The accurate measurements of rainfall distribution with high spatial and temporal resolution have important implications in meteorology, hydrology, agriculture, environmental policies, flood warning and weather forecasting. Based on the rain-induced power-law attenuation equation, a method is presented to reconstruct the rainfall field using rain-induced attenuation data from microwave links, and a tomographic model is formulated. Simutareous itesative reconstruction technigue (SIRT) algorithm and regularization method are employed in the tomographic model separately. The simulated result shows that the tomographic model and iterative algorithms are able to reconstruct the intensity and features of original rainfall field preferably. The distribution of rain rate with high spatial and temporal resolution is also available. Therefore, rain estimation exploiting microwave attenuation measurement data is a useful complement to traditional rain gauge and radar derived estimations.
- rain-induced microwave attenuation measurements /
- microwave links /
- rainfall field reconstruction /
- tomography
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[2] Sorooshian S, Aghakouchak A, Arkin P, Eylander J, Foufoula-Georgiou E, Harmon R, Hendrickx J M H, Imam B, Gowski R K, Skahill B, Skofronick-Jackson G 2011 B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 92 1271
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[15] Olsen R, Rogers D V, Hodge D B 1978 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 26 318
[16] International Telecommunication Union 2005 Rec. p838-3-321
[17] Zhang K, Zhu P P, Huang W X, Yuan Q X, Liu L, Yuan B, Wang J Y, Shu H, Chen B, Liu Y J, Li E R, Liu X S, Wu Z Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3410 (in Chinese) [张凯, 朱佩平, 黄万霞, 袁清习, 刘力, 袁斌, 王寯越, 舒航, 陈博, 刘宜晋, 李恩荣, 刘小松, 吴自玉 2008 物理学报 57 3410]
[18] Zhou W J, Hu W T, Guo L, Xu Q S, Yu Y J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8499 (in Chinese) [周文静, 胡文涛, 郭路, 徐强胜, 于瀛洁 2010 物理学报 59 8499]
[19] Messer-Yaron H, Alpert P, Zinevich A, Goldshtein O Patent 20090160700 [2009-06-25]
[20] Zhong J, Huang S X, Du H D, Zhang L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 034301
[21] Zhong J, Huang S X, Fei J F, Du H D, Zhang L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 064301
[1] Sorooshian S, Aghakouchak A, Arkin P, Eylander J, Foufoula-Georgiou E, Harmon R, Hendrickx J M H, Imam B, Gowski R K, Skahill B, Skofronick-Jackson G 2011 B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 92 1353
[2] Sorooshian S, Aghakouchak A, Arkin P, Eylander J, Foufoula-Georgiou E, Harmon R, Hendrickx J M H, Imam B, Gowski R K, Skahill B, Skofronick-Jackson G 2011 B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 92 1271
[3] Liu X C, Gao T C, Qin J, Liu L 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2156 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 高太长, 秦健, 刘磊 2010 物理学报 59 2156]
[4] Ryde J 1947 Meteorological factors in radio wave propagation London, Britain, April 8,1946, p169
[5] Wexler R, Atlas D 1963 J. Appl. Meteorol. 2 276
[6] Atlas D, Ulbrich C W 1977 J. Appl. Meteorol. 16 1322
[7] Minda H, Nakamura K 2005 J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 22 165
[8] Hardaker P J, Holt A R, Goddard J W F 1997 Radio Sci. 32 1785
[9] Holt A R, Kuznetsov G G, Rahimi A R 2003 IEE Proc. -Microw. Antennas Propag. 150 315
[10] Upton G J G, Holt A R, Cummings R J, Rahimi A R, Goddard J W F 2005 Atmos. Res. 77 300
[11] Messer H, Zinevich A, Alpert P 2006 Science 312 713
[12] Zinevich A, Alpert P, Messer H 2008 Adv. Water Resource. 31 1470
[13] Freeman R 1991 Telecommunications Transmission Handbook (3rd Edn.) (Canada: John Wiley & Sons Inc.) p494
[14] Ulaby F T, Moore R K, Fung A K 1981 Microwave Remote Sensing (Vol. 1) (Norwood, MA: Artech House) p279
[15] Olsen R, Rogers D V, Hodge D B 1978 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 26 318
[16] International Telecommunication Union 2005 Rec. p838-3-321
[17] Zhang K, Zhu P P, Huang W X, Yuan Q X, Liu L, Yuan B, Wang J Y, Shu H, Chen B, Liu Y J, Li E R, Liu X S, Wu Z Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3410 (in Chinese) [张凯, 朱佩平, 黄万霞, 袁清习, 刘力, 袁斌, 王寯越, 舒航, 陈博, 刘宜晋, 李恩荣, 刘小松, 吴自玉 2008 物理学报 57 3410]
[18] Zhou W J, Hu W T, Guo L, Xu Q S, Yu Y J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8499 (in Chinese) [周文静, 胡文涛, 郭路, 徐强胜, 于瀛洁 2010 物理学报 59 8499]
[19] Messer-Yaron H, Alpert P, Zinevich A, Goldshtein O Patent 20090160700 [2009-06-25]
[20] Zhong J, Huang S X, Du H D, Zhang L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 034301
[21] Zhong J, Huang S X, Fei J F, Du H D, Zhang L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 064301
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