基于氢化非晶硅薄膜晶体管(a-Si:H TFT)沟道中陷阱态的双指数分布, 区分了带尾陷阱态和深能级陷阱态的特征温度.利用源端、漏端串联电阻及沟道电阻, 将源端和漏端特征长度与有源层接触长度、SiO2/氢化非晶硅 (a-Si:H)界面陷阱态及a-Si:H薄膜内陷阱态联系起来. 由串联电阻上电流密度相等解出沟道势. 通过泊松方程和高斯定理 得出a-Si:H TFT沟道各点的阈值电压表达式, 结果表明 沟道中某一点的阈值电压随着该点与源端距离的增大而减小. 在此基础上, 研究了自加热效应引起沟道各点温度的变化, 结果显示a-Si:H TFT在自加热效应下, 从源端到漏端各点温度变化先增大后减小, 沟道中心的温度变化最大.Based on the double exponential distributions of trap states in the channel of the hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin film transistor, characteristic temperatures of tail state and deep state are distinguished. Besides, series resistances are used to be associated with characteristic lengths of the source and the drain with trap states. By taking advantage of the Poisson equation and Gauss theorem, the expression of the threshold voltage distribution is obtained. The results show that with the increase of the distance between the point and the source, the threshold voltage decreases. Moreover, under the degradation of the self-heating effect, the distribution of the temperature in the channel is non-uniform and its variation in the channel center is the biggest.
- amorphous silicon /
- thin film transistor /
- threshold voltage /
- temperature effect
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[1] He Y, Hattori R, Kanicki J 2000 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 21 590
[2] Nathan A, Kumar A, Sakariya A, Servati P 2004 IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 39 1477
[3] Stryahilev D, Sazonov A, Nathan A 2002 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 20 1087
[4] Zhu M F, Xu Z Y 1989 Acta Phys. Sin. 38 1988 (in Chinese) [朱美芳, 许政一 1989 物理学报 38 1988]
[5] Colalongo L 2001 Solid-State Electron. 45 1525
[6] Liu Y, Yao R H, Li B, Deng W L 2008 J. Dis. Technol. 4 180
[7] Wie C R, Tang Z, Park M S 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 104 114509
[8] Karim K S, Nathan A, Hack M, Milne W I 2004 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 25 188
[9] Powell M J, van Berkel C, Franklin A R, Deane S C, Milne W I 1992 Phys. Rev. B 45 4160
[10] Shringarpure R, Venugopal S, Clark L T, Allee D R, Bawolek E 2008 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 29 93
[11] Sambandan S, Ng T, Endicott F 2008 J. Dis. Technol. 4 304
[12] Wie C R, Tang Z 2011 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (Monterey: IEEE) pp347--353
[13] Wie C R 2010 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 57 846
[14] Powell M J, van Berkel C, Hughes J R 1989 J. Appl. Phys. Lett. 54 1323
[15] Busta H H, Pogemiller J E, Standley R W, Mackenzie K D 1989 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 36 2883
[16] Kao S C, Zan H W, Huang J J, Kung B C 2010 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 57 588
[17] Wang L, Fjeldly T A, Iniguez B, Slade H C, Shur M 2000 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 47 387
[18] Karami M A, Afzali-Kusha A 2006 International Conference on Microelectronics (Dhahran: IEEE) pp5--8
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