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Numerical simulation and experimental study of high-power thermal equilibrium inductively coupled plasma

Niu Yue Bao Wei-Min Li Xiao-Ping Liu Yan-Ming Liu Dong-Lin


Numerical simulation and experimental study of high-power thermal equilibrium inductively coupled plasma

Niu Yue, Bao Wei-Min, Li Xiao-Ping, Liu Yan-Ming, Liu Dong-Lin
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  • Inductively coupled plasma generator is one of the core components of the near-space high-speed target plasma electromagnetic scientific experimental research device, which is often used to simulate high enthalpy and high speed plasma sheath environment. In order to study the discharge characteristics of inductively coupled plasma generator under high power, radio frequency and medium pressure, the numerical simulation and experiment are combined to study its internal heat transfer and flow characteristics in this paper. Based on the local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, the numerical simulation of large-scale radio frequency and medium pressure inductively coupled plasma with a power of 100–400 kW is carried out through the multi-field coupling of flow, electromagnetic and temperature field, and verified by light intensity and spectrum experiment. The results show that the electromagnetic field distribution in the high-power thermal balance inductively coupled plasma generator is similar to that of the small- and medium-sized power plasma generator. The discharge energy dissipation occurs mainly in the area where the induction coil is located. The temperature of the inner wall of the quartz tube is higher at the coil location than in other areas, and the plasma has a ring-shaped high-temperature structure. The outer wall of the quartz tube is set to be the boundary condition of heat flux for simulating the temperature change of the quartz tube under cold blowing. This setting is in coincidence with factual situations. The wall temperature of the quartz tube at the entrance and at the induction coil section are found to be relatively high. When the large-size inductively coupled plasma generator works, an obvious return vortex is generated at the entrance due to the temperature difference and the electromagnetic pumping effect, and the exit velocity increases slightly with the increase of power. At the same time, the discharge experiment under the corresponding conditions shows that there is found a ring structure with bright edges and dark centers in the axial image of the argon discharge. Moreover, the emission spectrum of argon plasma is measured through the spectrum diagnosis system and the spatial distribution of the generator electron temperature is obtained. The light intensity of the discharge image and the electron temperature measured by the spectrum are found to be in comparative coincidence with the COMSOL simulation temperature result, demonstrating the validity of the numerical simulation results under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. The numerical simulation results in this paper are also applicable to the optimization design and temperature resistance evaluation of the inductively coupled plasma generator.
      Corresponding author: Liu Dong-Lin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61627901)

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  • 图 1  感应耦合等离子体发生器二维模型图

    Figure 1.  Two-dimensional model diagram of inductively coupled plasma torch

    图 2  (a) 发生器; (b) 进气口; (c) 线圈区域网格划分图

    Figure 2.  Grid diagram of (a) plasma torch, (b) inlet, (c) coil

    图 3  400 kW等离子体内的(a)磁场和(b)电场分布

    Figure 3.  (a) Magnetic field and (b) electric field distribution in the 400 kW plasma torch

    图 9  不同功率下石英管内壁面的温度分布

    Figure 9.  Temperature distribution of quartz tube wall with different power

    图 4  功率与磁场强度和电场强度最大值关系图

    Figure 4.  Relationship between power and the maximum intensity of magnetic field and electric field

    图 5  (a) 100 kW, (b) 200 kW, (c) 300 kW, (d) 400 kW等离子体内的温度分布

    Figure 5.  (a) 100 kW, (b) 200 kW, (c) 300 kW, (d) 400 kW plasma torch temperature distribution

    图 6  400 kW等离子体内的焦耳热分布

    Figure 6.  Joule heat distribution in 400 kW plasma torch

    图 7  400 kW等离子体速度分布

    Figure 7.  400 kW plasma velocity distribution

    图 8  不同功率下中心轴线速度分布

    Figure 8.  Center axis velocity distribution with different power

    图 10  放电图像采集实验装置示意图

    Figure 10.  Schematic diagram of the experimental device

    图 11  氩气ICP放电图像

    Figure 11.  Argon gas ICP discharge image

    图 12  归一化后仿真温度与放电图像的光强曲线对比

    Figure 12.  Normalization of simulated temperature and light intensity curve of discharge image

    图 13  光谱实验装置图

    Figure 13.  Diagram of spectroscopy experimental device

    图 14  径向辐射强度分布

    Figure 14.  Radial radiation intensity distribution

    图 15  等离子体径向激发温度 (a) r = 30 mm, ${T_{\rm e}} = 1.103 \times{10^4}$ K; (b) r = 60 mm; ${T_{\rm e}} = 1.199 \times {10^4}$ K; (c) r = 70 mm, ${T_{\rm e}} = 1.136 \times {10^4}$ K

    Figure 15.  Radial plasma excitation temperature: (a) r = 30 mm, ${T_{\rm e}} = 1.103 \times {10^4}$ K; (b) r = 60 mm, ${T_{\rm e}} = 1.199 \times {10^4}$ K; (c) r = 70 mm ${T_{\rm e}} = 1.136 \times {10^4}$ K

    图 16  仿真温度与实验温度对比图

    Figure 16.  Comparison of simulated temperature and experimental temperature

    表 1  基本计算参数

    Table 1.  Basic calculation parameters.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  原子Ar I谱线的光谱学数据

    Table 2.  Spectroscopic data of atomic Ar I spectral line.

    912.31.89 × 10712.913
    801.59.30 × 10613.105
    842.52.15 × 10713.125
    922.55.00 × 10613.205
    826.51.53 × 10713.363
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 A1  氩等离子体的热力学与输运性质(0.01 atm, 热力学平衡)

    Table A1.  Thermodynamics and transport properties of argon plasma (0.01 atm, Thermodynamic equilibrium).

    1000$4.87\times10^{-3}$$5.21\times10^{2}$$ 6.94\times10^{-5}$$5.42\times10^{-2}$$0\times 10^{0}$
    2000$2.43\times10^{-3}$$5.21\times10^{2}$$ 1.03\times10^{-4}$$8.04\times10^{-2}$$1.09\times 10^{-10}$
    3000$1.62\times10^{-3}$$5.21\times10^{2}$$ 1.32\times10^{-4}$$1.03\times10^{-1}$$6.06\times 10^{-4} $
    4000$1.22\times10^{-3}$$5.21\times10^{2}$$ 1.58\times10^{-4}$$1.24\times10^{-1}$$8.44\times 10^{-1} $
    5000$9.73\times10^{-4}$$5.22\times10^{2}$$ 1.84\times10^{-4}$$1.45\times10^{-1}$$4.31\times 10^{1} $
    6000$8.10\times10^{-4}$$5.49\times10^{2}$$ 2.08\times10^{-4}$$1.80\times10^{-1}$$3.05\times 10^{2} $
    7000$6.93\times10^{-4}$$7.48\times10^{2}$$ 2.31\times10^{-4}$$2.61\times10^{-1}$$9.17\times 10^{2} $
    8000$5.98\times10^{-4}$$1.60\times10^{3}$$ 2.46\times10^{-4}$$4.54\times10^{-1}$$1.60\times 10^{3} $
    9000$5.07\times10^{-4}$$4.14\times10^{3}$$ 2.26\times10^{-4}$$8.48\times10^{-1}$$2.26\times 10^{3} $
    10000$4.04\times10^{-4}$$9.28\times10^{3}$$ 1.51\times10^{-4}$$1.50\times10^{0}$$2.88\times 10^{3} $
    11000$3.00\times10^{-4}$$1.48\times10^{4}$$ 6.99\times10^{-5}$$1.98\times10^{0}$$3.46\times 10^{3} $
    12000$2.29\times10^{-4}$$1.13\times10^{4}$$ 2.65\times10^{-5}$$1.56\times10^{0}$$3.95\times 10^{3} $
    13000$1.95\times10^{-4}$$4.96\times10^{3}$$ 1.19\times10^{-5}$$1.06\times10^{0}$$4.37\times 10^{3} $
    14000$1.76\times10^{-4}$$2.41\times10^{3}$$ 8.18\times10^{-5}$$9.32\times10^{-1}$$4.76\times 10^{3} $
    15000$1.63\times10^{-4}$$1.94\times10^{3}$$ 7.59\times10^{-5}$$9.86\times10^{-1}$$5.15\times 10^{3} $
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  • [1]

    龚旻, 谭杰, 李大伟, 马召, 田冠锁, 王暕来, 孟令涛 2018 宇航学报 39 1059Google Scholar

    Gong M, Tan J, Li D W, Ma Z, Tian G S, Wang J L, Meng L T 2018 J. Astronautics 39 1059Google Scholar


    魏小龙, 徐浩军, 李建海, 林敏, 宋慧敏 2015 物理学报 64 175201Google Scholar

    Wei X L, Xu H J, Li J H, Lin M, Song H M 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 175201Google Scholar


    喻明浩 2019 物理学报 68 185202Google Scholar

    Yu M H 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 185202Google Scholar


    Mckelliget J W, El-Kaddah N 1987 MRS Proc. 98 21Google Scholar


    Bernardi D, Colombo V, Ghedini E 2003 Eur. Phys. J. D 27 55Google Scholar


    Ye R, Murphy A B, Ishigaki T 2007 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 27 189Google Scholar


    Watanabe T, Sugimoto N 2004 Thin Solid Films 457 201Google Scholar


    Punjabi S B, Joshi N K, Mangalvedekar H A, Lande B K, Das A K, Kothari D C 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 012108Google Scholar


    Lei F, Li X P, Liu Y M 2018 AIP Adv. 8 015003Google Scholar


    Stewart R A, Vitello P, Graves D B 1994 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 12 478Google Scholar


    马利斌 2019 硕士学位论文 (西安: 西安理工大学)

    Ma L B 2019 M. S. Thesis (Xi’an: Xi’an University of Technology) (in Chinese)


    陈熙 2009 热等离子体传热与流动 (北京: 科学出版社) 第29页

    Chen X 2009 Thermal Plasma Heat Transfer and Flow (Beijing: Science Press) p29 (in Chinese)


    王峰, 何立明, 兰宇丹, 杜宏亮, 俞健 2011 原子能科学技术 45 642

    Wang F, He L M, Lan Y D, Du H L, Yu J 2011 Atmo. Energ. Sci. Technol. 45 642


    辛仁轩 2018 等离子体发射光谱分析 (北京: 化学工业出版社) 第46, 47页

    Xin R X 2005 Analysis of Plasma Emission Spectroscopy pp46, 47 (Beijing: Chemical Industry Press) (in Chinese)


    刘丽萍, 王一光, 王国林, 罗杰, 马昊军 2018 航空学报 39 141Google Scholar

    Liu L P, Wang Y G, Wang G L, Luo J, Ma H J 2018 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica 39 141Google Scholar


    高鑫鑫, 华伟, 张弘, 常颖 2019 四川大学学报 (自然科学版) 56 703Google Scholar

    Gao X X, Hua W, Zhang H, Chang Y 2019 J. Sichuan Univ.: Nat. Sci. Ed. 56 703Google Scholar


    朱海龙, 童洪辉, 叶高英, 陈伦江 2012 核聚变与等离子体物理 32 199Google Scholar

    Zhu H L, Tong H H, Ye G Y, Chen L J 2012 Nucl. Fus. Plas. Phys. 32 199Google Scholar


    金星, 段发鑫, 张晶晶, 张哲, 廖杨凡 2018 质谱学报 39 192Google Scholar

    Jin X, Duan F X, Zhang J J, Zhang Z, Liao Y F 2018 J. Chin. Mass Spectr. Soc. 39 192Google Scholar


    贾瑞宝, 罗天勇, 陈伦江 2018 核聚变与等离子体物理 38 473Google Scholar

    Jia R B, Luo T Y, Chen L J 2018 Nucl. Fus. Plas. phys. 38 473Google Scholar


    Ikhlef N, Leroy O, Mekideche M R 2015 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 54 735Google Scholar


    李伟斌, 熊永红 2003 物理实验 23 9

    Li W B, Xiong Y H 2003 Physics Experimentation 23 9

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  • Received Date:  28 September 2020
  • Accepted Date:  09 December 2020
  • Available Online:  15 April 2021
  • Published Online:  05 May 2021

