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白继元 贺泽龙 李立 韩桂华 张彬林 姜平晖 樊玉环



白继元, 贺泽龙, 李立, 韩桂华, 张彬林, 姜平晖, 樊玉环

Electron transport through a two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm interferometer coupled with linear di-quantum dot molecules

Bai Ji-Yuan, He Ze-Long, Li Li, Han Gui-Hua, Zhang Bin-Lin, Jiang Ping-Hui, Fan Yu-Huan
  • 设计一个两端线型双量子点分子Aharonov-Bohm (A-B)干涉仪. 采用非平衡格林函数技术, 理论研究无含时外场作用下的体系电导和引入含时外场作用下的体系平均电流. 在不考虑含时外场时, 调节点间耦合强度或磁通可以诱导电导共振峰劈裂. 控制穿过A-B干涉仪磁通的有无, 实现了共振峰电导数值在0与1之间的数字转换, 为制造量子开关提供了一个新的物理方案. 同时借助磁通和Rashba自旋轨道相互作用, 获得了自旋过滤. 当体系引入含时外场时, 平均电流曲线展示了旁带效应. 改变含时外场的振幅, 实现了体系平均电流的大小与位置的有效控制, 而调节含时外场的频率, 则可以实现平均电流峰与谷之间的可逆转换. 通过调节磁通与Rashba自旋轨道相互作用, 与自旋相关的平均电流亦得到有效控制. 研究结果为开发利用耦合多量子点链嵌入A-B 干涉仪体系电输运性质提供了新的认知. 上述结果可望对未来的量子器件设计与量子计算发挥重要的指导作用.
    A two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm (A-B) interferometer coupled with linear di-quantum dot molecules is presented. By employing Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's function technique, the conductance without introducing time-dependent external field and the average current with applying time-dependent external field are theoretically studied. In the absence of time-dependent external field, two identical linear diquantum dot molecules embedded respectively in the two arms of A-B interferometer lead to degeneracy energy levels. The central resonance peak at εd = 0 in the conductance spectrum splits into two resonance peaks as the inter-coupling strength of di-quamtum dot increases over a threshold. In the case that the two linear di-quantum dot molecules are different, three or four resonance peaks appear in the conductance spectrum. When tuning magnetic flux ψ= π, the destructive quantum interference of electron waves in the A-B interferometer takes place. The conversion between 0 and 1 for conductance is performed by switching on/off the magnetic flux, which suggests a new physical scheme of quantum switches. The effect of Rashba spin-orbit interaction on the conductance is discussed. The functionality of spin filter is suggested through adjusting the Rashba spin-orbit coupling strength and the external magnetic flux. When time-dependent external field is applied, the notable side-band effect appears in the average current curve. A series of resonance peaks is produced, with the peak-peak separation of ħω. Two main peaks become reduced as the amplitude of time-dependent external field increases, however, the sideband peaks grow gradually. This indicates that both the magnitude and the position of average current resonance peak are controllable by adjusting the amplitude of time-dependent external field. The sideband effect remains always in the average current curve no matter how much the frequency of time-dependent external field changes. But the increase in the frequency of external field leads to the growth of two main peaks at the bonding and anti-bonding energy respectively, and the decay of the corresponding sideband peaks as well. The conversion between the current peak and valley can be realized by tuning the frequency of time-dependent field. Moreover, the dependence of A-B effect of the average current on the magnetic flux is found. As the magnetic flux is ψ≠nπ, each peak in average current curves splits into two peaks. But under the condition of ψ=2nπ, the splitting phenomenon disappears. The spin-dependent average current shows effective controllability by tuning the magnetic flux and Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The results would be useful for gaining a physical insight into electron transport in the multi-quantum-dot molecules coupled A-B interferometer and for designing the quantum devices.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11447132)、教育部111引智基地项目(批准号: B13015)、教育部重点实验室计划和高等学校基本科研业务费资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11447132), the 111 Project to Harbin Engineering University of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. B13015), the Key Laboratory Program of the Ministry of Education of China, and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China

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    Ladrón de Guevara M L, Claro F, Orellana P A 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 195335


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    Barański J, Domański T 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 205451


    He Z L, Bai J Y, Li P, L T Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 227304 (in Chinese) [贺泽龙, 白继元, 李鹏, 吕天全 2014 物理学报 63 227304]


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    Yang Z C, Sun Q F, Xie X C 2014 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 26 045302


    Shang R N, Li H O, Cao G, Xiao M, Tu T, Jiang H W, Guo G C, Guo G P 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 162109


    An X T, Mu H Y, Li Y X, Liu J J 2011 Phys. Lett. A 375 4078


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    Tang H Z, An X T, Wang A K, Liu J J 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 063708


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    Chen K W, Chang C R 2008 Phys. Rev. B 78 235319


    Sun Q F, Wang J, Guo H 2005 Phys. Rev. B 71 165310


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  • 收稿日期:  2015-04-16
  • 修回日期:  2015-06-18
  • 刊出日期:  2015-10-05

