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Random two-body dissipation induced non-Hermitian many-body localization

Liu Jing-Hu Xu Zhi-Hao


Random two-body dissipation induced non-Hermitian many-body localization

Liu Jing-Hu, Xu Zhi-Hao
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  • Recent researches on disorder-driven many-body localization (MBL) in non-Hermitian quantum systems have aroused great interest. In this work, we investigate the non-Hermitian MBL in a one-dimensional hard-core Bose model induced by random two-body dissipation, which is described by           $ \hat{H}=\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j}^{L-1}\left[ -J\left( \hat{b}_{j}^{\dagger}\hat{b}_{j+1}+\hat {b}_{j+1}^{\dagger}\hat{b}_{j}\right) +\frac{1}{2}\left( U-{\mathrm{i}}\gamma_{j}\right) \hat{n}_{j}\hat{n}_{j+1}\right] \notag,$ with the random two-body loss $\gamma_j\in\left[0,W\right]$. By the level statistics, the system undergoes a transition from the AI$^{\dagger}$ symmetry class to a two-dimensional Poisson ensemble with the increase of disorder strength. This transition is accompanied by the changing of the average magnitude (argument) $\overline{\left\langle {r}\right\rangle}$ ($\overline{-\left\langle \cos {\theta}\right\rangle }$) of the complex spacing ratio, shifting from approximately 0.722 (0.193) to about 2/3 (0). The normalized participation ratios of the majority of eigenstates exhibit finite values in the ergodic phase, gradually approaching zero in the non-Hermitian MBL phase, which quantifies the degree of localization for the eigenstates. For weak disorder, one can see that average half-chain entanglement entropy $\overline{\langle S \rangle}$ follows a volume law in the ergodic phase. However, it decreases to a constant independent of L in the deep non-Hermitian MBL phase, adhering to an area law. These results indicate that the ergodic phase and non-Hermitian MBL phase can be distinguished by the half-chain entanglement entropy, even in non-Hermitian system, which is similar to the scenario in Hermitian system. Finally, for a short time, the dynamic evolution of the entanglement entropy exhibits linear growth with the weak disorder. In strong disorder case, the short-time evolution of $\overline{S(t)}$ shows logarithmic growth. However, when $t\geqslant10^2$, $\overline{S(t)}$ can stabilize and tend to the steady-state half-chain entanglement entropy $\overline{ S_0 }$. The results of the dynamical evolution of $\overline{S(t)}$ imply that one can detect the occurrence of the non-Hermitian MBL by the short-time evolution of $\overline{S(t)}$, and the long-time behavior of $\overline{S(t)}$ signifies the steady-state information.
      Corresponding author: Xu Zhi-Hao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12375016), the Fundamental Research Program of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 20210302123442), the Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, China, and the Fund for Shanxi “1331Project” Key Subjects, China.

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    Kohlert T, Scherg S, Li X, Lüschen H P, Das Sarma S, Bloch I, Aidelsburger M 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 170403Google Scholar


    Smith J, Lee A, Richerme P, Neyenhuis B, Hess P W, Hauke P, Heyl M, Huse D A, Monroe C 2016 Nat. Phys. 12 907Google Scholar


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    Gong Z, Ashida Y, Kawabata K, Takasan K, Higashikawa S, Ueda M 2018 Phys. Rev. X 8 031079


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    Peron T, De Resende B M F, Rodrigues F A, Costa L D F, Méndez-Bermúdez J A 2020 Phys. Rev. E 102 062305Google Scholar


    Liu J, Xu Z 2023 Phys. Rev. B 108 184205Google Scholar


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    Suthar K, Wang Y C, Huang Y P, Jen H H, You J S 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 064208

  • 图 1  L = 14时, 哈密顿量(1)式平均的最近邻能级间距s的统计分布 (a) W = 2; (b) W = 20. 黑色虚线、红色实线和绿色点线分别表示A, AI$^{\dagger}$类和二维泊松分布

    Figure 1.  Mean unfolded nearest-level-spacing distributions of the Hamiltonian Eq. (1) with L = 14: (a) W = 2; (b) W = 20. Black dash, red solid, and green dotted lines represent A, AI${\mathrm{}}^{\dagger}$ classes, and two dimensional (2D)-Poisson distributions, respectively.

    图 2  当$L=14$时, 平均的径向强度分布$\overline{\mathcal{P}(r)}$和相应的幅角分布$\overline{\mathcal{P} (\theta )}$ (a), (b) $W=2$; (c), (d) $W=20$. 红色实线是通过统计对应的随机矩阵($1000\times 1000$)的结果, 其无序次数选取为1000. (e), (f)径向强度的平均值$\overline{\left\langle {r}\right\rangle }$和相应的幅角的平均值$\overline{-\left\langle \cos{\theta}\right\rangle} $随无序强度变化曲线. 上(下)虚线对应于AI$^{\dagger}$对称类(2D-Poisson)统计极限值, $\overline{\langle {r}\rangle}_{{\text{AI}}^{\dagger}}\approx0.722$, $\overline{-\langle \cos{{\theta}} \rangle}_{{\text{AI}}^{\dagger}}\approx $$ 0.193$ $(\overline{\langle {r}\rangle}_{\text{Pois}}=2/3$, $\overline{-\langle \cos{{\theta}} \rangle}_{\text{Pois}}=0)$

    Figure 2.  (a), (b) Mean marginal distributions $\overline{\mathcal{P}(r)}$ and $\overline{\mathcal{P} (\theta )}$ with $W=2$ for the complex energy spectrum for $L=14$; (c), (d) the marginal distributions $\overline{\mathcal{P}(r)}$ and $\overline{\mathcal{P} (\theta )}$ with $W=20$ for the complex energy spectrum. The red solid lines are obtained by calculating $\overline{\mathcal{P}(r)}$ and $\overline{\mathcal{P} (\theta )}$ of the $1000\times 1000$ random matrices with the corresponding random matrix ensembles averaged 1000 realizations. (e), (f) The averages $\overline{\left\langle {r}\right\rangle} $ and $\overline{-\left\langle \cos {\theta}\right\rangle }$ as a function of the disorder strength W. The upper (lower) dash line corresponds to the ${\mathrm{AI}}^{\dagger}$ symmetry class (2D-Poisson) expectation, $\overline{\langle {r}\rangle}_{{\text{AI}}^{\dagger}}\approx0.722$, $\overline{-\langle \cos{{\theta}} \rangle}_{{\text{AI}}^{\dagger}}\approx 0.193$ $(\overline{\langle {r}\rangle}_{\text{Pois}}=2/3$, $\overline{-\langle \cos{{\theta}} \rangle}_{\text{Pois}}=0)$

    图 3  当$L=14$时, 在复平面上, 系统所有本征态的$\eta$随重整后能谱$\varepsilon_{i}$的分布情况(红点表示能谱的中心) (a) $W=2$; (c) $W=20$. 归一化的参与率$\eta$统计直方图 (b) $W=2$; (d) $W=20$

    Figure 3.  Distribution of $\eta$ for all eigenstates versus the rescaled spectrum $\varepsilon_{i}$ with $L=14$ (Red dots represent the center of the energy spectrum): (a) $W=2$; (c) $W=20$. Histogram of the normalized participation ratio $\eta$: (b) $W=2$; (d) $W=20$.

    图 4  (a)不同尺寸下, 平均半链纠缠熵$\overline{\left\langle {S}\right\rangle }$随无序强度的变化; (b)当$L=14$时, 不同无序强度W对应的$\overline{S\left( t\right) }$随时间的演化. 初态为$\left\vert \psi_{0} \right\rangle =\left\vert 1010\cdots\right\rangle $. 插图展示了平均稳态熵$\overline{S_{0}}$随无序强度的变化

    Figure 4.  (a) Mean half-chain entanglement entropy $\overline{\left\langle {S}\right\rangle }$ as a function of the disorder strength W for different L; (b) the dynamics of the mean half-chain entanglement entropy $\overline{S\left( t\right) }$ for different W with $L=14$. The initial state is taken as $\left\vert \psi_{0} \right\rangle =\left\vert 1010\cdots\right\rangle $. The inset displays the mean steady-state entanglement entropy $\overline{S_{0}}$ as a function of W.

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  • Received Date:  19 December 2023
  • Accepted Date:  11 January 2024
  • Available Online:  18 January 2024
  • Published Online:  05 April 2024

