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秦猛 李延标 白忠



秦猛, 李延标, 白忠

Effects of inhomogeneous magnetic field and magnetic impurity on the quantum correlation of spin-1 system

Qin Meng, Li Yan-Biao, Bai Zhong
  • 通过负值度和测量诱导的扰动, 研究了非均匀磁场和杂质磁场对自旋为1的Heisenberg系统量子关联的影响. 研究发现非均匀磁场的增加会降低纠缠, 但也可用来产生纠缠, 并且会提高临界非线性作用Kc的值, 测量诱导的扰动的临界磁场要高于负值度的临界磁场, 而且测量诱导的扰动不会随着非线性作用|K| 的减小而消失, 它能全面反映量子关联的存在. 研究还发现, 不同杂质磁场对测量诱导的扰动的影响彼此间无交叉. 杂质磁场下, 相互作用|J| 必须小于非线性作用|K| 才会有纠缠存在, 但是测量诱导的扰动却可以在相互作用|J| 大于非线性作用|K| 时依然存在, |J| 与|K| 相同时只是测量诱导的扰动的最小取值点. 此外, 系统粒子数目对量子关联也具有重要影响.
    We investigate the effects of inhomogeneous magnetic field and magnetic impurity on the quantum correlation in spin-1 system by means of negativity and measurement-induced disturbance. Results show that the increase of the inhomogeneous magnetic field not only decreases entanglement, but also can induce the entanglement, and increases the value of critical nonlinear coupling Kc. The critical magnetic field for measurement-induced disturbance is higher than that for negativity, and the measurement-induced disturbance (MID) will not disappear with the decrease of nonlinear coupling |K|, so it can reveal all the properties of quantum correlation. Results also show that the effects of different magnetic impurity on MID are independent of each other. Under the magnetic impurity, the entanglement exists only if the couplings |J| are less than the nonlinear couplings |K|, while there will be the MID when the couplings |J| are greater than the nonlinear couplings |K|. It is just the minimum point for MID when |J| equals to |K|. Moreover, the size of the Chain will influence the quantum correlation also.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11035001, 11375086, 11105079, 10975072)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号: 2010CB327803, 2013CB834400)、中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目(批准号: KJCX2-SW-N02)、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(批准号: 20100091110028)和解放军理工大学预研基金资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11035001, 11375086, 11105079 and 10975072), the National Major State Basic Research and Development of China (Grant Nos. 2013CB834400 and 2010CB327803), the CAS Knowledge Innovation Project (Grant No. KJCX2-SW-N02), the Research Fund of Doctoral Point (Grant No. 20100091110028), and the Pre-research Foundation of PLA University of Science and Technology.

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    Qin M, Bai Z, Li Y B, Lin S J 2011 Opt. Commun. 284 3149


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    Zhou T, Long G L, Fu S S, Lsuo S L 2013 Physics 42 544 (in Chinese) [周涛, 龙桂鲁, 傅双双, 骆顺龙 2013 物理 42 544]


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    Shen C H, Zhang G F, Fan K M, Zhu H J 2014 Chin Phys B 23 050310


    Qin M, Tian D P, Tao Y J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5395 (in Chinese) [秦猛, 田东平, 陶应娟 2008 物理学报 57 5395]


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  • 收稿日期:  2014-08-18
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