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李俊霖 李瑞宾 丁李利 陈伟 刘岩



李俊霖, 李瑞宾, 丁李利, 陈伟, 刘岩

TCAD simulation analysis of vertical parasitic effect induced by pulsed γ- ray in NMOS from 180 nm to 40 nm technology nodes

Li Jun-Lin, Li Rui-Bin, Ding Li-Li, Chen Wei, Liu Yan
  • 金属氧化物场效应晶体管作为大规模数字电路的基本单元, 其内部的寄生效应一直以来被认为是影响集成电路在脉冲γ射线辐射环境中发生扰动、翻转以及闩锁的重要因素. 为研究脉冲γ射线诱发N型金属氧化物场效应晶体管内部纵向寄生效应的开启机制, 通过TCAD构建了40, 90以及180 nm 3种不同工艺节点的NMOS晶体管进行瞬时电离辐射效应仿真, 得到了纵向寄生三极管电流增益随工艺节点的变化趋势、纵向寄生三极管的开启条件及其对NMOS晶体管工作状态的影响. 结果表明: 1)脉冲γ射线在辐射瞬时诱发NMOS晶体管内部阱电势抬升是导致纵向寄生三极管开启的主要原因; 2)当纵向寄生三极管导通时, NMOS晶体管内部会产生强烈的二次光电流影响晶体管的工作状态; 3) NMOS晶体管内部纵向寄生三极管的电流增益随工艺节点的减小而减小. 研究结果可为电子器件的瞬时电离辐射效应机理研究提供理论依据.
    The parasitic effect inside metal oxide field effect transistor regarded as the basic structure of large scale digital circuits, has long been considered as an important factor affecting the disturbance, upset and latchup of integrated circuits in pulsed γ-ray radiation environment. To investigate the turn-on mechanism of vertical parasitic effect in NMOSFET induced by pulsed γ-ray radiation, the 40 nm, 90 nm and 180 nm NMOSFET device models are constructed by TCAD and the normal electrical characteristics are calibrated. The trend of vertical parasitic triode current gain, the turn-on conditions of vertical parasitic triode and their influence on working state of NMOSFET are obtained. The simulation results are shown below. 1) The disturbance of well potential inside NMOSFET induced by pulsed γ-ray radiation is the main reason for the turn-on of vertical parasitic triode. 2) When vertical parasitic triode is turn-on, the large secondary photocurrent will be generated inside NMOSFET which will affect the working state of the transistor. 3) The current gain of vertical parasitic triode in NMOSFET decreases with the technology node decreasing. The results provide a theoretical basis for studying the transient ionizing radiation effects of electronic devices.
      通信作者: 李俊霖, lijunlin@nint.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11835006)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Li Jun-Lin, lijunlin@nint.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11835006)

    Wirth J L, Rogers S C 1964 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 11 24Google Scholar


    Enlow E W, Alexander D R 1988 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 35 1467Google Scholar


    Fjeldly T A, Deng Y Q, Shur M S, Hjalmarson H P, Muyshondt A, Ytterdal T 2001 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 48 1721Google Scholar


    Alexander D R 2003 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50 565Google Scholar


    赖祖武 1998 抗辐射电子学(北京: 国防工业出版社) 第288—300页

    Lai Z W 1998 Radiation Electronics (Beijing: Defense Industry Press) pp288–300 (in Chinese)


    Lewis C 1995 Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics (Alexandria: Defense Nuclear Agency) pp200–245


    马强, 林东生, 范如玉, 陈伟, 杨善潮, 龚建成, 王桂珍, 齐超 2010 原子能科学技术 44 545Google Scholar

    Ma Q, Lin D S, Fan R Y, Chen W, Yang S C, Gong J C, Wang G Z, Qi C 2010 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 44 545Google Scholar


    Oh S C, Lee N H, Lee H H 2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Jeju Island, Korea, October 17–21, 2012 p1233


    王桂珍, 林东生, 齐超, 白小燕, 杨善潮, 李瑞宾, 马强, 金晓明, 刘岩 2014 原子能科学技术 48 2165Google Scholar

    Wang G Z, Lin D S, Qi C, Bai X Y, Yang S C, Li R B, Ma Q, Jin X M, Liu Y 2014 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 48 2165Google Scholar


    Massengill L W, Diehl-Nagle S E 1985 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 32 4026Google Scholar


    Massengill L W, Diehl-Nagle S E 1986 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 33 1541Google Scholar


    Li J L, Chen W, Li R B, Wang G Z, Yang S C 2019 3rd Internaltional Conference on Radiation Effects of Electronic Devices Chongqing, China, May 29–31, 2019 pp1–4


    Boselli G, Reddy V, Duvvury C 2005 43rd Annual International Reliability Physics Symposium San Jose, USA, April 17–21, 2005 p137


    Li R B, Chen W, Lin D S, Yang S C, Bai X Y, Wang G Z, Liu Y, Qi C, Ma Q 2012 Sci. Chin. Tech. Sci. 55 3242Google Scholar


    Keshavarz A A, Fischer T A, Dawes W R, Hawkins C F 1988 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 35 1422Google Scholar


    Olson B D, Amusan O A, Dasgupta S, Massengill L W, Witulski A F, Bhuva B L, Alles M L, Warrenm K M, Ball D R 2007 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 54 894Google Scholar


    Ahlbin J R, Atkinson N M, Gadlage M J, Gaspard N J, Bhuva B L, Loveless T D, Zhang E X, Chen L, Massengill L W 2011 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 2585Google Scholar


    金晓明, 范如玉, 陈伟, 王桂珍, 林东生, 杨善潮, 白小燕 2010 原子能科学技术 44 1487Google Scholar

    Jin X M, Fan R Y, Chen W, Wang G Z, Lin D S, Yang S C, Bai X Y 2010 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 44 1487Google Scholar


    Calienes W, Reis R, Anghel C, Vladimirescu A 2014 IEEE 57th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Texas, USA, August 3–6, 2014 p655


    Wunsch T F, Hash G L, Hewlett F W, Treece R K 1991 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 38 1392Google Scholar


    Dasgupta S 2007 M. S. Thesis (Nashville: Vanderbilt University)


    Atkinson N M 2010 M. S. Thesis (Nashville: Vanderbilt University)


    Li R B, Wang C H, He C H, Chen W, Li J L, Qi C, Liu Y 2020 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 470 32Google Scholar


    Neamen D A 2007 Semiconductor Physics and Devices Basic Principles (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp284–285

  • 图 1  NMOS管寄生效应示意图

    Fig. 1.  Parasitic effect schematic of NMOS.

    图 2  NMOS管二维剖面

    Fig. 2.  Two-dimensional profile of NMOS.

    图 3  NMOS管沟道处掺杂

    Fig. 3.  Channel doping of NMOS.

    图 4  40 nm NMOS管常态特性校准曲线 (a) 转移特性曲线; (b) 输出特性曲线

    Fig. 4.  Normal characteristic calibration curve of 40 nm NMOS: (a) Transfer characteristic curve; (b) output characteristic curve.

    图 6  180 nm NMOS管常态特性校准曲线 (a) 转移特性曲线; (b) 输出特性曲线

    Fig. 6.  Normal characteristic calibration curve of 180 nm NMOS: (a) Transfer characteristic curve; (b) output characteristic curve.

    图 5  90 nm NMOS管常态特性校准曲线 (a)转移特性曲线; (b) 输出特性曲线

    Fig. 5.  Normal characteristic calibration curve of 90 nm NMOS: (a) Transfer characteristic curve; (b) output characteristic curve.

    图 7  NMOS管截止时内部瞬时光电流 (a) 源极、漏极瞬时光电流; (b) P阱、衬底瞬时光电流

    Fig. 7.  Photocurrent of NMOS when channel is cut-off: (a) Photocurrent of source and drain; (b) photocurrent of P-well and substrate.

    图 8  NMOS管导通时内部光电流 (a) 源极、漏极瞬时光电流; (b) P阱、衬底瞬时光电流

    Fig. 8.  Photocurrent of NMOS when channel is turn-on: (a) Photocurrent of source and drain; (b) photocurrent of P-well and substrate.

    图 9  脉冲γ射线剂量率为2×107Gy(Si)/s时NMOS管电势分布随时间变化 (a) 20 ns; (b) 70 ns; (c) 120 ns; (d) 200 ns

    Fig. 9.  Variation of NMOS potential distribution over time when dose rate of transient γ-ray is 2×107Gy(Si)/s: (a) 20 ns; (b) 70 ns; (c) 120 ns; (d) 200 ns.

    图 10  脉冲γ射线剂量率为1×1010Gy(Si)/s时NMOS管电势分布随时间变化 (a) 20 ns; (b) 70 ns; (c) 120 ns; (d) 200 ns

    Fig. 10.  Variation of NMOS potential distribution over time when dose rate of transient γ-ray is 1×1010Gy(Si)/s: (a) 20 ns; (b) 70 ns; (c) 120 ns; (d) 200 ns.

    图 11  NMOS管截止时内部瞬时光电流

    Fig. 11.  Photocurrent of NMOS when channel is cut-off.

    图 12  NMOS管导通时内部瞬时光电流

    Fig. 12.  Photocurrent of NMOS when channel is turn-on.

    图 13  纵向寄生三极管电流增益

    Fig. 13.  Gain of the vertial NPN triode vs voltage of pwell.

    图 14  共发射极电流增益随集电极电流变化趋势

    Fig. 14.  Tendency of current gain of the common emitter to the current of collector.

    表 1  不同尺寸NMOS管结构参数与工艺参数

    Table 1.  Structure and process parameters of NMOS with different feature size.

    40401202 × 10201.5 × 10192 × 10207.5 × 10187.5 × 1018
    90802002 × 10201 × 10182 × 10208.2 × 10188 × 1018
    1801805401 × 10208 × 10171 × 10208 × 10187 × 1018
    下载: 导出CSV
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    Wirth J L, Rogers S C 1964 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 11 24Google Scholar


    Enlow E W, Alexander D R 1988 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 35 1467Google Scholar


    Fjeldly T A, Deng Y Q, Shur M S, Hjalmarson H P, Muyshondt A, Ytterdal T 2001 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 48 1721Google Scholar


    Alexander D R 2003 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50 565Google Scholar


    赖祖武 1998 抗辐射电子学(北京: 国防工业出版社) 第288—300页

    Lai Z W 1998 Radiation Electronics (Beijing: Defense Industry Press) pp288–300 (in Chinese)


    Lewis C 1995 Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics (Alexandria: Defense Nuclear Agency) pp200–245


    马强, 林东生, 范如玉, 陈伟, 杨善潮, 龚建成, 王桂珍, 齐超 2010 原子能科学技术 44 545Google Scholar

    Ma Q, Lin D S, Fan R Y, Chen W, Yang S C, Gong J C, Wang G Z, Qi C 2010 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 44 545Google Scholar


    Oh S C, Lee N H, Lee H H 2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Jeju Island, Korea, October 17–21, 2012 p1233


    王桂珍, 林东生, 齐超, 白小燕, 杨善潮, 李瑞宾, 马强, 金晓明, 刘岩 2014 原子能科学技术 48 2165Google Scholar

    Wang G Z, Lin D S, Qi C, Bai X Y, Yang S C, Li R B, Ma Q, Jin X M, Liu Y 2014 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 48 2165Google Scholar


    Massengill L W, Diehl-Nagle S E 1985 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 32 4026Google Scholar


    Massengill L W, Diehl-Nagle S E 1986 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 33 1541Google Scholar


    Li J L, Chen W, Li R B, Wang G Z, Yang S C 2019 3rd Internaltional Conference on Radiation Effects of Electronic Devices Chongqing, China, May 29–31, 2019 pp1–4


    Boselli G, Reddy V, Duvvury C 2005 43rd Annual International Reliability Physics Symposium San Jose, USA, April 17–21, 2005 p137


    Li R B, Chen W, Lin D S, Yang S C, Bai X Y, Wang G Z, Liu Y, Qi C, Ma Q 2012 Sci. Chin. Tech. Sci. 55 3242Google Scholar


    Keshavarz A A, Fischer T A, Dawes W R, Hawkins C F 1988 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 35 1422Google Scholar


    Olson B D, Amusan O A, Dasgupta S, Massengill L W, Witulski A F, Bhuva B L, Alles M L, Warrenm K M, Ball D R 2007 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 54 894Google Scholar


    Ahlbin J R, Atkinson N M, Gadlage M J, Gaspard N J, Bhuva B L, Loveless T D, Zhang E X, Chen L, Massengill L W 2011 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 2585Google Scholar


    金晓明, 范如玉, 陈伟, 王桂珍, 林东生, 杨善潮, 白小燕 2010 原子能科学技术 44 1487Google Scholar

    Jin X M, Fan R Y, Chen W, Wang G Z, Lin D S, Yang S C, Bai X Y 2010 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 44 1487Google Scholar


    Calienes W, Reis R, Anghel C, Vladimirescu A 2014 IEEE 57th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Texas, USA, August 3–6, 2014 p655


    Wunsch T F, Hash G L, Hewlett F W, Treece R K 1991 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 38 1392Google Scholar


    Dasgupta S 2007 M. S. Thesis (Nashville: Vanderbilt University)


    Atkinson N M 2010 M. S. Thesis (Nashville: Vanderbilt University)


    Li R B, Wang C H, He C H, Chen W, Li J L, Qi C, Liu Y 2020 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 470 32Google Scholar


    Neamen D A 2007 Semiconductor Physics and Devices Basic Principles (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp284–285

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-09-10
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  • 上网日期:  2022-02-14
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