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侯尚林 薛乐梅 黎锁平 刘延君 徐永钊



侯尚林, 薛乐梅, 黎锁平, 刘延君, 徐永钊

Study on characteristics of acoustic modes via stimulated Brillouin scattering in photonic crystal fiber

Hou Shang-Lin, Xue Le-Mei, Li Suo-Ping, Liu Yan-Jun, Xu Yong-Zhao
  • 推导了光子晶体光纤中声波微小位移波动方程; 研究了泵浦波长以及纤芯折射率对声波模式的影响; 应用石英圆柱模型研究了小芯径光子晶体光纤中纤芯直径对布里渊声波模式色散的影响. 结果表明在光子晶体光纤中, 纵向声波和横向声波共同作用产生质点声场, 两者相互耦合将产生混合声波模式; 可以通过改变泵浦波长或光子晶体光纤纤芯折射率来改变参与布里渊散射(BS) 过程的声波模式的传播常数; 随着光子晶体光纤(PCF) 纤芯直径的增大, 声波模式耦合程度得到加强, 相速度呈减小趋势, 且同一传播常数下, 声波模式数呈增多趋势; 随着泵浦波频率的增大, 声波相速度减小.
    The effects of optical fiber parameters, pump wavelength and the fiber core refractive index in small-core photonic crystal fibers on characteristics of acoustic modes and the dependency of the acoustic modes coupling are investigated by the effective index method. The results indicate that both the mixed longitudinal acoustic mode and transverse acoustic mode jointly produce the acoustic fields, and their coupling forms the mixed acoustic mode; the propagation constant of acoustic mode can be changed by tailoring the pump wavelength or the PCF core refractive index in the process of SBS; the acoustic mode coupling increase and the phase velocity of the acoustic mode decreases with the increase of the PCF core diameter, and there is also a growing trend of the number of the acoustic modes at the same propagation constant. The velocity decreases with the increase of the frequency of the pump wave.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61167005)、 甘肃省自然科学基金项目(批准号: 1010RJZA036)、 兰州理工大学博士启动基金和广东省自然科学基金 (批准号: 10451170003004948) 资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61167005), Gansu Province Natural Science Found (Grant No. 1010RJZA036), Doctor Starting Fund of Lanzhou University and Guangdong Province Natural Science Fund (Grant No. 10451170004948).

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    Huang Y, Zhang W, Wang Y, Huang Y D, Peng J D 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1731(in Chinese) [黄俨, 张巍, 王胤, 黄翊东, 彭江得 2009 物理学报 58 1731]


    Hou S L, Zhang S J, Li S P, Liu Y J, Xu Y Z 2011 Acta Opt. Sin. 31 0506004 (in Chinese) [侯尚林, 张书军, 黎锁平, 刘延君, 徐永钊 2011 光学学报 31 0506004]


    Hou S L, Li H B, Li S P, Liu Y J, Xu Y Z 2011 Acta Opt. Sin. 31 0606008 (in Chinese) [侯尚林, 李红兵, 黎锁平, 刘延君, 徐永钊 2011 光学学报 31 0606008]


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    Li Y, Liu Y G, Zhao J F, Tai B Y, Yan A D 2010 Front. Optoelectron. China 3 260

  • [1]

    Damzen M J, Vlad V I, Babin V, Mocofanescu A 2003 Stimulated Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals and Applications (London: Institute of Physics Publishing) p6


    Agrawal G P 1995 Nonlinear Fiber Optics (California: Academic Press) p306


    Zolla F 2005 Foundations of Photonic Crystal Fibers (London: Imperial College Press) p13


    Yan M 2005 arXiv: 0508139v2 [physics.optics]


    Cui Y L, Hou L T 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2571 (in Chinese) [崔艳玲, 侯蓝田 2010 物理学报 59 2571]


    Cheng T L, Chai L, Li Y F, Hu M L, Wang Q Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 024216 (in Chinese) [程同蕾, 柴路, 栗岩峰, 胡明列, 王清月 2011 物理学报 60 024216]


    Chen W, Li S Y, Lei D Y, Luo W Y, Wang D X, Huang Wen J 2009 OFCIO


    Russell P S J, Marin E, Diez A 2003 Opt. Express 11 2555


    Enomori I, Saitoh K, Koshiba M, Matsui T 2005 Electron. Comm. Jpn. 88 27


    Dainese P, Russell P S J, Joly N, Knight J C, Wiederhecker G S, Fragnito H L, Laude V, Khelif A 2006 Nat. Phys. 2 388


    Huang Y, Zhang W, Wang Y, Huang Y D, Peng J D 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1731(in Chinese) [黄俨, 张巍, 王胤, 黄翊东, 彭江得 2009 物理学报 58 1731]


    Hou S L, Zhang S J, Li S P, Liu Y J, Xu Y Z 2011 Acta Opt. Sin. 31 0506004 (in Chinese) [侯尚林, 张书军, 黎锁平, 刘延君, 徐永钊 2011 光学学报 31 0506004]


    Hou S L, Li H B, Li S P, Liu Y J, Xu Y Z 2011 Acta Opt. Sin. 31 0606008 (in Chinese) [侯尚林, 李红兵, 黎锁平, 刘延君, 徐永钊 2011 光学学报 31 0606008]


    McElhenny J E, Pattnaik R K, Toulouse J, Saitoh K, Koshiba M 2008 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25 582


    Dainese P, Russell P S J, Wiederhecker G S, Joly N, Fragnito H L, Laude V, Khelif A 2006 Opt. Express 14 4141


    Thurston R N 1978 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 64 1


    Kuttruff H 2007 Acoustics (New York: Taylor & Francies Group) p191


    Li Y, Liu Y G, Zhao J F, Tai B Y, Yan A D 2010 Front. Optoelectron. China 3 260

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  • 收稿日期:  2011-10-26
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