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姚宝殿 胡桂青 于治水 张慧芬 施立群 沈皓 王月霞



姚宝殿, 胡桂青, 于治水, 张慧芬, 施立群, 沈皓, 王月霞

Effect of H and He on the mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2: the first-principles calculation

Yao Bao-Dian, Hu Gui-Qing, Yu Zhi-Shui, Zhang Hui-Fen, Shi Li-Qun, Shen Hao, Wang Yue-Xia
  • 层状三元化合物Ti3SiC2兼具陶瓷与金属的优良性能而得到诸多研究领域的关注. 本工作采用第一性原理密度泛函理论研究了氢、氦对该材料解理断裂行为的影响, 以期探讨Ti3SiC2作为核应用材料的可行性. 结果表明Si-Ti相对较弱的化学键使之相应的原子层间成为解理断裂面. 氢与氦都易在此原子层间聚集. 氦的聚集严重降低材料的解理断裂临界应力促使材料的断裂, 而氢则对该临界应力影响不大. 两者的差异源于这两类原子与材料中晶体原子相异的电子杂化行为.
    Layered MAX phase ternary compounds (M = early transition metals, A = group A elements, and X = C or N) show promise of wide applications in many applied fields because these compounds have combined ceramic and metallic properties. As an exemple of the MAX phase family, Ti3SiC2 exhibits a high melting temperature, high electrical and thermal conductivities, and an excellent resistance to oxidation and thermal shock. Particularly, it possesses unusual mechanical properties, such as easy machinability, high Young's modulus, thus it is considered as a candidate in advanced nuclear reactors.In this work, we investigate the effect of hydrogen and helium on the cleavage fracture of Ti3SiC2 in order to evaluate the reliability of Ti3SiC2 used in nuclear industry. We have performed first-principles mechanical calculations by using the density functional theory as implemented in the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package code. Uniaxial tensile simulations along c-axis have been done to calculate the stress-strain curve and the cleavage energy for each interlayer of Ti3SiC2. It is found that Ti3SiC2 has the cleavage characteristics, and the habit cleavage plane starts from Si-Ti interlayer because of relatively weak Si-Ti bond. Hydrogen and helium always accumulate in the Si layer. Helium decreases largely the critical stress of cleavage fracture of Ti3SiC2. In contrast, hydrogen does not efficiently affect the cleavage fracture in Ti3SiC2. The difference between helium and hydrogen behaviors in Ti3SiC2 originates primarily from the difference of electronic hybridization with lattice atoms of Ti3SiC2. For helium, the neighboring Si atoms will be ejected by helium atoms, and the Si-Ti bonds will be broken, thus resulting in the cleavage fracture. However, for hydrogen, it is primarily hybridized with the s states of neighboring Si atoms, which does not severely disturb the p-d hybridization between Si and Ti atoms. Thus, the cleavage fracture from Si-Ti interlayer is hardly aggravated in the presence of hydrogen. Fortunately, Ti3SiC2 has a self-repair ability at high temperatures. It will desorb helium atoms at high helium pressure through Si layers. This behavior will alleviate the cleavage fracture induced by helium. In summary, Ti3SiC2 may be a potential material applied in light water or other fission reactors in the future.
      通信作者: 王月霞, yxwang@fudan.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11475046, 11175047) 资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wang Yue-Xia, yxwang@fudan.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11475046, 11175047).

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    Jeitschko W, Nowotny H 1967 Monatasch. Chem. 98 329


    Barsoum M W, El-Raghy T 1996 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 79 1953


    Medvedeva N I, Freeman A J 2008 Scripta Mater. 58 671


    Chaput L, Hug G, Pecheur P, Scherrer H 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 035107


    Joulain A, Thilly L, Rabier J 2008 Phil. Mag. 88 1307


    Zhang Z F, Sun Z M, Hashimoto H 2003 Mater. Lett. 57 1295


    Zhou Y C, Sun Z M 2000 J. Phys. : Condens. Mater. 12 L457


    Li Shi-Bo, Xie Jian-Xin, et al. 2004 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 381 51


    Gulbinski W, Gilewicz A, Suszko T, Warcholinski B, Kuklinski Z 2004 Surf. Coat. Tech. 180 341


    Song P, Sun J R, Wang Z G, Cui M H, Shen T L, Li Y F, Pang L L, Zhu Y B, Huang Q, Lu J J 2014 Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 326 332


    Yang T F, Wang C X, Taylor C A, Huang X J, Huang Q, Li F Z, Shen L, Zhou X B, Xue J M, Yan S, Wang Y G 2014 Acta Mater. 65 351


    Zhao S J, Xue J M, Wang Y G, Huang Q 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 115 023503


    Du Y Y, Li B S, Wang Z G, Sun J R, Yao C F, Chang H L, Pang L L, Zhu Y B, Cui M H, Zhang H P, Li Y F, Wang J, Zhu H P, Song P, Wang D 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 216101 (in Chinese) [杜洋洋, 李炳生, 王志光, 孙建荣, 姚存峰, 常海龙, 庞立龙, 朱亚滨, 崔明焕, 张宏鹏, 李远飞, 王霁, 朱卉平, 宋鹏, 王栋 2014 物理学报 63 216101]


    Zheng H, Zhang C H, Chen B, Yang Y T, Lai X C 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 106102 (in Chinese) [郑晖, 张崇宏, 陈波, 杨义涛, 赖新春 2014 物理学报 63 106102]


    Wang F, Liu W, Deng A H, Zhu J J, An Z, Wang Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 186801 (in Chinese) [王飞, 刘望, 邓爱红, 朱敬军, 安竹, 汪渊 2013 物理学报 62 186801]


    Zhou Y, Sun Z, Wang X, Chen S 2011 J. Phys. : Condens. Mater. 13 10001


    Jia L X, Wang Y X, Ou X D, Shi L Q, Ding W 2012 Mater. Lett. 83 23


    Tateyama Y, Ohno T 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 174105


    Takahashi K, Isobe S, Ohnuki S 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 113108


    Ou X D, Wang Y X, Shi L Q, Ding W, Wang M, Zhu Y S 2011 Phys. B 406 4460


    Radovic M, Barsoum M W, El-Raghy T, Seidensticker J, Wiederhorn S 2000 Acta Mater. 48 453


    Zhang H F, Yao B D, Shi L Q, O'Connor D J, Huang J, Zhang J Y, Ding W, Wang Y X 2015 Acta Mater. 97 50

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-07-27
  • 修回日期:  2015-10-15
  • 刊出日期:  2016-01-20

