Recently proposed crystalline/amorphous dual-phase high-entropy alloy is an effective strategy to obtain high-entropy, high-strength and high-toughness alloys. And the relative plastic deformation mechanism is dependent on the size of component phases. The effect of component phase size on the plastic deformation mechanism of CoCrFeNiMn crystalline/amorphous dual-phase high-entropy alloy is investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The results indicate that the size of amorphous phase has a significant effect on the mechanical behavior and plastic deformation mechanism of high entropy alloy. For the sample with small thickness of amorphous phase, the plastic deformation is dominated by dislocation slip and phase transformation of face-centered-cubic structure to hexagonal-close-packed structure. Especially, the deformation twins and Lomer-Cottrell locks are observed in the sample with amorphous layer spacing of 1 nm. When the thickness of the amorphous layer is moderate, the plastic deformation of the dual-phase high-entropy alloy is realized mainly through the dislocation slip, phase transformation of face-centered-cubic structure to hexagonal-close-packed structure in crystalline part and shear band multiplication in amorphous part. If the amorphous layer spacing is larger, the plastic deformation of the high-entropy alloy is dominated by the formation of uniform shear bands in the amorphous phase. In addition, the amorphous phase in the dual-phase high-entropy alloy structure can stabilize the crystalline grains. The results of this study can provide a guidance for designing and preparing high entropy alloy with high performance.
- crystalline/amorphous dual-phase high entropy alloy /
- size effect /
- deformation mechanism /
- molecular dynamics simulation
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[24] Li J, Chen H, Feng H, Fang Q, Liu Y, Liu F, Wu H, Liaw P K 2020 J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 54 14
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[28] 申天展, 宋海洋, 安敏荣 2021 物理学报 70 186201
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[32] Su M J, Deng Q, An M R, Liu L T, Chen L Y 2021 J. Alloys Compd. 868 159282
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[33] Choi W M, Jo Y H, Sohn S S, Lee S, Lee B J 2018 NPJ Comput. Mater. 4 1
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[43] Chowdhury P, Canadinc D, Sehitoglu H 2017 Mater. Sci. Eng. R:Rep. 122 1
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图 2 不同非晶相厚度的CoCrFeNiMn晶体/非晶双相高熵合金的拉伸力学性能 (a) 应力-应变曲线; (b) 杨氏模量; (c) 峰值应力和平均流动应力
Figure 2. Tensile properties of dual-phase CoCrFeNiMn crystalline/amorphous high-entropy alloys with different amorphous layer spacing: (a) Stress-strain curves; (b) Young’s modulus; (c) peak stress and average flow stress.
图 3 多晶CoCrFeNiMn高熵合金在不同拉伸应变时的原子结构演变图 (a) ε = 0.033; (b) ε = 0.045; (c) ε = 0.057; (d) ε = 0.089; (e) ε = 0.111; (f) ε = 0.200
Figure 3. Atomic configuration evolutions of polycrystalline CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy: (a) ε = 0.033; (b) ε = 0.045; (c) ε = 0.057; (d) ε = 0.089; (e) ε = 0.111; (f) ε = 0.200.
图 4 不同非晶厚度的双相HEAs在不同拉伸应变时的原子结构演变图 (a) h = 1 nm; (b) h = 5 nm; (c) h = 11 nm. 图4(a1)中圆圈代表了位错发射点, 图4(a2)中圆圈代表孪晶, 图4(a3)中圆圈代表位错锁, 图4(b1)中圆圈代表剪切带的雏形
Figure 4. Atomic configuration evolutions of the CoCrFeNiMn crystalline/amorphous dual-phase high-entropy alloys with different amorphous layer spacing: (a) h = 1 nm; (b) h = 5 nm; (c) h = 11 nm. The emission site of the dislocation, the deformation twin and the Lomer-Cottrell locks are depicted by the circles in Fig. 4(a1), Fig. 4(a2) and Fig. 4(a3), respectively. The circle in Fig. 4(b1) represents the embryo of the shear band.
图 5 不同非晶厚度的双相HEAs在拉伸过程中的不同结构原子比例变化图, 其中(a) h = 1 nm, (b) h =5 nm, (c) h =11 nm; (d) FCC相转变为HCP相的原子分数
Figure 5. Atomic fraction evolutions of different structures of the CoCrFeNiMn crystalline/amorphous dual-phase high-entropy alloys with different amorphous layer spacing: (a) h = 1 nm; (b) h = 5 nm; (c) h = 11 nm. (d) Atomic fraction evolution of FCC structure transformation to HCP structure with h = 1, 5 and 11 nm.
图 7 晶体相中的变形机理细节图 (a) 形变孪晶细节图; (b) 图4(a3)中Lomer-Cottrell位错锁的放大图; (c) 实验中观察到的Shockley 部分位错相互作用形成Lomer-Cottrell位错锁[42]
Figure 7. Details of the plastic deformation mechanism in crystalline structure: (a) Detail of the deformation twins; (b) zoomed up snapshot of the Lomer-Cottrell locks of Fig. 4(a3); (c) the Lomer-Cottrell lock formed by the reaction of two Shockley partial dislocations in the experiment[42].
图 8 位错滑移辅助下的FCC-HCP转变机制图 (a) FCC结构示意图; (b) HCP结构示意图; (c) FCC→HCP相变示意图
Figure 8. Schematic illustration of FCC-to-HCP transformation mechanism as assisted by dislocation glide: (a) Schematic illustration of FCC structure; (b) schematic illustration of HCP structure; (c) FCC-to-HCP transformation mechanism.
[1] Yeh J W, Chen S K, Lin S J, Gan J Y, Chin T S, Shun T T, Tsau C H, Chang S Y 2004 Adv. Eng. Mater. 6 299
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[2] 王浩玉, 农智升, 王继杰, 朱景川 2019 物理学报 68 036101
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Zhang Y, Chen M B, Yang X 2020 Advanced High Entropy Alloy Technology (Beijing: Chemical Industry Press) pp76–123 (in Chinese)
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Wang W H 2013 Prog. Phys. 33 177
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[27] 陈晶晶, 邱小林, 李柯, 周丹, 袁军军 2022 物理学报 71 199601
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[28] 申天展, 宋海洋, 安敏荣 2021 物理学报 70 186201
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[39] Qi Y M, Zhao M, Feng M L 2021 J. Alloys Compd. 851 156923
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[40] Fang Q H, Chen Y, Li J, Jiang C, Liu B, Liu Y, Liaw P K 2019 Int. J. Plast. 114 161
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[41] Xu X D, Liu P, Tang Z, Hirata A, Song S X, Nieh T G, Liaw P K, Liu C T, Chen M W 2018 Acta Mater. 144 107
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[42] Jiang K, Ren T F, Shan G B, Ye T, Chen L Y, Wang C X, Zhao F, Li J G, Suo T 2020 Mater. Sci. Eng., A 797 140125
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[43] Chowdhury P, Canadinc D, Sehitoglu H 2017 Mater. Sci. Eng. R:Rep. 122 1
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