The effect of grain boundary on conductivity in multicomponent polycrystalline solid electrolyte has become a bottleneck for the development of high temperature solid electrolyte materials. The corresponding relationship between the microstructure and conductivity at high temperature is difficult to obtain based on the traditional methods of grain boundaries observation. In view of this, the variable temperature AC impedance characteristics of partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) solid electrolyte material are investigated, and their fitting to AC impedance spectrum is analyzed. It is found that the fitting equivalent circuits varies with temperature increasing. By analyzing the physical meanings of different equivalent circuits, the microstructure evolution model of PSZ electrolyte material at elevated temperature is obtained. A microstructure model of 'short-range ordered ' with the structure of 'boundary bridge' is deduced after further analysis, which could provide the reference for improving the grain boundary conductivity in PSZ electrolyte materials.
- zirconia solid electrolyte /
- AC impedance /
- equivalent circuit /
- microstructure
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[1] Guo X, Waser R 2006 Prog. Mater. Sci. 51 151
[2] Guo X 1998 Acta. Phys. Sin. 47 1331 (in Chinese) [郭新 1998 物理学报 47 1331]
[3] Kilner J A, Steele B C H 1981 Non stoichiometric Oxides (New York: Academic Press) p233---269
[4] Abraham M M, Weeks R A, Clark G W, Finch C B 1966 Phys. Rev. 148 350
[5] Nakamura A, Wagner J B 1986 J. Electrochem. Soc. 133 1542
[6] Mackrodt W C, Woodrow P W 1986 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 69 277
[7] Butler V, Catlow C R A, Fender B E F 1981 Solid State Ionics 5 539
[8] Murch G E, Nowick A S 1984 Diffusion in crystalline solids (Orlando: Academic) p143---188
[9] Orliukas A, Bohac P, Sasaki K, Gauckler L J 1994 Solid State Ionics 72 35
[10] Maier J 1995 Prog. Solid St. Chem. 23 171
[11] Etsell T H, Flengas S N 1970 Chem. Rev. 70 339
[12] Cui W Q, Shen Z Q, Zhou D B l991 Acta Phys. Sin. 40 1101 (in Chinese) [崔万秋, 沈志奇, 周德保 l991 物理学报 40 1101]
[13] Tsubakino H, Sonoda K, Nozato R 1993 J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 12 196
[14] Van Dijk T, Burggraaf A J 1981 Phys. Status Solidi A 63 229
[15] Schouler E, Giroud G, Kleitz M 1973 J. Chem. Phys. 70 1309
[16] Bauerle J E 1969 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 30 2657
[17] Fleig J, Maier J 1999 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 19 693
[18] Muccillo E N S, Kleitz M 1996 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 16 453
[19] Jonscher A K 1977 Nature 267 673
[20] Li Y, Gong J H, Xie Y S, Tang Z L, Chen Y F, Zhang Z T 2002 J. Inorg. Mater. 17 811 (in Chinese) [李英, 龚江宏, 谢裕生, 唐子龙, 陈运法, 张中太 2002 无机材料学报 17 811]
[21] Bauerle J E, Hrizo J 1969 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 30 565
[22] Hu Y G, Xiao J Z, Xia F, Wu X W, Yan S Z 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7447 (in Chinese) [胡永刚, 肖建中, 夏风, 武玺旺, 闫双志 2010 物理学报 59 7447]
[23] Zhang T S, Ma J, Chen Y Z, Luo L H, Kong L B, Chan S H 2006 Solid State Ionics 177 1227
[24] Hsieh G, Ford S J, Mason T O, Pederson L R 1997 Solid State Ionics 100 297
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