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Electro-static discharge failure analysis and design optimization of gate-driver on array circuit in InGaZnO thin film transistor backplane

Ma Qun-Gang Zhou Liu-Fei Yu Yue Ma Guo-Yong Zhang Sheng-Dong


Electro-static discharge failure analysis and design optimization of gate-driver on array circuit in InGaZnO thin film transistor backplane

Ma Qun-Gang, Zhou Liu-Fei, Yu Yue, Ma Guo-Yong, Zhang Sheng-Dong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • There is a risk of InGaZnO thin film transistor (IGZO TFT) failure, especially electro-static discharge (ESD) damage of gate driver on array (GOA) circuits, due to the combination of Cu interconnect, InGaZnO (IGZO) active layer and SiNx/SiO2 insulating layer used to realize large-scale ultra-high resolution display. It is found that the IGZO TFT damage position caused by ESD occurs between the source/drain metal layer and the gate insulator. The Cu metal of gate electrode diffuses into the gate insulator of SiNx/SiO2. The closer to the ESD damage area the IGZO TFT is, the more serious the negative bias of its threshold voltage (Vth) is until the device is fully turned on. The IGZO TFT with a large channel width-to-length ratio(W/L) in GOA circuit results in a serious negative bias of threshold voltage. In this paper, the ESD failure problem of GOA circuit in the IGZO TFT backplane is systematically analyzed by combining the ESD device level analysis with the system level analysis, which combines IGZO TFT device technology, difference in metal density between GOA region and active area on backplane, non-uniform thickness distribution of gate metal layer and gate insulator and so on. In the analysis of ESD device level, we propose that the diffusion of Cu metal from gate electrode into SiNx/SiO2 leads to the decrease of effective gate insulator layer, and that the built-in space charge effect leads to the decrease of the anti-ESD damage ability of IGZO TFT. In the analysis of ESD system level, we propose that the density of metal layers in GOA region is 4.5 times higher than that in active area of display panel, which makes the flatness of metal layer in GOA region worse. The non-uniformity of thickness of Cu metal film, SiNx film and SiO2 film around glass substrate lead to the position dependence of the anti-ESD damage ability of IGZO TFT in the GOA region. If there is a transition zone of film thickness change in IGZO TFT with large area, the ESD failure will occur easily. Accordingly, we propose to split large area IGZO TFT into several sub-TFT structures, which can effectively improve the ESD failure.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Sheng-Dong,

    Marko S, Geert H, Chen S H, Kris M, Dimitri L 2018 Electrical Overstress/electrostatic Discharge Symposium Reno, September 23-28, 2018 p1


    Liu Y, Chen R, Li B, En Y F, Chen Y Q 2017 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 1-5 99


    Tai Y H, Chiu H L, Chou L S 2013 J. Disp. Technol. 9 613Google Scholar


    Scholz M, Steudel S, Myny K, Chen S, Boschke R, Hellings G, Linten D 2016 Electrical Overstress/electrostatic Discharge Symposium Garden Grove, September 11-16, 2016 pp1-7.


    宁洪龙, 胡诗犇, 朱峰, 姚日晖, 徐苗, 邹建华, 陶洪, 徐瑞霞, 徐华, 王磊, 兰林锋, 彭俊彪 2015 物理学报 64 126103Google Scholar

    Ning H L, Hu S B, Zhu F, Yao R H, Xu M, Zou J H, Tao H, Xu R X, Xu H, Wang L, Lan L F, Peng J B 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 126103Google Scholar


    Kim L Y, Kwon O K 2018 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 39 43Google Scholar


    Lin C L, Wu C E, Chen F H, Lai P C, Cheng M H 2016 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 63 2405Google Scholar


    Geng D, Chen Y F, Mativenga M, Jin J 2015 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 36 805Google Scholar


    Chen W, Barnaby H J, Kozicki M N 2016 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 37 580Google Scholar


    Choi Z S, Mönig R, Thompson C V 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 387


    Lee K W, Wang H, Bea J C, Murugesan M 2014 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 35 114Google Scholar


    Xiang L, Wang L L, Ning C, Hu H, Wei Y, Wang K, Yoo S Y, Zhang S D 2014 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 61 4299Google Scholar


    Han K L, Ok K C, Cho H S, Oh S, Park J S 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 063502Google Scholar


    Tari A, Lee C H, Wong W S 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 1679


    Hung S C, Chiang C H, Li Y M 2015 J. Display Tech. 11 640Google Scholar


    Hu C K, Gignac L M, Lian G 2018 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) San Francisco, December 1-5, 2018


    Thermadam S P, Bhagat S K, Alford T L, Sakaguchi Y, Kozicki M N, Mitkova M 2010 Thin Solid Films 518 3293Google Scholar


    Toumi S, Ouennoughi Z, Strenger K C 2016 Solid State Electron. 122 56Google Scholar


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    Choi S, Jang J, Kang H, Baeck J H, Bae J U, Park K S, Yoon S Y, Kang I B, Kim D M, Choi S J, Kim Y S, Oh S, Kim D H 2017 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 38 580Google Scholar


    Jang J, Kim D G, Kim D M, Choi S J, Kim D H 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 1117


    强蕾, 姚若河 2012 物理学报 61 087303Google Scholar

    Qiang L, Yao R H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 087303Google Scholar


    邓小庆, 邓联文, 何伊妮, 廖聪维, 黄生祥, 罗衡 2019 物理学报 68 057302

    Deng X Q, Deng L W, He Y N, Liao C W, Huang S X, Luo H 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 057302


    Wang W, Xu G W, Chowdhury M D H, Wang H, Um J K, Ji Z Y, Gao N, Zong Z W, Bi C, Lu C Y, Lu N D, Banerjee W, Feng J F, Li L, Kadashchuk A, Jang J, Liu M 2018 Phys. Rev. B 98 245

  • 图 1  13T1C架构的GOA电路单元原理图

    Figure 1.  Diagram of the GOA circuit unit composed of 13 TFTs and 1 capacitor.

    图 2  GOA电路的ESD破坏现象 (a) GOA区大面积的ESD烧伤现象; (b) M2 TFT的ESD破坏现象

    Figure 2.  ESD damage phenomenon of GOA circuit: (a) Photo image of the overall GOA where ESD damage occurs. (b) photo image of ESD damage M2 TFT in the GOA unit.

    图 3  M2 TFT的ESD失效区域解析 (a) ESD失效位置的FIB断面解析; (b) ESD失效位置的栅极绝缘层元素分析

    Figure 3.  Analysis of ESD failure area of M2 TFT: (a) FIB section analysis of ESD failure position; (b) elemental analysis of gate insulator at failure position of ESD.

    图 4  距离ESD失效中心不同位置的M2 TFT特性

    Figure 4.  M2 TFT characteristics at different positions from ESD failure center.

    图 5  Cu扩散引起的空间电荷效应与ESD失效机理

    Figure 5.  Mechanism of space charge effect formed by Cu2+ ion entering SiO2.

    图 6  Cu:SiNx/SiO2三层薄膜的厚度等值线分布

    Figure 6.  Thickness contour distribution of Cu: SiNx/SiO2 three films.

    表 1  GOA区M2 TFT不同设计方案比较

    Table 1.  Comparison of different design schemes of M2 TFT in GOA.

    结构 2个子TFT 6个子TFT 8个子TFT
    版图空间 274.5 μm × 259.2 μm 274.5 μm × 300.2 μm 274.5 μm × 351.2 μm
    扫描线面积 53158.8 59647.3 65519.6
    数据线面积 43155.8 46190.2 49248.2
    扫描线密度 74.71% 72.4% 68%
    数据线密度 60.7% 56.1% 51.1%
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  • [1]

    Marko S, Geert H, Chen S H, Kris M, Dimitri L 2018 Electrical Overstress/electrostatic Discharge Symposium Reno, September 23-28, 2018 p1


    Liu Y, Chen R, Li B, En Y F, Chen Y Q 2017 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 1-5 99


    Tai Y H, Chiu H L, Chou L S 2013 J. Disp. Technol. 9 613Google Scholar


    Scholz M, Steudel S, Myny K, Chen S, Boschke R, Hellings G, Linten D 2016 Electrical Overstress/electrostatic Discharge Symposium Garden Grove, September 11-16, 2016 pp1-7.


    宁洪龙, 胡诗犇, 朱峰, 姚日晖, 徐苗, 邹建华, 陶洪, 徐瑞霞, 徐华, 王磊, 兰林锋, 彭俊彪 2015 物理学报 64 126103Google Scholar

    Ning H L, Hu S B, Zhu F, Yao R H, Xu M, Zou J H, Tao H, Xu R X, Xu H, Wang L, Lan L F, Peng J B 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 126103Google Scholar


    Kim L Y, Kwon O K 2018 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 39 43Google Scholar


    Lin C L, Wu C E, Chen F H, Lai P C, Cheng M H 2016 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 63 2405Google Scholar


    Geng D, Chen Y F, Mativenga M, Jin J 2015 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 36 805Google Scholar


    Chen W, Barnaby H J, Kozicki M N 2016 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 37 580Google Scholar


    Choi Z S, Mönig R, Thompson C V 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 387


    Lee K W, Wang H, Bea J C, Murugesan M 2014 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 35 114Google Scholar


    Xiang L, Wang L L, Ning C, Hu H, Wei Y, Wang K, Yoo S Y, Zhang S D 2014 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 61 4299Google Scholar


    Han K L, Ok K C, Cho H S, Oh S, Park J S 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 063502Google Scholar


    Tari A, Lee C H, Wong W S 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 1679


    Hung S C, Chiang C H, Li Y M 2015 J. Display Tech. 11 640Google Scholar


    Hu C K, Gignac L M, Lian G 2018 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) San Francisco, December 1-5, 2018


    Thermadam S P, Bhagat S K, Alford T L, Sakaguchi Y, Kozicki M N, Mitkova M 2010 Thin Solid Films 518 3293Google Scholar


    Toumi S, Ouennoughi Z, Strenger K C 2016 Solid State Electron. 122 56Google Scholar


    Christen T 2017 IEEE T. Dielect. E. I. 23 3712


    Choi S, Jang J, Kang H, Baeck J H, Bae J U, Park K S, Yoon S Y, Kang I B, Kim D M, Choi S J, Kim Y S, Oh S, Kim D H 2017 IEEE Electr. Device Lett. 38 580Google Scholar


    Jang J, Kim D G, Kim D M, Choi S J, Kim D H 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 1117


    强蕾, 姚若河 2012 物理学报 61 087303Google Scholar

    Qiang L, Yao R H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 087303Google Scholar


    邓小庆, 邓联文, 何伊妮, 廖聪维, 黄生祥, 罗衡 2019 物理学报 68 057302

    Deng X Q, Deng L W, He Y N, Liao C W, Huang S X, Luo H 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 057302


    Wang W, Xu G W, Chowdhury M D H, Wang H, Um J K, Ji Z Y, Gao N, Zong Z W, Bi C, Lu C Y, Lu N D, Banerjee W, Feng J F, Li L, Kadashchuk A, Jang J, Liu M 2018 Phys. Rev. B 98 245

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  • Received Date:  27 February 2019
  • Accepted Date:  11 March 2019
  • Available Online:  01 May 2019
  • Published Online:  20 May 2019

