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李晨璞 韩英荣 展永 谢革英 胡金江 张礼刚 贾利云



李晨璞, 韩英荣, 展永, 谢革英, 胡金江, 张礼刚, 贾利云

The single-direction energy transition model of molecular motor based on the control of adenosine triphosphate

Li Chen-Pu, Han Ying-Rong, Zhan Yong, Xie Ge-Ying, Hu Jin-Jiang, Zhang Li-Gang, Jia Li-Yun
  • 分子马达的梯跳运动和在过阻尼溶液中动力学原理尚未揭示清楚, 从分子马达输运特点和实验现象出发, 构建满足朗之万方程的单向能量跃迁模型, 并通过Monte Carlo方法分析了分子马达的随机动力学行为. 结果表明, 在合适的跃迁能量作用下, 分子马达可以利用噪声进行稳定的梯跳运动和有效的输运, 但负载力会减弱分子马达系统的输运能力; 轨道周期势虽影响分子马达速度的大小但不会改变其运动方向, 分子马达运动方向由跃迁能量决定; 另外, 虽然在不同的噪声强度时平均速度不为零, 但是分子马达系统的高效输运对噪声有一定选择性.
    The dynamic principle of molecular motor transport in overdamped solution remains unclear. Starting from the transport characteristics and phenomenon of the molecular motor system, the single-direction energy transition model is established, which conforms to the Langevin equation, and the stochastic dynamics of molecular motors is analyzed by Monte Carlo simulations. Results show that with the right transition energy, molecular motors could take a stable stepping motion and effective transport by means of the environment noise, and the load force can weaken material transportation of the molecular motor system. The potential field between a molecular motor and its orbit can affect the magnitude of the velocity of motor, but cannot change the direction of the velocity, the direction of motion of the molecular motor therefore is adjusted by the transition energy of the motor. In addition, although the average velocity is not zero for different noise intensities, the efficient transport of a molecular motor system indicates that the system is selective for the noise intensity.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10975045);河北省教育厅科研基金(批准号:2008427c、Z2012175)和张家口市科学技术研究项目(批准号:1101006B)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10975045), the Scientific Research Foundation of the Education Department of Hebei Province, China (Grant Nos. 2008427c, Z2012175), and the Scientific Research Foundation of ZhangJiaKou City, Hebei Province, China (Grant No. 1101006B).

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    Rogat A D, Miler K G 2002 Journal of Cell Sciencs 115 4855


    Hasson T, Gillespie P G, Garcia J A, MacDonald R B, Zhao Y D, Yee A G, Mooseker M S, Corey D P 1997 Journal of Cell Biology 137 1287


    Bao J D, Zhuo Y Z 1998 Chinese Science Bulletin 43 1493


    Bao J D 1997 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 14 463 (in Chinese) [包景东 1997 计算物理 14 463]


    Marchesoni F 1997 Physical Review E 56 2497


    Guo C, Yin Y H 2010 Chinese Science Bulletin 55 2675 (in Chinese) [郭朝, 殷跃红 2010 科学通报 55 2675]


    Kolomeisky A B, Fisher M E 2003 Biophysical Journal 84 1642


    Xu W, Zhang X Y 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 928


    Bai W S M, Peng H, Tu Z, Ma H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 210501 (in Chinese) [白文斯密, 彭皓, 屠浙, 马洪 2012 物理学报 61 210501]


    Wu W X, Zhao T J, Zhan Y, Guan R H 2003 Journal of Hebei University of Technology 32 15 (in Chinese) [吴魏霞, 赵同军, 展永, 关荣华 2003 河北工业大学学报 32 15]


    Feng J, Zhuo Y Z 2005 Chinese Physics Letters 22 503


    Zhan Y, Zhao T J, Zhuo Y Z, Wu X Z 1998 Acta Biophysica Sinica 14 737 (in Chinese) [展永, 赵同军, 卓益忠, 吴锡真 1998 生物物理学报 14 737]


    Zhou Y, Bao J D 2004 Physica A 343 515


    Feng J, Zhuo Y Z 2005 Chinese Physics Letters 22 503


    Astumian R D 1997 Science 276 917


    Bao J D, Zhuo Y Z, Wu X Z 1996 Phy. Lett. A 215 154


    Wang M D, Schnitzer M J, Yin H, Landick R, Gelles J, Block S M 1998 Science 282 902


    Fisher M E, Kolomeisky A B 2011 PNAS 98 7748


    Wang H Y, Bao J D 2010 Physica A 389 433


    Li F Z, Su W F, Hu K H 2009 Acta Biophysica Sinica 25 133 (in Chinese) [李防震, 苏万芳, 胡匡祜 2009 生物物理学报 25 133]


    Chen Z X 2003 Computational physics(Vol.2)(Harbin:Harbin Institute of Technology Press) p92 (in Chinese) [陈锺贤 2003 计算物理学(第二版)(哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社)第92页]


    Kaan H Y K, Hackney D D, Kozielski F 2011 Science 333 883


    Xie P, Dou S X, Wang P Y 2005 Chin. Phys. 14 744


    Ménétrey J, Bahloul A, Wells AL 2005 Nature 435 779


    Chen J C, Su G Z 2010 Thermodynamics and statistical physics(Vol.1) (Beijing:Science Press) p268 (in Chinese) [陈金灿, 苏国珍 2010 热力学与统计物理学(第一版)(北京: 科学出版社)第268页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-05-18
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