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李兴华 杨亚天



李兴华, 杨亚天

Near classical states of three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator in spherical coordinate system

Li Xing-Hua, Yang Ya-Tian
  • 把坐标平均值随时间的变化和在宏观条件下与经典解相同的量子态定义为类经典态(NCS), 并求解球坐标中三维各向同性谐振子的NCS问题, 有助于从波动力学角度理解量子到经典过渡的问题. 选与经典态相应的大量子数附近的矩形波包作为NCS, 得到与经典解一致的结果, 但NCS不是惟一的. 一个经典态可以有很多NCS与之对应, 就像一个热力学态可以有无数力学态与之对应一样, 从量子到经典的描述是一个粗粒化和信息丢失的过程.
    One can easily understand the transition from special relativity to Newton mechanics under the condition of v/c 1. But it is not so easy to understand the transition from quantum representation to classical representation from the point of view of wave mechanics. We define such a quantum state as near classical state (NCS), in which the mean value of coordinates equals the classical solution on a macroscopic scale. We take the NCS for three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator in a spherical coordinate system for example. We take and choose cnl =(1/(2N+1))(1/(2lM+1)). The mean values of coordinates are r2 =(Ecl)/(2)(1+1-((2Lcl2)/(Ecl2)cos(2t)) and tg = (Ecl/lcl)[1-1-((Lcl)/(Ecl)2]tg(t)) in this NCS, which are in agreement with the classical solution on a macroscopic scale, where N/N1, lM/lM1. N and lM are determined by the macroscopic state. N =[(Ecl)/(ħ)], Ecl = 1/22(a2+ b2) , lM= [Lcl}/ħ], and Lcl = ab. Here , Ecl and Lcl respectively denote the mass, the energy and the angular momentum of harmonic oscillator. And the bracket [c] means taking the integer part of the number c, for example [2.78]=2. It is also emphasized that for a definite macro state, there are many NCS corresponding to a macro state; just like the case in statistical physics, many micro dynamical states correspond to a macro thermodynamic state. Thus the transition from quantum representation to classical representation is a coarse-graining process and also an information losing process.
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号: 2011CBA00203)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61275215) 资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2011CBA00203) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61275215).

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    Li X H, Yang Y T 2003 China J. College Phys. 22 10 (in Chinese) [李兴华, 杨亚天 2003 大学物理 22 10]

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-10-04
  • 修回日期:  2014-11-19
  • 刊出日期:  2015-04-05

