以航天领域中研究再入飞行器热防护系统的感应耦合等离子体(inductively coupled plasma, ICP)风洞为研究对象, 通过流场-电磁场-化学场-热力场-湍流场多场耦合求解研究ICP风洞流场与电磁场的分布特性及其相互作用机理. 数值模拟中, 基于热化学非平衡等离子体磁流体动力学模型准确模拟了空气ICP的高频放电、焦耳加热、能量转化、粒子内能交换等过程, 通过多物理场耦合计算模拟得到了100 kW级ICP风洞内空气等离子体的电子温度、粒子数密度、洛伦兹力、焦耳加热率、速度、压强、电场强度的分布规律. 研究结果表明: 在感应线圈区靠近等离子体炬壁附近, 等离子体流动处于热力学非平衡状态; 洛伦兹力对感应线圈区空气粒子的动量传递和电子热运动起着控制作用.In this paper, the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) wind tunnel, which is widely used in the development of thermal protection system for reentry vehicle in the aerospace field, is studied. The distribution properties and the interaction mechanism of the flow field and electromagnetic field are investigated by numerically solving the multi-physics fields coupling among the flow field, electromagnetic field, thermodynamic field and turbulent field. In the numerical simulation, the thermochemical non-equilibrium plasma magneto-hydrodynamic model is used to accurately simulate the high-frequency discharge, Joule heating, energy conversion, and internal energy exchange of air ICP. Finally, the distribution of electron temperature, particle number density, Lorentz force, Joule heating rate, velocity, pressure and electric field strength of air plasma are obtained through the multi-physics field coupling calculation. The results show that the plasma flow is in a thermodynamic non-equilibrium state near the torch wall in the induction coil region and that the Lorentz force plays an important role in controlling the momentum transfer. A strong eddy flow occurs between the inlet and the second turn of the inductive coil. The eddy flow has a close relationship with the negative pressure gradient and the electromagnetic heating phenomenon in the induction coil region. The radial Lorentz force is always negative. This indicates that the free electrons are generated near the wall due to the fact that the skin effect are always subjected to a force making them move to the central axis of the ICP torch. The maximum value of the radial Lorentz force is 3.95 times higher than that of the axial Lorentz. This indicates that the momentum transfer is predominantly radial. The Joule heating effect of the air particles is also affected by the radial Lorentz force. The maximum value of EI is 2.9 times larger than the real part of electric field, ER. The positive EI is generated by the free electrons inside the plasma. The number density of free electrons reaches a maximum value at a distance of 5.5 mm far from the inner wall surface of the torch below the second induction coil. 91% of N2 are dissociated into atomic N near the central axis. The maximum electron and translational temperature simulated in this paper are 9921 K and 8507 K, respectively.
- inductively coupled plasma /
- electromagnetic and flow fields /
- nonequilibrium /
- numerical simulation
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表 1 空气化学反应模型
Table 1. Chemical reaction model of air.
r 反应物 生成物 Tf Tb Cr n θr 文献 离解/复合反应
(S1 = N2, O2, NO;
S2 = N, O; S3 = N2,
O2; S4 = NO, N, O)1—3 N2 + S1 $ \rightleftharpoons $ N + N + S1 $\sqrt {{T_{{\rm{tr}}}}{T_{{\rm{vib}}}}} $ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 7.0 × 1021 –1.60 113200 [35] 4—5 N2 + S2 $ \rightleftharpoons $ N + N + S2 $\sqrt {{T_{{\rm{tr}}}}{T_{{\rm{vib}}}}} $ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 3.0 × 1022 –1.60 113200 [35] 6—8 O2 + S1 $ \rightleftharpoons $ O + O + S1 $\sqrt {{T_{{\rm{tr}}}}{T_{{\rm{vib}}}}} $ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 2.0 × 1021 –1.50 59500 [35] 9—10 O2 + S2 $ \rightleftharpoons $ O + O + S2 $\sqrt {{T_{{\rm{tr}}}}{T_{{\rm{vib}}}}} $ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 1.0 × 1022 –1.50 59500 [35] 11—12 NO + S3 $ \rightleftharpoons $ N + O + S3 $\sqrt {{T_{{\rm{tr}}}}{T_{{\rm{vib}}}}} $ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 5.0 × 1015 0.00 75500 [35] 13—15 NO + S4 $ \rightleftharpoons $ N + O + S4 ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 1.1 × 1017 0.00 75500 [35] 泽尔多维奇反应 16 N2 + O $ \rightleftharpoons $ NO + N ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 6.4 × 1017 –1.00 38400 [35] 17 NO + O $ \rightleftharpoons $ N + O2 ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 8.4 × 1012 0.00 19450 [35] 电量交换反应 18 N2 + N+ $ \rightleftharpoons $ N2+ + N ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 1.0 × 1012 0.50 12200 [35] 19 O2+ + O $ \rightleftharpoons $ O+ + O2 ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 4.0 × 1012 –0.09 18000 [35] 20 NO+ + O $ \rightleftharpoons $ NO + O+ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 3.63 × 1015 –0.60 13000 [33] 21 O+ + N2 $ \rightleftharpoons $ N2+ + O ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 9.1 × 1011 0.36 22800 [35] 22 NO+ + O2 $ \rightleftharpoons $ O2+ + NO ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 2.4 × 1013 0.41 32600 [35] 23 NO+ + N $ \rightleftharpoons $ NO + N+ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 1.0 × 1019 –0.93 61000 [33] 24 NO+ + O $ \rightleftharpoons $ N+ + O2 ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 1.0 × 1012 0.50 77200 [35] 副电离反应 25 N + N $ \rightleftharpoons $ N2+ + e– ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 4.4 × 107 1.50 67500 [35] 26 O + O $ \rightleftharpoons $ O2+ + e– ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 7.1 × 102 2.70 80600 [35] 27 N + O $ \rightleftharpoons $ NO+ + e– ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{tr}}}}$ 8.8 × 108 1.00 31900 [35] 28 O2 + N2 $ \rightleftharpoons $ NO + NO+ + e– $\sqrt {{T_{\rm{e}}}{T_{{\rm{vib}}}}} $ ${T_{\rm{e}}}$ 1.38 × 1020 –1.84 141000 [33] 29 N2 + NO $ \rightleftharpoons $ N2 + NO+ + e– $\sqrt {{T_{\rm{e}}}{T_{{\rm{vib}}}}} $ ${T_{\rm{e}}}$ 2.20 × 1015 –0.35 108000 [33] 30 O2 + NO $ \rightleftharpoons $ O2 + NO+ + e– $\sqrt {{T_{\rm{e}}}{T_{{\rm{vib}}}}} $ ${T_{\rm{e}}}$ 8.80 × 1016 –0.35 108000 [33] 电子碰撞电离反应 31 N + e– $ \rightleftharpoons $ N+ + e– + e– ${T_{\rm{e}}}$ ${T_{\rm{e}}}$ 2.5 × 1034 –3.82 168600 [35] 32 O + e– $ \rightleftharpoons $ O+ + e– + e– ${T_{\rm{e}}}$ ${T_{\rm{e}}}$ 3.9 × 1033 –3.78 158500 [35] -
[1] Suzuki T, Fujita K, Ando K, Sakai T 2008 J. Thermophys. Heat Tr. 22 382
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[2] Suzuki T, Fujita K, Sakai T 2010 J. Thermophys. Heat Tr. 24 589
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[3] Yamada K, Miyatani S, Maeno H, Abe T 2013 Proceedings of 57th Space Sciences and Technology Conference Tottori, Japan, October 9−11, 2013 p2
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Xiong J K, Huang H T 2011 Environ. Prot. Chem. Indus. 31 119
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[5] 朱海龙, 叶高英, 程昌明, 杨发展, 童洪辉 2014 稀有金属材料与工程 43 2810
Zhu H L, Ye G Y, Cheng C M, Yang F Z, Tong H H 2014 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 43 2810
[6] Watanabe T, Okumiya H 2004 Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 5 639
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[7] Miyatani S, 2014 Proceedings of the 58th Space Science and Technology Union Symposium Nagasaki, Japan, November 11−12, 2014 p2
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[11] Yu M, Takahashi Y, Kihara H, Abe K, Yamada K, Abe T 2014 Plasma Sci. Technol. 16 930
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[19] Barnes R M, Nikdel S 1976 J. Appl. Phys. 47 3929
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[20] Mostaghimi J, Boulos M I 1989 Plasma Chem. Plasma Proc. 9 25
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[22] Punjabi S, Barve D, Joshi N, Das A, Kothari D, Ganguli A, Sahasrabhude S, Joshi J 2019 Processes 7 133
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[23] Mostaghimi J, Boulos M I 1990 J. Appl. Phys. 68 2643
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[25] Munafò A, Alfuhaid S A, Cambier J L, Panesi M 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 118 133303
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[39] Gupta R N, Yos J M, Thompson R A, Lee K P 1990 A Review of Reaction Rates and Thermodynamic and Transport Properties for an 11-species Air Model for Chemical and Thermal Nonequilibrium Calculations to 30000 K (Verginia, America: National Aeronautics and Space Administration) pp3−69
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[54] Abe K, Kondoh T, Nagano Y 1994 Int. J. Heat Mass Trans. 37 139
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