Terahertz pulses accelerating and scanning electron beam can break through the limitation of accelerating electric field between cathodes and grids in traditional streak tubes, thus reducing the time dispersion and enhancing the temporal resolution of time-scanning detectors. Based on this new technology, in this paper an ultra-small structured time-resolved detector with no focusing pole is designed. The terahertz pulse coupling/enhancing device suitable for acceleration zone and scanning zone is designed and optimized. The enhanced coefficient of the terahertz pulse electric field in the device reaches 9.39. In the paper, the relationship between time dispersion in acceleration zone and the moment of electrons emission is analyzed theoretically. We also analyze the influence of space charge effect on time dispersion. The electronic trajectory tracking is used to calculate and analyze the time dispersion of this detector, and finally the time resolution is better than 50fs.
- streak camera /
- terahertz /
- temporal resolution
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[12] Pálfalvi L, Fülöp J A, Tóth G, Hebling J 2014 Phys. Rev. Spec. Top-AC 17 031301
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[19] Siwick B J, Dwyer J R, Jordan R E, Miller R J D 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 94 807
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