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Effects of electron cyclotron resonance heating modulation on edge turbulence driving and spreading in the HL-2A Tokamak

Hu Ying-Xin Zhao Kai-Jun Li Ji-Quan Yan Long-Wen Xu Jian-Qiang Huang Zhi-Hui Yu De-Liang Xie Yao-Yu Ding Xiao-Guan Wen Si-Yu


Effects of electron cyclotron resonance heating modulation on edge turbulence driving and spreading in the HL-2A Tokamak

Hu Ying-Xin, Zhao Kai-Jun, Li Ji-Quan, Yan Long-Wen, Xu Jian-Qiang, Huang Zhi-Hui, Yu De-Liang, Xie Yao-Yu, Ding Xiao-Guan, Wen Si-Yu
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  • The plasma flow generated by turbulent nonlinear interaction can improve plasma confinement by suppressing turbulence and its driven transport. Turbulence can be driven by local gradients and propagate radially from far beyond its associated correlation length. Effects of electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) modulation on edge turbulence driving and spreading are first presented in the edge plasma of the HL-2A tokamak. These experiments were performed by a fast reciprocating Langmuir probe array. When ECRH modulation is applied, both the edge temperature and density are higher, and the radial electric field is stronger. The edge radial electric field, turbulence, and Reynolds stresses are all enhanced with the ECRH while the ion-ion collision rate is reduced. Figures 1 (a)-(g) present the conditional averages of the ECRH power, turbulence intensity, turbulent Reynolds stress gradient, Er×B poloidal velocity, density gradient, turbulence drive rate and turbulence spreading rate, respectively. With ECRH, both the turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress gradients increase. The maximum turbulence intensity appears at the start of the ECRH switch-off while the maximum stress gradient occurs at the end of the ECRH. The evolution of the Er×B poloidal velocity is very similar to that of the Reynolds stress gradients. This observation suggests that the poloidal flow is the result of the combined effect of turbulence nonlinear driving and damping. The enhancement of Reynolds stress during ECRH modulation mainly depends on the increase in the turbulence intensity, with the increase in radial velocity fluctuation intensity being more significant. The turbulence drive and spreading rates also increase with ECRH. The maximum drive rate appears at the start of the ECRH swithch-off while the maximum spreading rate occurs at the end of the ECRH. This analysis indicates that turbulence driving and spreading are enhanced with the former being dominant. This result suggests that the enhancements of turbulence driving and spreading lead to the enhancements of the turbulence and Reynolds stress, and thus stronger edge flows.
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