 阮存军, 罗积润, 阮望, 赵鼎 2011 物理学报 60 068402]
[2] Ruan C J, Wang S Z, Han Y, Li Q S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 084105 (in Chinese) [阮存军, 王树忠, 韩莹, 李庆生 2011 物理学报 60 084105]
[3] Zhang K C, Wu Z H, Liu S G 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3402
[4] Shin Y M, Barnett L R, Luhmann N C 2009 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 56 3196
[5] Shin Y M, Wang J X, Barnett L R, Luhmann N C 2011 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 58 251
[6] Nguyen K T, Pershing D, Wright E L, Pasour J, Calame J, Ludeking L, Rodgers J, Petillo J 2007 Proceedings of IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference Kitakyushu, Japan, May 15–17, 2007 p1
[7] Nguyen K T, Pasour J, Wright E L, Pershing D, Levush B 2009 Proceedings of IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference Rome, Italy, April 28–30, 2009 p298
[8] Pasour J, Nguyen K T, Wright E L, Balkcum A, Atkinson J, Cusick M, Levush B 2011 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 58 1791
[9] Pasour J, Wright E, Nguyen K, Balkcum A, Pershing D, Levush B 2013 Proceedings of IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference Paris, France, May 21–23, 2013 p1
[10] Wang S Z, Ma J, Wang Y, QuanY M 2010 J. Infrared Millim. Waves 29 105 (in Chinese) [王树忠, 马菁, 王勇, 全亚民 2010 红外与毫米波学报 29 105]
[11] Zhong Y, Ding H B, Wang S Z, Ruan C J, Liang Y, Liu W X 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 3055 (in Chinese) [钟勇, 丁海兵, 王树忠, 阮存军, 梁源, 刘文鑫 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 3055]
[12] Chen S Y, Ruan C J, Ruan W, Wang Y, Zhang X F 2012 J. Infrared Millim. Waves 31 360 (in Chinese) [陈姝媛, 阮存军, 阮望, 王勇, 张小峰 2012 红外与毫米波学报 31 360]
[13] Ding Y G, Lu X H 1982 J. Electron. 4 174 (in Chinese) [丁耀根, 陆校厚 1982 电子学通信 4 174]
[14] Lin F M, Ding Y G, Zhang Z Q, Huang Y P 2004 J. Electron. Inform. Technol. 26 1480 (in Chinese) [林福民, 丁耀根, 张志强, 黄云平 2004 电子与信息学报 26 1480]
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