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I-V characteristics and voltage dependence of pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistors

Li Shi-Jia Wang Zhen-Xing Niu Yan Wang Bin Sang Sheng-Bo Zhang Wen-Dong Gao Yang Ji Jian-Long

Li Shi-Jia, Wang Zhen-Xing, Niu Yan, Wang Bin, Sang Sheng-Bo, Zhang Wen-Dong, Gao Yang, Ji Jian-Long. I-V characteristics and voltage dependence of pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistors. Acta Phys. Sin., 2022, 71(13): 138501. doi: 10.7498/aps.71.20220241
Citation: Li Shi-Jia, Wang Zhen-Xing, Niu Yan, Wang Bin, Sang Sheng-Bo, Zhang Wen-Dong, Gao Yang, Ji Jian-Long. I-V characteristics and voltage dependence of pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistors. Acta Phys. Sin., 2022, 71(13): 138501. doi: 10.7498/aps.71.20220241

I-V characteristics and voltage dependence of pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistors

Li Shi-Jia, Wang Zhen-Xing, Niu Yan, Wang Bin, Sang Sheng-Bo, Zhang Wen-Dong, Gao Yang, Ji Jian-Long
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistors are expected to be widely used in wearable electronic devices for in-situ physiological monitoring. However, the unclear current-voltage relationship seriously hinders it from developing in design, optimization, and application. In the present work, the current-voltage characteristic of pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistor is investigated by combining the electrochemical equilibrium equation with the series model of differential capacitances formed at gate electrode/electrolyte and semiconductor channel/electrolyte interface. Moreover, a pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistor is constructed by using poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/polystyrene sulfonate as the semiconductor layer material and modifying the gate electrode with pH-sensitive polymer (poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/bromothymol blue). The effectiveness of the theoretical model is verified by investigating the output, transfer, and pH response characteristics of the pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistor. The experimental results show that the detection sensitivity can reach up to 0.22 mA·pH·unit–1, and the pH response is gate-bias dependent. Then, a polynomial indicating the gate bias effect is introduced to modify the current-voltage characteristic equation. The goodness of fitting the theoretical model to the experimental results of transfer curves is found to be 0.998. The comparison between experimental and theoretical results of the gate bias corresponding to the peak transconductance and pH sensitivity responding to gate bias can also verify the effectiveness of the modified theoretical model. The results can provide theoretical support for the design and manufacture of pH-sensitive organic electrochemical transistors based flexible biosensors.
      85.30.De(Semiconductor-device characterization, design, and modeling)
      07.07.Df(Sensors (chemical, optical, electrical, movement, gas, etc.); remote sensing)
      81.05.Fb(Organic semiconductors)
      Corresponding author: Ji Jian-Long, jianlongji@yeah.net
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52175542), the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 20210302123136), the Natural Science Foundation Project of Chongqing, China (Grant No. cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0002), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2020M673646).

    有机电化学晶体管(organic Electrochemical Transistors, OECT)是采用具有离子传导性的栅介质层与有机半导体层的晶体管. 栅极电压(VG)使注入到有机半导体层的离子数量发生变化, 进而调控有机半导体层的电化学掺杂状态[1]. 以有机半导体层采用聚3, 4-乙烯二氧噻吩/聚苯乙烯磺酸盐(PEDOT:PSS)为例, 其构成的OECT器件跨导(gm)可高达57 mS, 具有优异的信号放大能力[2]. OECT栅极功能化后可以对特定分析物产生响应. 如Liang等[3]在OECT栅极上修饰适配体, 实现了检出限仅为10 pmol/L的腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸(Adenosine triphosphate, ATP)传感. Guo等[4]以金电极为栅极, 在其表面修饰自组装膜与VHH72-SpyCatcher融合蛋白, 实现了临床样本中SARS-CoV-2抗原检测.

    pH是重要的生理指标, 可反映与健康、疾病紧密相关的酸碱平衡[5]. pH变化影响诸多生理过程, 如酶促反应、肿瘤转移、伤口愈合等. 原位评估人体体液(如汗液、尿液、唾液)pH水平可为疾病防治提供检测信息. Mariani等[6]对OECT栅极进行pH聚合物修饰, 实现了93±8 mV⋅pH⋅unit–1的超能斯特理论极限灵敏度. Scheiblin[7]将具有pH敏感性的OECT接入惠斯通电桥, 构建了免参比电极的pH传感器. Demuru等[8]则将pH敏感OECT与离子传感器集成在柔性微流控芯片中, 实现了pH值与钠/钾离子浓度同步检测. 目前研究者已通过pH敏感OECT实现多种体液(如唾液、汗液)pH值检测[9]. 由于具有优异机械柔韧性和超能斯特极限灵敏度, pH敏感OECT有望广泛用于可穿戴电子设备[10].

    OECT电流-电压(I-V)特性关系由Bernards于2007年提出. 然而迄今pH敏感OECT的I-V特性关系尚不明确, 这导致pH敏感OECT器件物理研究及结构设计缺乏理论依据. 本文将栅极电化学平衡方程引入微分电容串联物理模型, 修正Bernards-Malliaras方程, 从而构建pH敏感OECT的I-V特性关系方程[11].

    PTP-1 V镀膜机(中国百腾科技(苏州)有限公司), LEXT OLS5000激光共聚焦显微镜(日本Olympus公司), Bruker Dimension Icon原子力显微镜(美国Bruker公司), PXle-4141源测量单元(美国National Instruments公司), Corrtest CS2350电化学工作站(中国武汉科思特仪器股份有限公司). 3, 4-乙烯二氧噻吩(3, 4-ethoxylene dioxy thiophene, EDOT), 聚(4-苯乙烯磺酸钠)(poly(4-styrene sulfonate sodium), NaPSS), 溴百里酚蓝(bromothymol blue, BTB), 氯化钠(NaCl), 硝酸钾(KNO3), 磷酸二氢钾(KH2PO4), 磷酸盐缓冲液(phosphate buffer, PBS)均购自上海阿拉丁生化科技股份有限公司; 二氯对二甲苯二聚体(dichloro-[2,2]-paracyclophane, Parylene C)购自上海麦克林生化科技有限公司; 盐酸(HCl)购自国药集团化学试剂有限公司; 氢氧化钾(KOH), 氯化钾(KCl), 硫酸(H2SO4)购自西格玛奥德里奇(上海)贸易有限公司; 饱和甘汞电极(saturated calomel electrode, SCE), Ag/AgCl电极与铂丝电极购自上海辰华仪器有限公司.

    硅片表面热生长500 nm二氧化硅, 并在其表面旋涂光刻胶. 光刻胶图案化后, 依次沉积20 nm厚Ti层和500 nm厚Au层. Ti层用以提高Au层和SiO2层之间的黏附. 随后通过金属剥离(lift-off)工艺制备包括源极(S)、漏极(D)、栅极(G)在内的微电极(图1(a)). 随后微电极芯片粘结在印刷电路板(PCB)上, 并将微电极端子与PCB通过200 μm直径金丝相连, 用于后续电沉积实验. 为避免金丝、电极引线与电解质溶液接触产生电化学反应, 除S, D, G表面及其之间的空隙, 芯片表面其他区域均通过Parylene C做钝化处理.

    图 1 有机电化学晶体管(OECT) (a)结构制备示意图, 其中S, D, G分别表示OECT的源极、漏极与栅极; (b)OECT半导体沟道的原子力显微镜测试图; (c)修饰有PEDOT:BTB膜的OECT栅极激光共聚焦扫描显微镜测试图\r\nFig. 1. The organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs): (a) Schematic of structure preparation, S, D, and G represents the source, drain, and gate, respectively; (b) the atomic force microscope image of the semiconductor channel; (c) the laser confocal scanning microscope image of the gate electrode modified with PEDOT:BTB films.
    图 1  有机电化学晶体管(OECT) (a)结构制备示意图, 其中S, D, G分别表示OECT的源极、漏极与栅极; (b)OECT半导体沟道的原子力显微镜测试图; (c)修饰有PEDOT:BTB膜的OECT栅极激光共聚焦扫描显微镜测试图
    Fig. 1.  The organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs): (a) Schematic of structure preparation, S, D, and G represents the source, drain, and gate, respectively; (b) the atomic force microscope image of the semiconductor channel; (c) the laser confocal scanning microscope image of the gate electrode modified with PEDOT:BTB films.

    采用104 μmol/L EDOT和102 μmol/L NaPSS混合溶液为电解液, 交流电沉积制备PEDOT:PSS有机半导体层[12]. 交流电沉积的驱动电压幅值为4Vpp, 频率为50 Hz. 为了提高PEDOT:PSS膜在水溶液中的稳定性, 电沉积结构表面滴加5 μL硫酸(0.5 mol/L), 在恒温130 °C条件下退火10 min. 最后用去离子水去除残留物. 需要说明的是, 硫酸使用可能会影响其在可穿戴生物传感中的应用, 器件稳定性亦可通过掺杂离子液体、或者改变侧链结构等工艺方法进行优化[13-15]. 通过原子力显微镜观察有机半导体层的形貌(图1(b)), 获得其长、宽、高分别为10 μm, (11.5±0.4) μm, (3.6±0.3) μm. 其中, 有机半导体层的长度由源极与漏极的间距所决定, 宽度与高度由3处数据平均所得.

    采用循环伏安法(cyclic voltammetry, CV)在OECT栅极表面电沉积PEDOT:BTB薄膜. 具体的, 将10 m mol/L EDOT单体, 1 m mol/L BTB以及1 m mol/L PBS溶于100 m mol/L KNO3水溶液制成电解液[6]; 以栅极为工作电极, SCE为参比电极, 铂丝作为对电极; 工作电极的电位扫描范围为(0—1 V vs. SCE), 扫描速率为 100 mV·s–1. 实验结果如图1(c)所示.

    以含100 mmol/L KNO3和100 mmol/L KH2PO4的1×PBS(pH = 5.5)为pH基准溶液, 滴加HCl, KOH配置具有不同pH值的待测溶液, 最后加入KCl溶液将所有pH溶液的电导率调节至(44.82±0.73) mS⋅cm–1. 测量pH瞬态响应时, 将OECT依次置入不同pH值的水溶液中分别进行测试(约50 s). 在每次测量完毕后, 使用去离子水快速清洗OECT芯片, 并将其置于下1个pH水溶液中继续测试.

    OECT以电解质溶液作为栅极电位控制沟道电流的介质. 栅极、半导体沟道与电解质溶液接触会形成双电层. 响应pH变化的栅极电位通过串联双电层电容分压后施加在有机半导体层上, 进而控制沟道中载流子的输运. 前期研究表明, PEDOT:BTB薄膜与水溶液中H+接触会产生如下化学反应:


    该反应条件下, PEDOT:BTB的电化学势可表示为:

    E=E0+RTFln[2PEDOT+:BTB2][H+][PEDOT][PEDOT+:BTB] (2)

    式中, E0是PEDOT+/PEDOT的标准还原电位. 由于PEDOTPEDOT+:BTB2PEDOT+:BTB2均处于固相, 其浓度基本保持不变, 因此(2)式可简写为

    EE0=KpH (3)


    图2(b)所示为pH敏感OECT(图2(a))的电路模型. 源极接地, 栅极电位为VG, 漏极电位为VD, x处的沟道电位为V(x), x处栅极与有机半导体层之间电解液的等电位为Vg(x). 栅极/电解质界面、电解质/有机半导体层界面的界面电容分别表示为CG, CC. 相应地, 两个界面上的单位长度电容分别为C0G, C0C. 若有机半导体层长为L, 则有: C0G=CGdxL, C0C=CCdxL. 由于待检测pH溶液的电导率较高((44.82±0.73) mS⋅cm–1), 电路模型中忽略了电解液电阻产生的电压降. 需要说明的是, 为简化理论计算, 有机半导体层包含如下基本假设: 1)缓变沟道近似假设; 2)忽略迁移率对于载流子浓度的依赖性.

    图 2 pH敏感的OECT (a)结构示意图; (b)电路模型示意图\r\nFig. 2. pH-sensitive OECTs: (a) Structure schematic; (b) schematic of the circuit model.
    图 2  pH敏感的OECT (a)结构示意图; (b)电路模型示意图
    Fig. 2.  pH-sensitive OECTs: (a) Structure schematic; (b) schematic of the circuit model.

    考虑PEDOT:BTB薄膜的pH响应((3)式)时, 实际栅极电位表示为

    VG=VGKpH. (4)

    QS表示电解质中的净电荷, QG, QC分别表示储存于C0G, C0C的电荷. 假设电解质溶液保持电中性时, QS = 0, 即:

    QGQC=0. (5)

    根据串联电容电路分压原理联立(4)式与(5)式, 进一步得到Vg(x)为

    Vg(x)=C0CV(x)+C0GVGC0C+C0G=CCV(x)+CG(VGKpH)Ctot (6)

    式中, Ctot为栅极电容CG以及沟道电容CC之和.

    OECT沟道中载流子的输运以电迁移为主. 因此可参考Bernards-Malliaras模型获得半导体沟道电流的微分形式为[11]

    {J}{(}{x}{)}{}={}{μqp}{(}{x}{)}\frac{{{\rm{d}}}{V}{(}{x}{)}}{{{\rm{d}}}{x}} {, } (7)

    式中, μ为载流子迁移率, q为元电荷电量, p(x)为x处的载流子浓度. 假设离子与空穴耦合效率为1, 即从电解液/有机半导体层界面注入的离子转换为等电量的空穴变化时, p(x)可进一步表示为

    {p}{(}{x}{)}{}={}{{p}}_{{0}}\left(1{}-\frac{{{Q}}_{{{\rm{C}}}}}{{{qp}}_{{0}}{WH}{{\rm{d}}}{x}}\right) {, } (8)

    式中 , {{p}}_{{0}} 为有机半导体层的初始载流子浓度, W为有机半导体层宽度, H为有机半导体层厚度, {{Q}}_{{{\rm{C}}}} 为从电解液/有机半导体层界面注入的离子所带电荷量. {{Q}}_{{{\rm{C}}}} 与电解液/有机半导体层界面电容两侧的电势 {V}{(}{x}{)} {{V}}_{{{\rm{g}}}}\left({x}\right) 密切相关, 具体可表示为

    {{Q}}_{{{\rm{C}}}}={}{C}^{*}{WH}{{\rm{d}}}{x}{[}{{V}}_{{{\rm{g}}}}{(}{x}{)}{}-{V}{(}{x}{)]} {, } (9)

    式中, {C}^{*} 等于\dfrac{{{C}}_{\text{C}}}{{WHL}}, 表示单位体积的沟道电容.

    联立(6)式—(9)式, 可得:

    {J}{(}{x}{)}={μq}{{p}}_{{0}}\left[1-\frac{{{V}}_{{{\rm{g}}}}{(}{x}{)}-{V}{(}{x}{)}}{{q}{{p}}_{{0}}{/}{{C}}^{{*}}}\right]\frac{{{\rm{d}}}{V}{(}{x}{)}}{{{\rm{d}}}{x}} . (10)


    \int _{{0}}^{{L}}{J}{(}{x}{)}{{\rm{d}}}{x}{}={}\int _{{0}}^{{{V}}_{{D}}}{μq}{{p}}_{{0}}\left[1{}-{}\frac{{{V}}_{{{\rm{g}}}}{(}{x}{)}{}-{V}{(}{x}{)}}{{q}{{p}}_{{0}}{}{/}{}{{C}}^{{*}}}\right]{{\rm{d}}}{V}{(}{x}{)} {, } (11)


    {{I}}_{{{\rm{DS}},{\rm{l}}}}{}={}{G}\left[{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}-\frac{{{C}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{{C}}^{{*}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}{(}{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}-{}{K}{}\cdot{}{{\rm{pH}}}{}-\frac{{1}}{{2}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}{)}}{{q}{{p}}_{{0}}{{C}}_{{{\rm{tot}}}}}\right], (12)

    式中, IDS,l表示OECT工作在线性区时, 源漏极回路中的电流; G表示有机半导体层的初始电导, 且{G}{}={}{μq}{{p}}_{{0}}\dfrac{{WH}}{{L}}.

    为验证晶体管I-V特性((12)式)的有效性与准确性, 基于图1(b)所示PEDOT:PSS半导体沟道及图1(c)所示修饰有PEDOT:BTB膜的栅电极构建pH敏感OECT, 并在pH为7的水溶液中测量OECT输出曲线与转移曲线, 由图3结果可知, CV次数分别是5, 10, 20时, VDVG扫描范围内晶体管可近似视为工作在线性区内. (12)式两侧分别对 {{C}}_{\text{G}} 进行偏导, 可得:

    图 3 使用 (a) 5次、(b) 10次、(c) 20次循环伏安法(CV)电沉积制备PEDOT:BTB膜, 并以此修饰栅极获得的晶体管输出曲线与(d)转移曲线, 其中绿色、红色、蓝色转移曲线分别对应于图(a)、图(b)与图(c)\r\nFig. 3. Output curves of OECTs, PEDOT:BTB film modifying the gate electrode is obtained by (a) 5 cycles, (b) 10 cycles, and (c) 20 cycles of CV electrodepositions; (d) transfer curves of OECTs, in which the green, red, and blue curves correspond to (a), (b) and (c), respectively.
    图 3  使用 (a) 5次、(b) 10次、(c) 20次循环伏安法(CV)电沉积制备PEDOT:BTB膜, 并以此修饰栅极获得的晶体管输出曲线与(d)转移曲线, 其中绿色、红色、蓝色转移曲线分别对应于图(a)、图(b)与图(c)
    Fig. 3.  Output curves of OECTs, PEDOT:BTB film modifying the gate electrode is obtained by (a) 5 cycles, (b) 10 cycles, and (c) 20 cycles of CV electrodepositions; (d) transfer curves of OECTs, in which the green, red, and blue curves correspond to (a), (b) and (c), respectively.
    \begin{split} \frac{\text{∂}{{I}}_{{{\rm{DS}},{\rm{l}}}}}{\text{∂}{{C}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}}{}={}\;&-\frac{{{GC}}^{{*}}{{C}}_{{{\rm{C}}}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}{(}{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}-{}{K}{\cot{\rm{pH}}}{}-{}\dfrac{{1}}{{2}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}{)}}{{q}{{p}}_{{0}}{{C}}_{{{\rm{tot}}}}^{{2}}}{}\\ =\;&{}-\frac{{WH}}{{L}}{}{\cdot}{}\frac{{{{μC}}^{{*}}{C}}_{{{\rm{C}}}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}{(}{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}-{}{K}{}\cdot{}{pH}{}-{}\dfrac{{1}}{{2}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}{)}}{{\left({{C}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{}+{}{{C}}_{{{\rm{C}}}}\right)}^{{2}}} . \end{split} (13)

    VD固定为–0.6 V, (13)式如满足

    {{V}}_{\text{G}}-{K}\text{}\cdot\text{}\text{pH}\text{}-\frac{\text{1}}{\text{2}}{{V}}_{\text{D}}\text{}\text{ > }\text{}\text{0} \text{, } (14)

    可使得\dfrac{\text{∂}{{I}}_{\text{DS, l}}}{\text{∂}{{C}}_{\text{G}}}\text{}\text{ > }\text{}0. 而

    {K}\cdot\text{pH}\text{}+\frac{\text{1}}{\text{2}}{{V}}_{\text{D}}=\text{0.114 V} \text{, } (15)

    因此当VG > 0.114 V时, IDS, l将随着 {{C}}_{\text{G}} 的增加而增加.

    图4(a)为PEDOT:BTB薄膜/电解液界面电容的EIS波特图. 低频激励条件下界面呈现电容性. 图4(b)所示界面等效电容(Ceff)通过公式Ceff = 1/(2πfIm(Z))计算获得, 其中, Im(Z)为电化学阻抗(Z)虚部. 以频率为10–1 Hz时Ceff值代表pH敏感OECT转移曲线扫描时栅极/电解液界面的界面电容(CG). 图4(b)插图所示, CG随着电沉积循环次数增加而增大. 将此结果用于图3(d)分析可知: 当VG > 0.192 V时, IDS随着CG的增加而增大, 与(13)式结论一致. 需要说明的是: CV次数分别为5, 10, 20时, 转移曲线交点横坐标为VG = 0.192 V, 与(15)式预测结果(0.114 V)的偏差可能源于理论分析基本假设与实际情况的差别.

    图 4 栅极/电解质界面电容(CG)与CV次数关系 (a)电化学阻抗谱(Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS)波特图; (b)由EIS获得的CG等效电容(Ceff), 插图用10–1 Hz处Ceff表示CG, 其值随CV次数增大而增大. 绿色, 红色、蓝色曲线分别表示5, 10, 20次CV循环的测试结果\r\nFig. 4. Relationship between gate/electrolyte interface capacitance (CG) and CV times: (a) The Bode electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS); (b) the equivalent capacitance of CG (Ceff). The inset shows that CG, indicated by Ceff at 10–1 Hz, increases with CV cycles. The green, red and blue curves represent the experimental results using 5, 10, and 20 CV cycles.
    图 4  栅极/电解质界面电容(CG)与CV次数关系 (a)电化学阻抗谱(Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS)波特图; (b)由EIS获得的CG等效电容(Ceff), 插图用10–1 Hz处Ceff表示CG, 其值随CV次数增大而增大. 绿色, 红色、蓝色曲线分别表示5, 10, 20次CV循环的测试结果
    Fig. 4.  Relationship between gate/electrolyte interface capacitance (CG) and CV times: (a) The Bode electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS); (b) the equivalent capacitance of CG (Ceff). The inset shows that CG, indicated by Ceff at 10–1 Hz, increases with CV cycles. The green, red and blue curves represent the experimental results using 5, 10, and 20 CV cycles.

    (12)式两侧对pH进行偏导, 得到

    \begin{split}&\\ \frac{\text{∂}{{I}}_{{\rm{{DS}},{\rm{l}}}}}{\text{∂pH}}{}=\;&{}\frac{{K}{{GC}}^{{*}}{{C}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}}{{q}{{p}}_{{0}}{{C}}_{{{\rm{tot}}}}}{}={}\frac{{WH}}{{L}}{\cdot}\frac{{K}{{{μC}}^{{*}}{C}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}}{{{C}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{}+{}{{C}}_{{{\rm{C}}}}}\\ =\;&\frac{{Kμ}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}}{{{L}}^{{2}}}{\cdot}\dfrac{{1}}{ {{1}}/{{{C}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}}{}+{} {{1}}/{{{C}}_{{{\rm{C}}}}}} . \end{split} (16)

    基于(16)式可获得pH敏感OECT的器件设计准则, 包括在固定变量条件下: 1)提高自由载流子迁移率, 2)减小沟道长度, 3)增大有机半导体层/电解液界面电容, 4)增大栅极/电解液界面电容. 首先, 现有半导体层材料的种类有限, 目前仅有PEDOT:PSS实现了商用化, 提高自由载流子迁移率仍是材料领域前沿研究课题[16]. 其次, 生物传感测试通常采用水溶液作为栅介质, 有机半导体/水溶液界面电容通常在较小范围波动[17]. 最后, 通过光刻方法能够获得低至100 nm的有机半导体沟道长度[18], 但其进一步减小依赖复杂的工艺流程以及昂贵的实验设备. 因此, 敏感膜的结构优化有可能成为晶体管pH响应特性优化的最有效手段.

    为此, 进一步实验研究了PEDOT:BTB聚合物膜CV电沉积次数对于晶体管pH响应规律的影响. 由图4(b)可知, 当CV次数为5, 10, 20次时, CG分别为13.33, 18.73, 46.84 μF. Mariani等[6]实验证明PEDOT:BTB厚度随着CV循环次数的增加而增大. 因此推断PEDOT:BTB同PEDOT:PSS类似, 其与电解液的界面电容(CG)将随着厚度的增加而增大. 进一步, 采用PEDOT:BTB薄膜修饰的金电极为OECT栅电极, PEDOT:PSS聚合物膜为OECT半导体层, 设置VG为跨导峰值对应栅压(+0.2 V), VD为–0.6 V时, 测量晶体管pH响应. 图5(a)为不同PEDOT:BTB薄膜的pH瞬态响应, 图5(b)是由此获得的pH灵敏度随CG变化的曲线. 实验结果表明: 当CV次数为5, 10, 20次时, 晶体管的pH灵敏度分别为0.10 mA⋅pH⋅unit–1, 0.13 mA⋅pH⋅unit–1, 0.18 mA⋅pH⋅unit–1. 这意味着晶体管的pH灵敏度随着CG的增大而增大, 与(16)式结论是一致.

    图 5 晶体管pH响应与CG的关系 (a)ΔiDS是基于pH = 2的源漏极瞬态电流(iDS)归一化的pH响应; (b)ΔiDS/ΔpH随着CG的增大而增大. 图中绿色, 红色、蓝色数据分别表示采用5, 10, 20次CV循环的测试结果\r\nFig. 5. The relationship between the pH sensitivity and CV cycle numbers: (a) ΔiDS represents the pH response normalized by the source-drain transient current (iDS) obtained at pH = 2; (b) ΔiDS/ΔpH increases with the CG increment. The green, red and blue data represent the experimental results using 5, 10, and 20 CV cycles, respectively.
    图 5  晶体管pH响应与CG的关系 (a)ΔiDS是基于pH = 2的源漏极瞬态电流(iDS)归一化的pH响应; (b)ΔiDS/ΔpH随着CG的增大而增大. 图中绿色, 红色、蓝色数据分别表示采用5, 10, 20次CV循环的测试结果
    Fig. 5.  The relationship between the pH sensitivity and CV cycle numbers: (a) ΔiDS represents the pH response normalized by the source-drain transient current (iDS) obtained at pH = 2; (b) ΔiDS/ΔpH increases with the CG increment. The green, red and blue data represent the experimental results using 5, 10, and 20 CV cycles, respectively.

    进一步实验研究发现, OECT的pH响应具有栅极电压依赖性. 图6(a)所示为不同栅极电压条件下获得的晶体管瞬态响应. 3条曲线分别为VG设置–0.3 V, –0.05 V, +0.2 V时的晶体管输出电流. 图6(b)图6(c)分别为采用20次CV循环获得PEDOT:BTB膜时, OECT的转移曲线与跨导曲线. 根据跨导定义[19], 图6(c)图6(b)VG进行一次微分获得. 由图6(c)可知, VG = –0.05 V取在跨导曲线交点附近, VG = +0.2 V是pH = 2的跨导曲线取得极大值时的栅极电压. VG = –0.3 V与VG = +0.2 V关于VG = –0.05 V对称分布. 根据图6(a)可知, 当VG = –0.05 V时, OECT具有最佳的pH响应, 其pH检测灵敏度为0.22 mA·pH·unit–1. 稳态测试亦可验证上述实验结果. 表1 对比了本文与文献报道的OECT pH传感性能.

    表 1  不同pH敏感OECT的性能对比
    Table 1.  Performance comparison of pH sensitive OECTs
    文献敏感材料灵敏度(μA.pH1)归一化灵敏度 (pH1)检测范围
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    图 6 OECT对于pH值的响应 (a)不同VG条件下OECT瞬态响应电流iDS对于pH的响应, ΔiDS由任意pH条件下的iDS与pH = 2的值归一化所得; (b)不同pH条件下晶体管的转移曲线; (c)不同pH条件下晶体管的跨导曲线; (d)不同VG条件下OECT稳态响应电流IDS对于pH的响应, ΔIDS由任意pH条件下的IDS与pH = 2时的值归一化所得\r\nFig. 6. The response of OECT to the ambient pH: (a) the effect of VG on OECTs transient response (iDS), ΔiDS is obtained by normalizing iDS under specific pH level and the value at pH = 2; (b) OECTs transfer curves under different pH levels; (c) OECTs transconductance curves under different pH levels; (d) the effect of VG on OECTs steady-state response (IDS), ΔIDS is obtained by normalizing IDS under specific pH level and the value at pH = 2.
    图 6  OECT对于pH值的响应 (a)不同VG条件下OECT瞬态响应电流iDS对于pH的响应, ΔiDS由任意pH条件下的iDS与pH = 2的值归一化所得; (b)不同pH条件下晶体管的转移曲线; (c)不同pH条件下晶体管的跨导曲线; (d)不同VG条件下OECT稳态响应电流IDS对于pH的响应, ΔIDS由任意pH条件下的IDS与pH = 2时的值归一化所得
    Fig. 6.  The response of OECT to the ambient pH: (a) the effect of VG on OECTs transient response (iDS), ΔiDS is obtained by normalizing iDS under specific pH level and the value at pH = 2; (b) OECTs transfer curves under different pH levels; (c) OECTs transconductance curves under different pH levels; (d) the effect of VG on OECTs steady-state response (IDS), ΔIDS is obtained by normalizing IDS under specific pH level and the value at pH = 2.

    当固定图6(b)中栅极电压可获得不同pH条件下的稳态电流响应(IDS). 如图6(d)所示, 当VG = –0.05 V时, OECT的pH响应曲线具有最大斜率. 因此OECT的pH响应具有栅极电压依赖性, 但这并不能为(16)式准确描述. 因此需在I-V特性方程((12)式)中引入修正项((17)式), 完善理论器件物理模型.

    \begin{split} {f}{(}{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{,}{}{{\rm{pH}})}{}=\;&{{k}}_{{1}}{{\rm{pH}}}{{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}}^{{2}}{}+{}{{k}}_{{2}}{{\rm{pH}}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{}+{{}{k}}_{{3}}{{\rm{pH}}}{}+{}{{k}}_{{4}}{{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}}^{{3}}{}\\ &+{}{{k}}_{{5}}{{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}}^{{2}}{}+{{}{k}}_{{6}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{}{+{}{k}}_{{7}} {, } \\[-10pt]\end{split} (17)
    \begin{split} &\\ {{I}}_{{{\rm{DS}},{\rm{l}}}}{}=\;&{G}\left[{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}-\frac{{{C}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{{C}}^{{*}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}{(}{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}-{K}{}\cdot{}{{\rm{pH}}}{}-\dfrac{{1}}{{2}}{{V}}_{{{\rm{D}}}}{)}}{{q}{{p}}_{{0}}{{C}}_{{{\rm{tot}}}}}\right] \\ &+ {f}{(}{{V}}_{{{\rm{G}}}}{,}{}{{\rm{pH}})} . \\[-10pt] \end{split} (18)

    理论模型修正项((17)式)的构建有三方面考量. 首先, 图6(c)所示, 跨导曲线在扫描范围内存在极大值, 并且跨导峰值对应栅压(VG(gm*))随着pH值发生偏移, 因此修正项((17)式)中应该包含VG的3次项. 其次, OECT响应pH变化的瞬态输出电流依赖于栅极电压, 因此修正项((17)式)中应该包含pH与VG的乘积项. 最后, OECT的pH灵敏度最大值在跨导曲线交叉点附近获得, 因此方程 \dfrac{\text{∂}{I}_{\text{DS, l}}}{\text{∂pH}} = 0的表达式中也应具有VG的2次项.

    图7(a)所示当项式系数k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7分别取值–2.07 × 10–4, –4.82 × 10–5, 4.23 × 10–4, –6.97 × 10–4, 1.09 × 10–3, –1.21 × 10–3, –1.59 × 10–3时, 由修正理论模型获得转移曲线对实验结果的拟合优度为0.998. 图7(b)所示为根据拟合转移曲线获得的跨导曲线. 图6(c)图7(b)所示跨导曲线差异可能源于修正理论模型中“缓变沟道近似”及“迁移率无载流子浓度依赖性假设”对于实验条件的简化[11]. 峰值跨导对应栅压的位置(图7(c))以及晶体管pH响应的电压依赖性(图7(d))均可通过修正理论模型进行较为准确的预测. 需要说明的是: 图3(d)所示转移曲线交叉点的位置与漏极电压VD相关. 因此, 如需研究不同VD条件下的晶体管pH响应, 还需在修正项((17)式)中引入VD与pH的乘积项.

    图 7 实验结果与拟合数据比较 (a) OECT转移曲线; (b)由拟合转移曲线获得的跨导曲线; (c)不同pH条件下的峰值跨导对应的栅极电压, 蓝色与红色分别代表实验与拟合结果; (d) VG对于晶体管pH响应的影响, 蓝色与红色分别代表实验与拟合结果\r\nFig. 7. Comparisons of experimental and fitting results: (a) Transfer curves; (b) transconductance curves derived by the fitting transfer curves; (c) the gate bias corresponding to the peak transconductance under different pH levels; (d) the effect of VG on the pH response of transistors. The blue and red data in (c) and (d) represent the experimental and fitting results, respectively.
    图 7  实验结果与拟合数据比较 (a) OECT转移曲线; (b)由拟合转移曲线获得的跨导曲线; (c)不同pH条件下的峰值跨导对应的栅极电压, 蓝色与红色分别代表实验与拟合结果; (d) VG对于晶体管pH响应的影响, 蓝色与红色分别代表实验与拟合结果
    Fig. 7.  Comparisons of experimental and fitting results: (a) Transfer curves; (b) transconductance curves derived by the fitting transfer curves; (c) the gate bias corresponding to the peak transconductance under different pH levels; (d) the effect of VG on the pH response of transistors. The blue and red data in (c) and (d) represent the experimental and fitting results, respectively.

    本文构建了pH敏感OECT的I-V特性方程, 通过实验研究验证了数学物理模型的有效性与准确性, 并基于该理论模型提出了pH敏感型OECT器件设计准则. 为了准确描述晶体管pH响应的栅极电压依赖性, 还进一步通过多项式拟合修正了上述I-V特性方程. 通过修正理论模型可获得拟合优度为0.998的转移曲线结果. 本文研究虽基于PEDOT:BTB薄膜, 但理论模型有望应用于基于其他pH敏感材料, 如聚苯胺、氧化铱的OECT器件物理研究.


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    1. 薛永强,柴晓杰,王淼儒,张文栋,冀健龙. 基于浮栅OECT传感的归一化灵敏度优化. 微纳电子技术. 2023(06): 830-838 . 百度学术


  • 图 1  有机电化学晶体管(OECT) (a)结构制备示意图, 其中S, D, G分别表示OECT的源极、漏极与栅极; (b)OECT半导体沟道的原子力显微镜测试图; (c)修饰有PEDOT:BTB膜的OECT栅极激光共聚焦扫描显微镜测试图

    Figure 1.  The organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs): (a) Schematic of structure preparation, S, D, and G represents the source, drain, and gate, respectively; (b) the atomic force microscope image of the semiconductor channel; (c) the laser confocal scanning microscope image of the gate electrode modified with PEDOT:BTB films.

    图 2  pH敏感的OECT (a)结构示意图; (b)电路模型示意图

    Figure 2.  pH-sensitive OECTs: (a) Structure schematic; (b) schematic of the circuit model.

    图 3  使用 (a) 5次、(b) 10次、(c) 20次循环伏安法(CV)电沉积制备PEDOT:BTB膜, 并以此修饰栅极获得的晶体管输出曲线与(d)转移曲线, 其中绿色、红色、蓝色转移曲线分别对应于图(a)、图(b)与图(c)

    Figure 3.  Output curves of OECTs, PEDOT:BTB film modifying the gate electrode is obtained by (a) 5 cycles, (b) 10 cycles, and (c) 20 cycles of CV electrodepositions; (d) transfer curves of OECTs, in which the green, red, and blue curves correspond to (a), (b) and (c), respectively.

    图 4  栅极/电解质界面电容(CG)与CV次数关系 (a)电化学阻抗谱(Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS)波特图; (b)由EIS获得的CG等效电容(Ceff), 插图用10–1 Hz处Ceff表示CG, 其值随CV次数增大而增大. 绿色, 红色、蓝色曲线分别表示5, 10, 20次CV循环的测试结果

    Figure 4.  Relationship between gate/electrolyte interface capacitance (CG) and CV times: (a) The Bode electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS); (b) the equivalent capacitance of CG (Ceff). The inset shows that CG, indicated by Ceff at 10–1 Hz, increases with CV cycles. The green, red and blue curves represent the experimental results using 5, 10, and 20 CV cycles.

    图 5  晶体管pH响应与CG的关系 (a)ΔiDS是基于pH = 2的源漏极瞬态电流(iDS)归一化的pH响应; (b)ΔiDS/ΔpH随着CG的增大而增大. 图中绿色, 红色、蓝色数据分别表示采用5, 10, 20次CV循环的测试结果

    Figure 5.  The relationship between the pH sensitivity and CV cycle numbers: (a) ΔiDS represents the pH response normalized by the source-drain transient current (iDS) obtained at pH = 2; (b) ΔiDS/ΔpH increases with the CG increment. The green, red and blue data represent the experimental results using 5, 10, and 20 CV cycles, respectively.

    图 6  OECT对于pH值的响应 (a)不同VG条件下OECT瞬态响应电流iDS对于pH的响应, ΔiDS由任意pH条件下的iDS与pH = 2的值归一化所得; (b)不同pH条件下晶体管的转移曲线; (c)不同pH条件下晶体管的跨导曲线; (d)不同VG条件下OECT稳态响应电流IDS对于pH的响应, ΔIDS由任意pH条件下的IDS与pH = 2时的值归一化所得

    Figure 6.  The response of OECT to the ambient pH: (a) the effect of VG on OECTs transient response (iDS), ΔiDS is obtained by normalizing iDS under specific pH level and the value at pH = 2; (b) OECTs transfer curves under different pH levels; (c) OECTs transconductance curves under different pH levels; (d) the effect of VG on OECTs steady-state response (IDS), ΔIDS is obtained by normalizing IDS under specific pH level and the value at pH = 2.

    图 7  实验结果与拟合数据比较 (a) OECT转移曲线; (b)由拟合转移曲线获得的跨导曲线; (c)不同pH条件下的峰值跨导对应的栅极电压, 蓝色与红色分别代表实验与拟合结果; (d) VG对于晶体管pH响应的影响, 蓝色与红色分别代表实验与拟合结果

    Figure 7.  Comparisons of experimental and fitting results: (a) Transfer curves; (b) transconductance curves derived by the fitting transfer curves; (c) the gate bias corresponding to the peak transconductance under different pH levels; (d) the effect of VG on the pH response of transistors. The blue and red data in (c) and (d) represent the experimental and fitting results, respectively.

    表 1  不同pH敏感OECT的性能对比

    Table 1.  Performance comparison of pH sensitive OECTs

    文献敏感材料灵敏度(μA.pH1)归一化灵敏度 (pH1)检测范围
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  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 薛永强,柴晓杰,王淼儒,张文栋,冀健龙. 基于浮栅OECT传感的归一化灵敏度优化. 微纳电子技术. 2023(06): 830-838 . 百度学术


  • Abstract views:  6978
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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  07 February 2022
  • Accepted Date:  18 March 2022
  • Available Online:  26 June 2022
  • Published Online:  05 July 2022

