不同尺度耦合会导致一些特殊的振荡行为,通常表现为大幅振荡与微幅振荡的组合,也即所谓的簇发振荡.迄今为止,相关工作大都是围绕光滑系统开展的,而非光滑系统中由于存在着各种形式的非常规分岔,从而可能会导致更为复杂的簇发振荡模式.本文旨在揭示存在非光滑分岔时动力系统的不同尺度耦合效应.以典型的含两个非光滑分界面的广义蔡氏电路为例,通过引入周期变化的电流源以及一个用于控制的电容,选取适当的参数使得周期频率与系统频率之间存在量级差距,建立了含不同尺度的四维分段线性动力系统模型.基于快子系统在不同区域中的平衡点及其稳定性分析,以及系统轨迹穿越非光滑分界面时的分岔分析,得到了不同余维非光滑分岔的存在条件及其分岔行为.重点探讨了余维-1非光滑分岔下的簇发振荡的吸引子结构及其产生机理,揭示了非光滑分岔下系统复杂振荡行为的本质.The coupling of different scales in nonlinear systems may lead to some special dynamical phenomena, which always behaves in the combination between large-amplitude oscillations and small-amplitude oscillations, namely bursting oscillations. Up to now, most of therelevant reports have focused on the smooth dynamical systems. However, the coupling of different scales in non-smooth systems may lead to more complicated forms of bursting oscillations because of the existences of different types of non-conventional bifurcations in non-smooth systems. The main purpose of the paper is to explore the coupling effects of multiple scales in non-smooth dynamical systems with non-conventional bifurcations which may occur at the non-smooth boundaries. According to the typical generalized Chua's electrical circuit which contains two non-smooth boundaries, we establish a four-dimensional piecewise-linear dynamical model with different scales in frequency domain. In the model, we introduce a periodically changed current source as well as a capacity for controlling. We select suitable parameter values such that an order gap exists between the exciting frequency and the natural frequency. The state space is divided into several regions in which different types of equilibrium points of the fast sub-system can be observed. By employing the generalized Clarke derivative, different forms of non-smooth bifurcations as well as the conditions are derived when the trajectory passes across the non-smooth boundaries. The case of codimension-1 non-conventional bifurcation is taken for example to investigate the effects of multiple scales on the dynamics of the system. Periodic bursting oscillations can be observed in which codimension-1 bifurcation causes the transitions between the quiescent states and the spiking states. The structure analysis of the attractor points out that the trajectory can be divided into three segments located in different regions. The theoretical period of the movement as well as the amplitudes of the spiking oscillations is derived accordingly, which agrees well with the numerical result. Based on the envelope analysis, the mechanism of the bursting oscillations is presented, which reveals the characteristics of the quiescent states and the repetitive spiking oscillations. Furthermore, unlike the fold bifurcations which may lead to jumping phenomena between two different equilibrium points of the system, the non-smooth fold bifurcation may cause the jumping phenomenon between two equilibrium points located in two regions divided by the non-smooth boundaries. When the trajectory of the system passes across the non-smooth boundaries, non-smooth fold bifurcations may cause the system to tend to different equilibrium points, corresponding to the transitions between quiescent states and spiking states, which may lead to the bursting oscillations.
- non-smooth circuit system /
- multiple scales /
- bursting oscillations /
- non-conventional bifurcation
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[1] Siefert A, Henkel F O 2014 Nucl. Eng. Des. 269 130
[2] Duan C, Singh R 2005 J. Sound Vib. 285 1223
[3] Zhusubaliyev Z H, Mosekilde E 2008 Phys. Lett. A 372 2237
[4] Jiang H B, Li T, Zeng X L, Zhang L P 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 120508 (in Chinese)[姜海波, 李涛, 曾小亮, 张丽萍2013物理学报62 120508]
[5] Galvenetto U 2001 J. Sound Vib. 248 653
[6] Carmona V, Fernández-García S, Freire E 2012 Physica D 241 623
[7] Dercole F, Gragnani A, Rinaldi S 2007 Theor. Popul. Biol. 72 197
[8] Zhusubaliyev Z T, Mosekilde E 2008 Physica D 237 930
[9] Rene O, Baptista M S, Caldas I L 2003 Physica D 186 133
[10] Shaw S W, Holmes P A 1983 J. Sound Vib. 90 129
[11] Nordmark A, Dankowicz H, Champneys A 2009 Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 44 1011
[12] Hu H Y 1995 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 5 2201
[13] Xu H D 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation(Sichuan:Southwest Jiaotong University) (in Chinese)[徐慧东2008博士学位论文(四川:西南交通大学)]
[14] Lu Q S, Jin L 2005 Acta Mech. Sol. Sin. 26 132 (in Chinese)[陆启韶, 金俐2005固体力学学报26 132]
[15] Jiang H B, Zhang L P, Chen Z Y, Bi Q S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 080505 (in Chinese)[姜海波, 张丽萍, 陈章耀, 毕勤胜2012物理学报61 080505]
[16] Stavrinides S G, Deliolanis N C 2008 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 36 1055
[17] Leine R I 2006 Physica D 223 121
[18] Jia Z, Leimkuhler B 2003 Future Gener. Comp. Syst. 19 415
[19] Leimkuhler B 2002 Appl. Numer. Math. 43 175
[20] Gyorgy L, Field R J 1992 Nature 355 808
[21] Duan L X, Lu Q S, Wang Q Y 2008 Neurocomputing 72 341
[22] Hodgkin A L, Huxley A F 1952 J. Physiol. 117 500
[23] Izhikevich E M 2000 Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 6 1171
[24] Chua L O, Lin G N 1990 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. 37 885
[25] Mkaouar H, Boubaker O 2012 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 17 1292
[26] Kahan S, Sicardi-Schifino A C 1999 Physica A 262 144
[27] Baptist M S, Caldas I L 1999 Physica D 132 325
[28] Stavrinides S G, Deliolanis N C, Miliou A N, Laopoulos T, Anagnostopoulos A N 2008 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 36 1055
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