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蔡迪 李静 焦乃勋



蔡迪, 李静, 焦乃勋

Preparation and thermophysical properties of graphene nanoplatelets-octadecane phase change composite materials

Cai Di, Li Jing, Jiao Nai-Xun
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文分别制备了纳米石墨烯片质量分数为0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%的纳米石墨烯片-正十八烷复合相变材料, 并通过扫描电镜测试、红外光谱分析、差示扫描量热实验及导热分析等实验对其形貌结构及热物性进行表征和研究. 实验表明本文制备的纳米石墨烯-正十八烷复合相变材料具有很好的相变稳定性; 当纳米石墨烯片的质量分数达到2%时, 复合相变材料的导热系数相对于纯十八烷高出了89.4%.
    Latent heat storage mainly uses the latent heat of phase change material (PCM) to realize thermal energy storage and utilization, which is the most important thermal energy storage method at present. However, most of PCMs have the disadvantage of low thermal conductivity, which greatly restricts the thermal response rate and system efficiency of the thermal energy storage system. With the development of nanotechnology, it is expected to improve the thermal conductivity of traditional PCMs by adding high thermal conductivity nanoparticles. In this paper, a novel two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial, graphene is selected as an additive for PCM. In this paper, graphene nanoplatelets-octadecane phase change composite materials are prepared with a two-step method and the mass fractions of graphene nanoplatelets are 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2%. Their microstructures, morphologies and thermophysical properties are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermal conductivity analysis. The effects of the addition quantity of graphene nanoplatelets on the phase transition temperature, enthalpy, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity and thermal stability of the composite PCM are compared. The experimental results show that the dispersion stability of the graphene nanoplatelets in the composite system is greatly improved by the addition of dispersant, and the system does not produce obvious agglomeration nor sedimentation after multiple phase transformation cycles. The graphene nanoplatelets still maintain good lamellar structure and homogeneous dispersion in the n-octadecane matrix, and no chemical reaction occurs in the composite process. Comparing with the n-octadecane, the melting point of the composite phase change material decreases slightly, and the freezing point increases slightly. With the increase of graphene nanoplatelets, the latent heat value of graphene nanoplatelets-octadecane composite phase change material decreases gradually. For the composite phase change material with 2.0 wt.% graphene nanoplatelets, the melting enthalpy and solidified enthalpy are reduced by 6.01% and 7.35%, respectively. When the mass fractions of graphene nanoplatelets are 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2%, the thermal conductivity values of phase change composite materials are nearly 32.4%, 77.4%, 83.1%, and 89.4% higher than the thermal conductivity value of pure octadecane, respectively. Comparing with the significant increase in thermal conductivity, the addition of graphene nanoplatelets has little effect on the phase transition temperature and latent heat of PCM, and still exhibits the good heat storage performance.
      通信作者: 李静, lj202740@cqu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51606017)、中国博士后科学基金(批准号: 2017M612906)和重庆市博士后科研项目(批准号: Xm2016068)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Jing, lj202740@cqu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51606017), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2017M612906), and the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Chongqing, China (Grant No. Xm2016068).

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  • 图 1  未添加分散剂与添加不同种类分散剂的复合相变材料(GNP 0.5 wt.%)分散稳定性 (a)初始状态; (b)静置15 min; (c)静置30 min; (d)凝固状态

    Fig. 1.  Dispersion stability of composite phase change material (GNP 0.5 wt.%) without addition of dispersant and with adding different kinds of dispersants: (a) Initial state; (b) let the mixture stand for 15 min; (c) let the mixture stand for 30 min; (c) solidification state.

    图 2  复合相变材料(GNP 0.5 wt.%)经历不同次数熔化-凝固循环后的状态 (a) 5次; (b) 10次

    Fig. 2.  Statuses of composite phase change material (GNP 0.5 wt.%) after different melting-solidification cycles: (a) After 5 cycles; (b) after 10 cycles.

    图 3  含有不同纳米石墨烯片质量分数的复合相变材料

    Fig. 3.  Composite phase change materials with different mass fractions of graphene nanoplatelets.

    图 4  微观形貌结构 (a)纳米石墨烯片(× 5000); (b)纳米石墨烯片(× 25000); (c)复合相变材料(× 5000); (d)复合相变材料(× 20000)

    Fig. 4.  The microstructure and morphology of (a) graphene nanoplatelets (× 5000); (b) graphene nanoplatelets (× 25000); (c) composite phase change materials (× 5000); (d) composite phase change materials (× 20000).

    图 5  正十八烷与2.0 wt.%纳米石墨烯片复合相变材料的FTIR光谱

    Fig. 5.  FTIR spectra of n-octadecane and 2.0 wt.% graphene nanoplatelets composite phase change materials.

    图 6  正十八烷及其复合相变材料的DSC曲线

    Fig. 6.  The DSC curves of n-octadecane and composite phase change materials.

    图 8  相变前后的平均比热容

    Fig. 8.  Average specific heat capacity before and after phase transition.

    图 7  复合相变材料比热容随温度变化关系

    Fig. 7.  Temperature dependence of specific heat capacity of composite phase change materials.

    图 9  不同质量分数的纳米石墨烯片复合相变材料在20 ℃时的热扩散系数及导热系数

    Fig. 9.  Thermal diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity of graphene nanoplatelets composite phase change materials with different mass fractions at 20 ℃.

    表 1  正十八烷及其复合相变材料熔化过程的相变温度及相变焓

    Table 1.  Phase transition temperature and enthalpy of n-octadecane and composite phase change materials during melting process.

    材料 起始温度 Tms/℃ 峰值 Tmp /℃ 终止温度 Tme/℃ 相变焓 Hm/J·g–1
    正十八烷 28.1 33.3 35.9 241.4
    0.5%纳米石墨烯片/正十八烷 27.9 33.5 36.5 237.4
    1.0%纳米石墨烯片/正十八烷 27.9 32.9 36.0 237.0
    1.5%纳米石墨烯片/正十八烷 27.5 33.4 36.2 234.8
    2.0%纳米石墨烯片/正十八烷 27.9 33.3 35.7 226.9
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    表 2  正十八烷及其复合相变材料凝固过程的相变温度及相变焓

    Table 2.  Phase transition temperature and enthalpy of n-octadecane and composite phase change materials during solidification process.

    材料 起始温度 Tss/℃ 峰值 Tsp/℃ 终止温度 Tse/℃ 相变焓 Hs /J·g–1
    正十八烷 26.1 21.5 19.8 –240.7
    0.5%纳米石墨烯片/正十八烷 26.3 20.9 19.0 –237.8
    1.0%纳米石墨烯片/正十八烷 26.5 21.1 19.3 –237.2
    1.5%纳米石墨烯片/正十八烷 26.4 21.5 20.0 –233.5
    2.0%纳米石墨烯片/正十八烷 26.5 21.1 19.5 –223.0
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    Liu L K, Su D, Tang Y J, Fang G Y 2016 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 62 305Google Scholar


    Tay N H S, Liu M, Belusko M, Bruno F 2016 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 75 264


    Alva G, Lin Y X, Fang G Y 2018 Energy 144 341Google Scholar


    Reddy K S, Mudgal V, Mallick T K 2018 J. Energy Storage 15 205Google Scholar


    Jaguemont J, Omar N, Den Bossche P V, Mierlo J V 2017 Appl. Therm. Eng. S 1359-4311 31976


    Li Y T, Du Y X, Xu T, Wu Huijun, Zhou X Q, Ling Z Y, Zhang Z G 2018 Appl. Therm. Eng. 131 766Google Scholar


    Giro-Paloma J, Martinez M, Cabeza L F, Fernandez A L 2016 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 53 1059Google Scholar


    Jamekhorshid A, Sadrameli S M, Farid M 2014 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 31 531Google Scholar


    Ibrahim N I, Al-Sulaiman F A, Rahman S, Yilbas B S, Sahin A Z 2017 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 74 26Google Scholar


    Mohamed N H, Soliman F S, El Maghraby H, Moustfa Y M 2017 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 70 1052Google Scholar


    Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V 2004 Science 306 666Google Scholar


    Ghosh S, Calizo I, Teweldebrhan D, Pokatilov E P 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 1148


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    Chae H K, Siberio-Perez D Y, Kim J 2004 Nature 427 523Google Scholar


    Fu Y X, He Z X, Mo D C, Lu S S 2014 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 86 276Google Scholar


    Mehrali M, Latibari S T, Mehrali M, Mahlia T M I, Metselaar H S C, Naghavi M S, Sadeghinezhad E, Akhiani A R 2013 Appl. Therm. Eng. 61 633Google Scholar


    Amin M, Putra N, Kosasih E A, Prawiro E, Luanto R A, Mahlia T M I 2017 Appl. Therm. Eng. 112 273Google Scholar


    Liu X, Rao Z 2017 Thermochim. Acta 647 15Google Scholar


    周艳, 张金辉, 王艳, 路海滨, 李庆领 2013 材料导报 27 8Google Scholar

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    吴炳洋, 郑帼, 孙玉, 陈旭 2016 高分子学报 2 242

    Wu B Y, Zheng G, Sun Y, Chen X 2016 Acta Polym. Sin. 2 242


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