One of the main goals of high-energy nuclear physics is to explore the fundamental properties of quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a new state of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) matter created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, in which the energetic quarks and gluons, known as fast partons, created prior to the formation of the QGP, traverse the hot-dense medium and experience strong interactions with the constituents of the medium, and eventually lead to the attenuation of jet energy. Such a novel phenomenon, referred to as jet quenching, plays an essential role in probing the transport properties of the QGP. The objective of this paper is to review some of the latest experimental and theoretical progress of jet quenching, such as medium modification on the large
$ p_{\rm T} $ hadrons, full jets, and jet substructures in heavy-ion collisions, as well as the challenges in the forefront theoretical investigations.-
- relativistic heavy-ion collisions /
- quark-gluon-plasma /
- jet quenching
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图 1 (a) 根据不同能量损失机制对RHIC和LHC 中强子的核修正因子进行分析提取QGP的输运参数
$ {\hat{q}} $ 与初始温度的依赖关系[48]; (b) 根据不同的模型以及参数化形式提取的输运参数$ {\hat{q}} $ 对介质演化温度的依赖关系[49,50]Figure 1. (a) The dependence of transport coefficient
$ {\hat{q}} $ on the initial temperature T, extracted from the nuclear modification factor of hadrons from RHIC and LHC measurements[48], based on four different energy lose formalism; (b) the dependence of transport coefficient$ {\hat{q}} $ on the evolution temperature T, extracted with different models and parameterized functions[49,50]图 2 (a) 通过
$ J/\varPsi $ 的核修正因子贝叶斯分析提取的胶子和粲夸克的能量损失分布[51]; (b) 同时对轻味强子, D介子以及B介子衰变的$ J/\varPsi $ 的核修正因子进行系统的贝叶斯分析提取的胶子, 轻味夸克, c夸克和b夸克的平均能量损失份额[52]Figure 2. (a) The final extracted energy loss distributions of charm quark and gluon from Bayesian analysis to experimental data on inclusive J/ψ [51]; (b) fractional jet energy loss of gluon, light quarks, charm quarks and bottom quarks from Bayesian analysis to experimental data on the RAA of charged hadrons, D mesons and B-decayed J/ψ [52].
图 4 (a) 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb碰撞中胶子喷注(红色)、夸克喷注(蓝色)、单举喷注(绿色)的核修正因子
$R_{{\rm{AA}}} $ 的中心度依赖[70]; (b) 最终拟合的b-喷注、单举喷注、光子标记喷注的核修正因子$ R_{{\rm{AA}}}$ , 以及数据驱动提取出的胶子喷注、轻夸克喷注和b夸克喷注的$ R_{{\rm{AA}}}$ 和能量损失分布[70]Figure 4. (a) The centrality dependence of final fitted gluon jet (red), quark jet (blue) and inclusive jet (green)
$ R_{{\rm{AA}}} $ in Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV[70]; (b) final fitted nuclear modification factor$ R_{{\rm{AA}}} $ of b-jets, inclusive jet and γ-tagged jet, and the data-driven extracted$ R_{{\rm{AA}}} $ and energy loss distributions of gluon, light quark, and b-quark initiated jets[70].图 5 (a) CMS测量的在不同横动量区间内喷注锥角为R = 0.3—1.0的单半举喷注的核修正因子与R = 0.2的结果的比值对R的分布, 及与理论模型计算结果的比较[74]; (b) ALICE测量的R = 0.6的带电强子重建喷注的核修正因子与R = 0.2的结果的比值, 并与理论模型进行比较[75]
Figure 5. (a) The double ratio
$ R_{{\rm{AA}}} $ for inclusive jet, as a function of R, for R = 0.3–1.0 with respect to R = 0.2 in various$ p_{\rm{T}}^J $ ranges for the 0–10% centrality class as well as the comparison with model calculations[74]; (b) the ratio of charged jet$ R_{{\rm{AA}}} $ with R = 0.6 to that with R = 0.2 measured by ALICE[75] and the comparison with model calculations.图 6 (a)部分子层次和强子层次的不同喷注锥角的微分散射截面与R = 1.0的微分散射截面的比值并与实验结果的比较(左图), 强子层次的散射截面与部分子层次的散射截面的比值(右图); (b)单喷注以及重建喷注的核修正因子对喷注锥角的依赖分布. 图片来源于文献[76]
Figure 6. (a) The ratio of inclusive jet cross section with R = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 with respect to R = 1.0 calculated as parton level and hadron level as well as the comparison with CMS data (left); the ratio of jet cross section at hadron level to parton level with different jet cones (right); (b) jet cone dependent
$ R_{{\rm{AA}}} $ of inclusive jet and reclustered jet. Pictures are taken from Ref [76]. -
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